Offline Circulation Process

Offline Circulation Process

This documentation describes the process for entering offline circulations in Pika to be used when Sierra experiences downtime.

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Processing Offline Circulations

  1. Browse the appropriate URL for your Marmot server :

    1.  MLN1

      1. https://opac.marmot.org/Circa/OfflineCirculation

    2. MLN2

      1. https://mln2.marmot.org/Circa/OfflineCirculation

  2. Type in the Sierra username and password for the account that is going to be used to checkout items.  This is typically the same username/password combination used for your library’s circulation computers. You will only need to do this once per session.

  3. Scan or type the patron’s barcode.  If you do not have their barcode or the patron does not know it, enter their name and the transaction can be manually processed once the system is back online.

  4. Scan the barcode of the item or items.  Make sure to enter only one item per line by pressing “Enter” after each barcode.

  5. Once all items have been entered, press the "Submit Offline Checkouts" button.

  6. After submitting the form, check the page to ensure that no errors occurred saving the checkout transaction. If errors occur, they are displayed at the top of the screen in red.


The instructions on how to use the Offline Circulation are listed at the bottom of the page in Pika as well.

When the ILS is back online, all transactions will be automatically processed and library staff will be given a list of exceptions that need to be handled manually. You will not be able to check in items until Sierra is back online.

This form does not check that the barcodes that were entered are correct or properly formatted. Those errors will only be detected once the ILS is online and the transactions are processed.

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Offline Holds for Patrons in Pika

If Sierra is down, patrons will still be able to use Pika to place a hold. Patrons will login as they normally do using Pika. If patrons have logged in before, they should not have any problems. If patrons have never logged in before, they will not have access to place a hold, since the system will not be able to validate them.

Patrons will see the message, "The circulation system is currently offline. Access to account information and availability is limited" at the top of the screen in Pika.

Patrons will still be able to place holds while Sierra is offline. Patrons will get the following message after they place a hold:

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