Browse Categories (Creation and Maintenance)

Browse Categories (Creation and Maintenance)

This documentation describes how to create and maintain browse categories in Pika.

Table of Contents

What are Browse Categories?

A browse category is used to group and display titles with the same or similar categories on your library’s Pika homepage e.g. New Books, Popular Fiction, New Movies, etc. A browse category can be created from search results or public user lists.

 Browse categories are located on the homepage of Pika under BROWSE THE CATALOG


  • Click here to see what Pika Admin Roles are needed for this process.

Creating a Browse Category from Search Results

In this example, we are going to use a search for “Martin Luther King Jr. Movies” as a source for a browse category.  Type the search term in the Search for box. The different format categories will be available at the top of the page such as  Books, eBooks, Audiobooks, Music, or Movies.  In this example, we are going to use the Movies format category to narrow the category to just movies.