Record Views in Pika

Record Views in Pika

This documentation details the record view options in the catalog focusing on the difference between the grouped work and record/bib level view.

Table of Contents

Record View Basics

Pika has two different options for record views due to the nature of the underlying element of grouped works. Users can view the grouped work or an individual bibliographic record or metadata record that contributes to the parent grouped work. Each record view option provides different information relative to the record.

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Grouped Work Record View

To access a grouped work detail record view, click on the the title of a record from the search results.

Screenshot of the grouped work view of a record in search results, highlighting the access link for the detail record view

In the grouped work detail record view, you’ll see the aggregated formats of all the contributing bibs from the ILS, the API metadata records from eResources vendors (Overdrive/Libby) and, if applicable, the eContent bibs from sideloaded collections that are included in your library’s search results.

There may be many contributing bibs that are aggregated within a single format category. For example, there might be several editions of the Book format of a single title that are represented by individual bib records in the ILS that are represented in the grouped work under the shared format Book. Clicking on the Show Editions button under any format will open the Editions menu, where you can see the bib or metadata records that contribute to the aggregated format.

Screenshot of the grouped work view of a record, highlighting the show editions table

The contributing bibs and metadata records that display at the grouped work level will vary for individual libraries' interfaces in a consortium setting, relative to the Records Owned and Included configuration for each library.

The grouped work detail record view will display full record view options relative to the options configured for the individual library which typically includes Description, More like this, Also in this series, Subjects, Similar Novelist, and Reviews. For more information about full record view configuration options, please see the Full Record Display documentation

Screenshot of the full record display options in the grouped work view

Grouped Work Staff View

The Staff View at the grouped work level provides detailed information about the grouped work and details the basic metadata about all the bibs and metadata records that contribute to the parent grouped work. Click on Staff View (which is typically the last menu option) to expand the staff view menu.

Screenshot of the full record display options in the grouped work view, highlighting the staff view menu

Grouping Information

The Grouping information section details important information about the grouped work including Grouped Work ID, Last Grouping Update, and Last Indexed information as well as the grouping factors for the given title. For more information about grouping factors, please review the Grouping Overview documentation.

Screenshot of the grouping information in the staff view of a grouped work

Enrichment Information

The Enrichment information section displays the Novelist Primary ISBN and the Review ISBN for the grouped work. Pika uses these two ISBNs to query enrichment providers to populate certain elements in the detail record view.

Screenshot of the enrichment information in the staff view of a grouped work

Solr Fields

The Solr Fields are the codified values for the facets Pika uses for searching. The values in each given Solr field are populated by metadata from the contributing bibs and metadata records.

Screenshot of the solr fields information in the staff view of a grouped work

Solr Details Tables

There are several Solr details tables that provide information about all the items, bibs, and metadata records that contribute to the overarching grouped work. The information in these tables is what Pika references to display the correct values for items and bibs, including availability, ownership, number of copies, shelf location.

Every bib, metadata record, and item record are displayed in these tables in the staff view, regardless of the Records Owned and Included settings for the individual library.

Screenshot of the solr details tables in the staff view of a grouped work highlighting the item details table
Screenshot of the Screenshot of the solr details tables in the staff view of a grouped work highlighting the record details table

Scoping details

The scoping details are specific to the local library interface and reference loan rules and loan rule determiners (for Sierra sites) in order for Pika to display proper availability and holdable holdings for the library interface in question.

The example below displays the difference between the scoping details for the same title at the broader consortium level and for an individual library. Because the consortium interface doesn’t have specific loan rules and doesn’t limit the display of titles based on holdablity or ownership, the information is generic. An individual library will have specific configurations that reference their loan rules, holdability, and ownership, so the scoping details are specific to their data.


Screenshot of the scoping details table in the staff view of a grouped work



Screenshot of the scoping details table for an individual library in the staff view of a grouped work


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Individual Bib/Record View

To access an individual bib expand the editions table of the desired format from either the search results or a grouped work and click on the More Info button or on one of the hyperlinks in the editions table e.g. publication date or physical description.

Screenshot of Screenshot of the grouped work view of a record, highlighting the editions table and the access links to view an individual bib

When looking at an individual bib record there’s more detail information about the individual record at the top of the display. What displays at the bib record level for your individual library’s interface will be relative to the configuration in the Full Record Display section Details to show in the main/top section.

Screenshot of an individual bib record, highlighting the bib level detail information

The bib level detail record view will display full record view options relative to the options configured for the individual library which typically includes Description, More like this, Also in this series, Subjects, Similar Novelist, and Reviews. At the bib level, most libraries also enable the Copies display. For more information about full record view configuration options, please see the Full Record Display documentation.

Screenshot of an individual bib record, highlighting the copies table
Screenshot of the full record display options in the bib level view

Bib Level Staff View

The Staff View at the bib level provides detailed information about the individual bib record, including the underlying MARC record from the ILS or eContent provider for sideloaded records. Click on Staff View (which is typically the last menu option) to expand the staff view menu.

Screenshot of the full record display options in the bib level view highlighting the staff view menu

Grouped Work ID and Go to Grouped Work button

In the staff view at the bib level, you’ll see the grouped work ID for the parent grouped work that the individual bib contributes/belongs to. Use the Go to Grouped Work button to direct to the corresponding parent grouped work that the individual bib belongs to.

Screenshot of the grouped work id information at the bib level view highlighting the grouped work id and go to grouped work button

Every individual record belongs to a corresponding parent grouped work, even when there is a standalone bib with only one item.

Record information

For ILS bib records, the record information includes information about the last time the record was fetched or extracted from the ILS, the last time the record itself was modified in the ILS, and the last time record was grouped to its corresponding parent grouped work.

The Last ILS Extract Time and Last File Modification Time are often not current to today’s date, since records aren’t typically extracted daily unless there are changes made.

Screenshot of the record information for an individual bib in the bib level view

For sideloaded MARC records (e.g. Hoopla, Kanopy, EBSCO eBooks) the Record Information section will only display Last File Modification Time and Last Grouped Work Modification Time, since these records are not extracted from the ILS.

Kanopy Sideloaded Record

Screenshot of the record information for a sideloaded kanopy econtent record


Hoopla Record

Screenshot of the record information for a sideloaded Hoopla econtent record


MARC Record

MARC records for ILS bibs and sideloaded eContent bibs display in the same MARC format, containing information relative to the bib they represent in Pika.

ILS bibs will also contain information for individual items, associated with the respective 9XX field that they are mapped to in the underlying ILS. For example MLN1 item records are stored in the 989 field, so a MARC record for the bib would have 989 fields reflecting the individual items on the bib.

eContent sideloaded records will always have an 856 field where the access link is stored in the 856$u.

Screenshot of a MARC record in an individual record view

The MARC view of an ILS bib record or sideloaded eContent bib in Pika is useful for troubleshooting cataloging issues, but no cataloging fixes can be made from Pika.

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Individual Metadata Record View

Because Overdrive is integrated in Pika via APIs, Overdrive provides API metadata records for Overdrive titles via the APIs rather than traditional MARC records. Pika uses the information from the Overdrive metadata record much like it does with a traditional MARC record, though the metadata record store information in different fields.

To access an individual metadata record expand the editions table of the Overdrive eBook or eAudiobook from either the search results or a grouped work and click on the More Info button or on one of the hyperlinks in the editions table e.g. Source or Pub. date.

Screenshot of the grouped work view of a record, highlighting the overdrive formats and access links for individual metadata record view

When looking at an individual metadata record there’s more detail information about the individual record at the top of the display. What displays at the individual metadata record level for your individual library’s interface will be relative to the configuration in the Full Record Display section Details to show in the main/top section. Notably, Overdrive metatadata records will display the different format options available from Overdrive.


Screenshot of an individual metadata record, highlighting the metadata level detail information for an ebook



Screenshot of an individual metadata record, highlighting the metadata level detail information for an eaudiobook


The metadata record level detail record view will display full record view options relative to the options configured for the individual library which typically includes Description, More like this, Also in this series, Subjects, Similar Novelist, and Reviews. For more information about full record view configuration options, please see the Full Record Display documentation.

At the metadata record level for Overdrive records, the Formats section is displayed. The Formats section includes a link to a support form where library users can submit issues to your library at a provided address. For more information about the Overdrive Support Form, please review the Overdrive configuration documentation.

Screenshot of the formats table in a overdrive metadata record highlighting the formats and overdrive support form link
Screenshot of the full record display options in the metadata record view

Metadata record Staff View

The Staff View at the metadata record level provides detailed information about the metadata record, including the underlying API metadata record from Overdrive. Click on Staff View (which is typically the last menu option) to expand the staff view menu.

Screenshot of the full record display options in the metadata record view highlighting the staff view menu

Grouped Work ID and Go to Grouped Work button

In the staff view at the metadata record level, you’ll see the grouped work ID for the parent grouped work that the individual bib contributes/belongs to. Use the Go to Grouped Work button to direct to the corresponding parent grouped work that the individual bib belongs to.

Screenshot of the grouped work id information at the metadata record level view highlighting the grouped work id and go to grouped work button

Every individual record belongs to a corresponding parent grouped work, even when there is a standalone bib with only one item.

Record information

Metadata records will have a suite of information relative to information fetched and delivered by the API for the record. Cataloging/metadata and availability checks and changes are helpful when troubleshooting issues with Overdrive titles in Pika.

Screenshot of the metadata level view record information highlighting the metadata and availability check and changes information

Overdrive Product Record

The Overdrive Product Record contains basic information about the title as it exists in Overdrive’s underlying database. The id field is relative to Overdrive’s product ID for the title in their database and is useful to reference when troubleshooting.

Screenshot of the overdrive production information in the metadata record

Overdrive Metadata Record

The Overdrive Metadata Record has similar components that you might expect out of a MARC record, but because this is a metadata record, the information is categorized differently than MARC format. Pika uses the categorized data for mapping so the record displays properly in Pika, including format and facet logic, so the Overdrive title is returned in relevant searching. Some helpful fields to reference if you’re troubleshooting are subjects, creators, and languages.

Screenshot of the overdrive metadata information in the metadata record view


Screenshot of the overdrive metadata information highlighting the creators information



Screenshot of the overdrive metadata information highlighting the languages and subject information


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