Full Record Display

Configuration options for the Full Record Display section of the Library System.

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Full Record Display Configuration

Go to Pika Configuration and Library Systems from the left sidebar.  

Screenshot of the library systems option in the pika configuration menu

Click the Library Id number, or the Edit link to gain access to the Library System page.

Screenshot of the library systems table highlighting the access links

Click on the Full Record Display tab.   

Show Email This

The Show Email This option allows a user to email title information (the call number, title and a link to the title).  These links are available under SHARE located at the bottom of record.

If the user clicks on the the envelope icon, a pop-up form will display and the user can send a basic message along with the title information.

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Show Sharing to External Site

The Show Sharing To External Sites option enables sharing title details to three social media sites: Twitter/X, Facebook, and Pinterest. Enabling this option includes all three sites, they cannot be enabled independently of one another.


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Show Tagging

If the Show Tagging option is enabled, user supplied tags will display in a separate section/tab in the full record display.


Marmot staff don’t recommend using this setting. Public user lists offer similar functionality and have more robust features.

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856 Links as Tab

If the Show 856 Links as Tab option is enabled, any links that are listed in a MARC 856 field for physical items will display in a separate section or tab in the full record display.


If a record for a physical item has MARC 856 fields and the Show 856 Links as Tab option is disabled, the links will display in the Copies section. 

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Show Check-in Grid

The Show Check-in Grid option is only available for libraries using Sierra that have the serials module enabled.  If this option is enabled, serial records that have a Check-In Grid in Sierra will display a Show Check-In Grid button in the copies section. The Check-In Grid will open in a popup window when the Show Check-In Grid button is clicked.




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Show Staff View

The Show Staff View option enables the display of staff options and detailed record information at both the grouped work and individual record level.

Grouped Work staff view

Record level staff view


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Show QR Code

The Show QR Code option generates and displays a QR code that links to the given title record in the catalog. The generated QR code displays in the Staff View.



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Show Library of Congress Subjects

The Show Library of Congress Subjects option will display LC Subject Headings in the Subjects tab in the record view.


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Show Bisac Subjects

The Show Bisac Subjects option will display standard BISAC subject headings that categorize books based on topical content in the Subjects tab in the record view.


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Show OCLC Fast Subjects

The Show OCLC Fast Subjects option displays adapted LC Subject Headings in the Subjects tab in the record view.

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Show Other Subjects

The Show Other Subjects option displays other subject headings that are entered in the MARC, such as local subject headings as entered in 690 fields in the Subjects tab in the record view.

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Details to show in main/top details section

The Which details to show in the main/top details section options controls the detailed information that displays in the main or top details section at the top of the full record view. 

If any of the options in this section are toggled off, they will be hidden from the Main/top details section.  The information will be available in the More Details tab. 

This configuration applies to individual records. Grouped work display options are set in the Optional Record Details section of the Searching configuration.


Main/Top Details section



More Details tab



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Full Record Options

The Full Record Options table enables libraries to customize the options or tabs available in the full record display. 

If the Full Record Options are not enabled by the library, then the Full Record Display options will follow a system-wide default. 

You can Sort each Source by dragging and dropping the option using the arrows on the left.  The Collapse By Default option will collapse the designated option by default. Use the red x in the Actions column to delete an option.

Here is an example of an item that has the Description, Also in this Series, and Copies expanded on default.  All other full record options are set to Collapse By Default.

Expanded on default


Collapsed by default


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Reset More Details to Default

The Reset More Details To Default  button will remove any existing settings in the Full Record Display and populate it with the default settings.

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Full Record Display Options and fields/source referenced


MARC fields or Source referenced

Grouped work or bib/individual record level

Other notes


MARC fields or Source referenced

Grouped work or bib/individual record level

Other notes

Magazine Issues

Overdrive API

Both, only for Overdrive Magazines



MARC 520 and enrichment provider

  • Enrichment provider at grouped work level

  • MARC 520 at bib level

Prefers descriptions from enrichment provider if option is toggled on in

Also in this series









MARC item records

Bib record


More like this




Other editions and formats

Grouped work for the same title

Bib record

Other editions and formats displays the same table from the parent grouped work that displays


Connected INN-Reach system


Search results for the same title in the connected INN-Reach system, directs user to the external system if clicked


MARC 856$u $y

Bib record


Table of contents

Enrichment provider




Enrichment provider



Author notes

Enrichment provider




6XX subject fields


  • If other subject options are enabled in the Full Record Display options, these will be displayed in the subjects menu under the appropriate headings.

  • Bib record level will separate by headings if applied

More details

MARC 008, 020, 024, 5XX fields



Similar series from Novelist



Requires a subscription to Novelist at the global site level.

Similar titles from Novelist



Requires a subscription to Novelist at the global site level.

Similar authors from Novelist



Requires a subscription to Novelist at the global site level.

Borrower reviews

Pika reviews database


Library has to have option toggled on to display and allow user reviews

Librarian reviews

Pika librarian reviews database


To display at bib level, the librarian review has to be tied to the individual bib.

Syndicated reviews

Enrichment provider



Goodreads reviews



Requires Goodreads option to be enabled


Pika tags database


Requires Tag option to be enabled





Overdrive copy details

Overdrive API

Bib/record level


Staff view

  • Grouped work

  • Full MARC record from ILS, API metadata record, or sideloaded MARC


  • Staff view at grouped work level displays data about the parent grouped work

  • Staff view at the bib/record level displays the MARC record for the bib or eContent record

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