Records Owned and Included

Records Owned and Included

Configuration options for the Records Owned and Records Included sections of the Library System and Location.

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Records Owned and Included Configuration

Go to Pika Configuration and Library Systems from the left sidebar.  

Click the Library Id number, or the Edit link to gain access to the Library Systems page.

Records Owned table is located towards the bottom of the page.  These are records that are owned by your library. 

Records To Include table is located under Records Owned table. This allows you to show your patrons other items that are not owned by your library, but are holdable from another library.  This table is also where you set eContent holdings to include e.g. sideloads.

Marmot recommends that the settings for these tables are handled by Marmot staff with input from your library since the Records Owned and Records to Include tables are both impacted by indexing processes. It’s unlikely that you’ll need to make changes to these after initial configuration.

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Library System Level

At the Library Systems level, Records Owned and Records to Include apply to all of the library branches that belong to that library system.

Here is an example of the Location using the Library Systems under Records Owned for Garfield County.

In this example, the Indexing Profile Id and Location are stating that this library owns anything that has an “ep” location, or begins with “ep.” This is scoping to all the items for that library.  The location for records owned can be a regular expression and will match the start of the string.  

The same library also wants to see any other location that has items that are holdable for their patrons. This is done using a .* for the Location.  The .* is a regular expression that means match any location code.  The second line includes a list of specific locations to match.  Each location code is separated by a | (pipe) symbol.

Here the library is using the Include Items on Order.  This allows patrons to see order records for items that have been purchased but have not been delivered yet, so they can place a hold on the record.

Here the example library is using the Include eContent Items option. This library includes sideloaded eContent from several sources such as Kanopy, Bookflix, and Hoopla.

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Library Location Level

At the Location level, you will still see the Records Owned and Records To Include.  This allows for local scoping rules to only show items owned a specific branch.  This is also what drives the It’s Here functionality.  

Here is an example of the Location of a library branch using the Location under Records Owned for Garfield County.

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Include Library Records to Include

At the Location level, there is an option for branches to inherit the Records to Include settings of the parent library.  Instead of going into each location to replicate all the “Records to Include” for all the books or sideloads, you can toggle on the Include Library Records to Include which will duplicate anything you have set for the library system that the location belongs to. This is a time saving option for multiple branch libraries, schools, and consortia.


Go to Pika Configuration and Locations.

Click on the Location Id or Edit for the Location.

Go to the bottom of the page and look for the Records To Include.  Click on the box next to Include Library Records To Include.  

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