Author Enrichments
This document describes how to disable or correct incorrect Wikipedia information from author search results pages in Pika.
Table of Contents
Wikipedia Content in Pika
Pika can display Wikipedia content for authors in author search results pages when the setting is enabled in the configuration. There are times when the linked Wikipedia article for the author is incorrect or irrelevant and needs to be either corrected or disabled/hidden.
Users with the ‘Cataloging’ permission in Pika can access the Author Enrichment option under Cataloging.
You can Hide Wikipedia Information as well as changing the Wikipedia URL. This gives you control over which Wikipedia article you are using.
When you search for the author you will see the link for the author on the record. In this example, we’ll use the author Jane Porter.
The exact author information is needed when specifying the Wikipedia information. You can get this information from the search results, or the full record display (Porter, Jane, 1964 - ). You would copy and paste this information into the Wikipedia form. If there are three or more variations, you may need to enter the correct information a few times or edit the MARC record.
Clicking on the author link will return search results for that author and the corresponding Wikipedia article. You should verify that information is correct.
Adding a new Author Enrichment
Click on the Add New AuthorEnrichment button.
Copy and paste the exact information from either the search results or the full record display (Porter, Jane, 1964 - ) in the Author Name (100ad). Copy and paste the Wikipedia URL. You can click the Hide Wikipedia Information to prevent it from showing up in the search results in Pika. Click Save Changes and Return.
Editing an existing Author Enrichment
Click on Edit for any entry you want to change.
This will bring up the information. You can change the Author Name or Wikipedia URL.
Related Documentation
Detailed Pika Administrator Roles (Marmot Knowledge Base)
NoveList Information (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Masquerade Mode (Marmot Knowledge Base)
HTML Text Editor (Marmot Knowledge Base)
MLN1 Export Fields (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Reporting Incorrect Cover Art or Descriptions in Pika (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Records Not to Merge/Manual Ungrouping (Marmot Knowledge Base)
New York Times Bestsellers Lists (Marmot Knowledge Base)
UTF-8 Encoding for Sierra Export Profile for Pika (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Preferred Author Grouping (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Preferred Grouping Titles (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Creating Special Collections (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Transferring User Lists (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Offline Circulation Process (Marmot Knowledge Base)