INN-Reach Integration and Configuration
This document describes how to enable INN-Reach functionality in Pika and the different display options for INN-Reach holdings.
Table of Contents
INN-Reach and Pika basics
Pika has integration with the Sierra ‘INN-Reach’ product, which is an ILL service that allows users to request items from libraries outside their library system that participate in a lending agreement. Enabling the INN-Reach options in Pika must coincide with an agreement with the outside lending service that uses an INN-Reach catalog of materials. There are several options associated with the INN-Reach functionality that will prompt different displays of INN-Reach titles in Pika.
Configuring INN-Reach in your Pika site
From the Pika Configuration menu, click Library System Settings, open your library by clicking either edit or your library ID number.
Open the Interlibrary Loaning section.
Open the menu for III INN-Reach & Encore.
Depending on the name of the INN-Reach service your library uses, you will see the name of that service in the menu title and the menu options rather than INN-Reach e.g. Prospector (III INN-Reach & Encore).
The Enable INN-Reach Integration option must be enabled to utilize the additional INN-Reach options in Pika.
If the Enable INN-Reach Integration option is enabled, the logo for the corresponding INN-Reach system and a button linked to the corresponding INN-reach Encore catalog will always display at the end of search results.
INN-Reach Search and Display options
Repeat in INN-Reach Option
When this option is enabled the user will have an option in the search bar to search their term in the INN-Reach catalog. If a user chooses the INN-Reach search option, they will be directed to the search results for their search term in the respective INN-Reach catalog.
Show INN-Reach Results at the End of Search Option
When this option is enabled the user will see INN-Reach results that meet their search criteria at the bottom of the search results page. When a user clicks on the INN-Reach search result, they will be directed out to the corresponding record in the respective INN-Reach catalog. There is also a button to see full search results in the respective INN-Reach catalog.
The logo and the name of the INN-reach catalog will reflect the local library’s INN-Reach service at the end of the search results display.
INN-Reach display in Full Record View for Grouped Works and Individual Bibs
If the Enable INN-Reach option is enabled, the full record view for grouped works and individual bib records will display the More Copies in INN-Reach section. If the title is included in the INN-Reach catalog, users will see links to the corresponding title in the respective INN-Reach catalog.
The More Copies in INN-Reach option can be disabled in the library system settings for Full Record Display if desired, but will default to being enabled. The option in the Full Record Display section will borrow the display name for the corresponding INN-Reach system.
Individual Bib
When viewing an individual bib record, the More Copies in INN-Reach section will display the same title and format in the INN-Reach catalog.
Grouped Work
When viewing a grouped work, the More Copies in INN-Reach section will display all the formats that the respective INN-Reach catalog has for the given title -- this may include electronic materials.
Related Documentation
Detailed Pika Administrator Roles (Marmot Knowledge Base)
NoveList Information (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Masquerade Mode (Marmot Knowledge Base)
HTML Text Editor (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Enable Pika Offline Mode (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Pika Translation Maps (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Student Reports (Pika) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Reporting Incorrect Cover Art or Descriptions in Pika (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Records Not to Merge/Manual Ungrouping (Marmot Knowledge Base)
New York Times Bestsellers Lists (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Pika Indexing Profiles (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Sidebar and Header Links (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Holidays (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Records Owned and Included (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Library Location Configuration (Marmot Knowledge Base)