Library Location Configuration
Basic configuration for Library Locations in Pika.
Table of Contents
- 1 Library Location Configuration Options
- 1.1 Catalog URL
- 1.2 Code
- 1.3 Sub Location Code
- 1.4 Display Name
- 1.5 Show Display Name in Header
- 1.6 Library
- 1.7 Is Main Branch
- 1.8 Show in Locations and Hours List
- 1.9 Address and Phone number
- 1.10 Nearby Locations
- 1.11 Automatic Timeout Lengths
- 1.12 Basic Display
- 1.12.1 Home Link
- 1.12.2 Additional CSS
- 1.12.3 Header Text
- 1.13 ILS/Account Integration
- 1.14 Searching
- 1.14.1 Search Box
- 1.14.2 Search Facets
- 1.14.3 Facets
- 1.14.4 Combined Results
- 1.15 Catalog Enrichment
- 1.16 Full Record Display
- 1.17 Browse Categories
- 1.18 OverDrive
- 1.19 Hoopla
- 1.20 Hours
- 1.21 Records Owned and Included
- 1.21.1 Records Owned
- 1.21.2 Records to Include
- 1.21.3 Include Library Records to Include
- 2 Related Documentation
Library Location Configuration Options
Library Locations in Pika are setup fairly similarly to the Library System, though there are some special considerations.
Locations configuration options will override what is set at the Library System level in some cases.
Configuration options at the Location level will display for patrons and staff when they are visiting the location’s Pika instance from a known network or a URL specific to that Location.
The Locations table is where we define the individual locations for a library. Go to Pika Configurations, and Locations.
Click Edit to access the Locations page for your library.
Catalog URL
The Catalog URL controls which website goes to which library. The Catalog URL does not need to be set at the Location level, but when it is set, patrons can access that specific Location’s Pika instance by unique URL. Contact Marmot to implement this for your location, since it requires a unique DNS entry and has some other considerations.
Only OPAC administrators will be able to set the Catalog URL. The Set Catalog URL button will be at the top of the page for users with the OPAC administrator permissions.
Here is an example of how the Catalog URL is used.
Code is the codified value from the ILS associated with a library branch. If this branch is a valid pick up location, this code will need to correspond to the code used to set this as the pick up location when placing a hold. This code is also used as the name of the location’s search scope within Pika.
Sub Location Code
Sub Location Code is only used for ILSs that split location and sub location into two fields, i.e. Koha.
Display Name
The Display Name shows up in the breadcrumbs as well as the browser tab.
The Display Name can be changed. This change will show up in the breadcrumbs. This will not change unless your branch is changing its name.
Show Display Name in Header
Clicking on the Show Display Name in Header will put the Display Name in the header when the user accesses the catalog for the location/branch.
Library has a dropdown list to pick the Library System that the Location belongs to. Under most circumstances, the only option you’ll have for Library is the Library System that your staff account belongs to.
Is Main Branch
Is Main Branch is to show the main branch for your library. If this option is toggled on the Main Branch library will always be the first option in the Locations and Hours list, while all other branches are listed alphabetically by Display Name.
Show in Locations and Hours List
If the Show in Locations And Hour List is checked, the information will show up in both the Union Catalog and your interface.
Address and Phone number
Address is where you would enter your library’s physical address. The address is used to populate the Google Maps widget in the Library Hours and Locations popup. Phone Number is where you enter your library location’s main phone number for display in the Library Hours and Locations popup.
Nearby Locations
Nearby Location 1 is for any library that is near your library, that you want your patrons to see the information.
Nearby Location 2 is for another library that is near your library, that you want your patrons to see the information.
If Nearby Locations are set for a location, patrons will see those nearby locations at the top of the hold pickup options while the other locations that are not set as Nearby Locations will display alphabetically.
Marmot recommends that Nearby Locations should only be locations/branches in your Library System.
Automatic Timeout Lengths
The Automatic Timeout Length (logged in) is the amount of time a patron who is logged in will be allowed to not move the mouse on the screen, before they are automatically logged out. The time is listed in seconds.
The Automatic Timeout Length (logged out) is the amount of time the computer will take to return to the homepage, after a patron has logged out. The time is listed in seconds.
Automatic Timeout Length works in conjunction with OPAC Modes.
Basic Display
Click on the link for Basic Display.
Home Link
The Home Link is used to control where your library home link is on the site. It can be displayed in a couple of different areas. Where you want to display the Home Link really depends on your workflow. It also depends on what you consider your main website, and how you want your patrons to access the catalog.
Below are examples of one place the Home Link can be displayed for your library. It is displayed under the LIBRARY HOME PAGE.
If you set the Home Link for your Location, the Library Home Page button will direct your patrons to that address when they’re viewing your location’s page rather than the Home Link set in the Library System.
Additional CSS
Additional CSS is where additional display changes can be applied to the Location’s Pika instance. You can customize colors, font size, borders, etc. If you want to make basic changes like color, we prefer that you reach out to Marmot so the display settings live with your library’s base theme.
When applying Additional CSS at the Location level, those CSS will only display for that specific location rather than the whole Library System.
Here is an example of Additional CSS that a library is using.
Header Text
The Header Text allows you to insert customized text that will show up in the header as well. The text can be styled to make some basic changes. This will show up in desktop and tablet views only.
When Header Text is applied at the Location level, it will only display for that specific location rather than the whole Library System.
Here is an example of how the basic Header Text will be displayed on a website.
ILS/Account Integration
The ILS/Account Integration is typically something that Marmot will configure for you. It is typically something that does not change once it is configured.
Sierra Scope is assigned by Innovative and is specific to Innovative ILS products. The Scope does not change. This is the value for the scope in the Classic OPAC/WebPAC. The Sierra Scope is used when Pika interacts with the classic OPAC.
The Sierra Scope only needs to be set at the Location level if the specific location has its own Sierra Scope that is different from the parent Library System.
The Default P-Type is used when someone is not logged into Pika. Pika will assume they are the P-Type that is listed under the Default P-Type.
Valid Hold Pickup Branch? has a drop down menu to pick to valid for all patrons, valid for patrons of this branch only, or not valid.
The Show Hold Button will allow holds from anywhere in the record.
Click on the Searching tab.
Restrict Search By Location will only show your library’s items. This is being replaced by some of the functionality from Records Owned & Records To Include located towards the bottom of the page.
Public Lists to Include controls what public lists will show up within the search results. This way libraries do not have to worry about having lots of lists that are not specific to their library, or created by their library staff and patrons. The drop down menu has many choices.
The Boost By Location gives a small boost to things that you own.
Typically, a boost of 1 or 2 is fine. You do not want people to get irrelevant results, just because you own the item.
Search Box
Click on the Search Box to see options to configure your search box for your Location.
The Other Libraries or Locations to Repeat In can be configured at the Location level.
This is an example of Mesa Valley School District Broadway Elementary using the Other Libraries or Locations to Repeat In option to repeat searches in other library locations. A patron would first search Broadway Elementary’s collections, then have options to search all Mesa Valley Elementary Schools, all Mesa Valley Schools, and Mesa County Public Library.
The Repeat Search Options (requires Restrict Search By Location to be ON) has a drop down menu for options. When a library location uses the Repeat Search Options their patrons would be searching their local library first. The next search might be another branch, or other schools, or a local library. If you are scoped to not see all titles by default, the repeat search in Consortium will allow you to see all titles. This controls what information is shown for the drop down located under the vertical search box, or under the library’s name on the horizontal search box.
Repeat in Online Collection, Prospector, and WorldCat are used for the dropdown under the search box. Unchecking any of these will remove the search from the dropdown menu.
Search Facets
All facets configuration options for the Location are located in this tab
When the SuperScope Toggle Label, Local Collection Toggle Label and Available Toggle Label are filled out, that information is put in the toggle button at the top of the screen. The Available Online Toggle Label is an optional feature that is disabled by default. When patrons click on the Label, they will get all the eBooks and eAudiobooks that are currently available. For the Available Online Toggle to be completely correct it will need overnight indexing, but the continuous index will update records. The text can be customized to whatever makes sense for you. If you remove any of the text for one of these labels, that box will go away. You can also add a special value of {display name} to the Local Collection Toggle that will automatically use the library/location display name. This can be a time saver for libraries with lots of branches.
Here are a few examples of libraries using the SuperScope Toggle Label and Available Toggle Label.
Here is an example of a library using SuperScope Toggle Label, Local Collection Toggle Label, and Available Toggle Label.
Base Availability Toggle on Local Holdings Only reflects what is actually owned by the Library System, or available anywhere in the Library System. This is scoped to just our individual location. When checked, you will only see the local collection for that Location. This needs to index overnight to see the change.
If you uncheck Include Online Materials in Available Toggle materials in the Available Toggle Label will not show items the physical items that are available now. This needs to index overnight to see the change.
The Facet Label is for any items owned by a library Location. It is the label that will display in the Owning Branch facet.
Here is an example of how the Owning Branch is displayed.
Include All Library Branches in Facets. If this option is checked, then when searching an individual location, all other branches within that system will be included in the Owning Branch, Available At, Collection and Detailed Location facets. This gives libraries the ability to see all the other locations that an item is available, when doing a search. Schools may want to turn this feature off to ensure they are searching for holdings for their location only.
Additional Locations to Include in Available at Facets allows you to include all items from all locations, but have people just see all of your branches, plus a few branches that are near your library within the owning location and available at facets.
The Include All Records In Shelving Facets. This will be turned on the Union Catalogs. Individual libraries are welcome to turn these on. Items will show up in Added in the Last & Shelf Location facets.
The Include All Records in Date Added Facets allows you to see the Date Added based on whoever first purchases a title (not just titles you own). For libraries that are unscoped, this allows your patrons to place holds on items from anywhere in the consortium sooner.
The Include On Order Records in All Date Added Facet Values this allows patrons to see order records for items that have been purchased, so they can place a hold on the record.
The Facets configuration options at the Location level are similar to those at the Library System level. Setting unique settings at the Location level will override settings at the Library System level for that specific location.
The Facets are located towards the bottom of the page. The facets are controlled by each library. Here is a document that explains all the Available Facets. Facets set at the Location level will override any Facets set at the Library System level for that Location. If Facets are not set at the Location level, then the Facets set at the Library System level will be the default.
The Copy Facets Settings from Location will bring up a box to choose the library location you would like to copy facets.
The Select Location to Copy From drop-down menu box will appear. Find the location with the facets you want to copy. Click the Copy button.
When you click on the Reset Facets To Default button, all your facets will be removed and a default set will be in their place.
Combined Results
The Combined Results configuration options at the Location level are similar to those at the Library System level. Setting unique settings at the Location level will override settings at the Library System level for that specific location.
Combined Results is a search interface that shows search results for multiple sources next to each other. The sources include Pika, EBSCO Discovery Service, Pika Digital Archive, Prospector, and the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA).
Use Library Settings only applies to the Combined Results search. It will use the settings from the Library System at the location level.
The Enable Combined Results is used to enable the feature.
The Combined Results Label will display as the search source in the search results box.
Checking the Default To Combined Results will make sure the search results default to the Combined Results.
Catalog Enrichment
The Catalog Enrichment options at the Location level are similar to those at the Library System level, but more limited. Setting unique settings at the Location level will override settings at the Library System level for that specific location.
Click on the Catalog Enrichment tab.
Show Standard Reviews are reviews either from Syndetics or Content Café. These reviews include Publisher's Weekly, Booklist Review, and other sources. Standard reviews display under the heading ‘Published Reviews’ in the detail record view.
Show GoodReads Reviews can be turned on or off. If your library uses GoodReads, this might be a good option to toggle on. GoodReads reviews display under the heading Reviews from GoodReads in the detail record view.
Enable User Lists is used to allow patrons to create their own list. This might be turned off at a Location level if you do not want users to see the User List option for a specific branch.
Full Record Display
The Full Record Display options at the Location level are similar to those at the Library System level, but more limited. Setting unique settings at the Location level will override settings at the Library System level for that specific location.
Click on the Full Record Display tab. This is the information that will show up in the Full Record Display at the Location level.
The Show Email This will allow emailing the call number, title and a link to the title to a person’s email account. These links are available under SHARE located at the bottom of record.
The Show Sharing To External Sites is grouping Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook. Unchecking this unchecks it for everybody. If unchecked, you will not be able to share to any of those three sites.
Enable User Reviews are borrower’s reviews. These can be enabled independently from the ratings.
Show QR Code links back to the catalog. This feature can be turned off. It will show up under Staff View. These can be printed out for patrons to scan to direct them to the catalog.
Show Staff View can be disabled, if you do not want to see it. The Staff View is located at the bottom of the page for each item.
The Full Record Options table at the Location level is configured the same way as it is at the Library System level. Any settings to the Full Record Options at the Location level will override settings from the Library System level for that specific location.
The Copy Full Record Display from Location button will bring up a box to choose the library location you would like to copy the Full Record Display options from.
The Select Location to Copy From drop-down menu box will appear. Find the location with the Full Record Display options you want to copy. Click the Copy button.
When you click on the Reset Full Record Display to Default button, any chosen Full Record Display options will be removed and a default set will be in their place.
Browse Categories
The Browse Categories options at the Location level are similar to those at the Library System. Setting unique settings at the Location level will override settings at the Library System level for that specific location.
Click on the Browse Categories tab. You can set unique browse categories for specific location that will override the browse categories set at the Library System level.
Clicking the Copy Browse Categories from Location button brings up a box to search for locations to copy browse categories.
The Select Location to Copy From drop-down menu box will appear. Find the location with the browse categories you want to copy and click the Copy button.
Click on the OverDrive tab.
Enable Overdrive Collection is turned on, if the Location has access to OverDrive.
The Include Adult, Teen and Kids Titles allows people to turn on or off subsets of the collection at the Location level. This is mainly used by schools to remove adult oriented titles for certain school branches e.g. elementary schools versus high schools. The academics could also use it to remove children's titles.
Repeat in Overdrive option allows patrons to repeat a search in your library’s OverDrive site. This displays as a search source option and will direct out to the search results for the search term in your library’s OverDrive site. This is the main OverDrive site collections for your library.
Note: The Repeat in Overdrive does not need to be toggled on in order to see the subcollections from the Repeat In Alternate Overdrive Libraries section.
Repeat In Alternate Overdrive Libraries
The Repeat in Alternate Overdrive Libraries options at the Location level are similar to those at the Library System. Setting unique settings at the Location level will override settings at the Library System level for that specific location.
Repeat In Alternate Overdrive Libraries is a list of the alternative OverDrive library codes from the OverDrive URL that you would like to repeat search. Each subcollection option in the list will need to be separated by pipes ( | ). The collections will display in the order they are listed.
In order to find the collection that can be added to the Repeat In Alternative Overdrive Libraries, you will need to go to the OverDrive site for your library. Each collection will have the URL structure of <your OverDrive site address/library/collection name> e.g. .
You would add the collection name listed in the Repeat In Alternative Overdrive Libraries section.
The Hoopla Settings options at the Location level are similar to those at the Library System. Setting unique settings at the Location level will override settings at the Library System level for that specific location.
Hoopla records will need to be configured by Marmot and Hoopla in order for them to display in Pika.
If there are no Hoopla Settings at the Location level, the location will inherit the Hoopla Settings from the parent Library System settings. If you want a location that has different settings from the parent Library System, you can add those settings at the Location level.
Clicking on the Copy Library Hoopla Settings will take the settings from the parent library, and populated it into the location’s Hoopla Settings. Changes can be made to the imported settings.
The Clear Hoopla Settings will clear any current settings. Click on the red circle under Actions to remove individual Hoopla Formats.
Hours can be added by clicking the Add New button.
You need to define each day. You can pick the days from the Day of Week dropdown menu. As well as the Opening Hour and Closing Hour from the dropdown menus. The hours are listed in military time. You can use the Closed check box on the days your library will be closed during the week.
When you click on the Copy Hours from Location button a box will appear with a list of locations to copy hours.
The Select Location to Copy From drop-down menu box will have a list of locations. Find the location hours you want to copy and click the Copy button.
Records Owned and Included
The Records Owned and Included configurations at the Location level are similar to those at the Library System. Setting unique settings at the Location level will override settings at the Library System level for that specific location.
At the Location level, you will still see the Records Owned and Records To Include. This allows for local scoping rules to only show items owned a specific branch. This is also what drives the It’s Here functionality.
Records Owned
Records Owned is located towards the bottom of the page. These are records that are owned by the library Location.
Here is an example of the Location of a library branch using the Locations under Records Owned for Garfield County.
Records to Include
Records To Include is located under Records Owned. This allows you to show your patrons other items that are not owned by your library, but are holdable from another library. This includes e-content items as well.
The Copy Included Records from Locations is used to copy any records to include from one location to another. If you want the Records to Include added to your system, you must check the box Include Library Records to Include.
When the Copy Included Records from Locations button will bring up a list of locations to copy.
The Select Location to Copy From drop-down box will appear with the locations. Find the location you want to copy the Records to Include. Click the Copy button.
Include Library Records to Include
At the Location level, there is an option for branches to inherit the Records to Include settings of the parent library. Instead of going into each location to replicate all the “Records to Include” for all the books or sideloads, you can toggle on the Include Library Records to Include which will duplicate anything you have set for the library system that the location belongs to. This is a time saving option for multiple branch libraries, schools, and consortia.
Related Documentation
Sidebar and Header Links (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Holidays (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Records Owned and Included (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Library Location Configuration (Marmot Knowledge Base)
DPLA (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Local Content Archives (Marmot Knowledge Base)
CAS Single Sign On (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Hoopla (Marmot Knowledge Base)
OverDrive (Marmot Knowledge Base)
WorldCat (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Materials Request (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Holdings Summary (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Full Record Display (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Catalog Enrichment (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Combined Results/Bento Box (Marmot Knowledge Base)