Form Facets
This documentation describes the Form facets that are available in Pika. Notes for each facet include the data points referenced.
Detail information about Form and Literary Form facets
The Form and Literary Form facets represent the same underlying data; Literary Form references more specific values and Form references more general categories determined by the specific values.
We typically recommend that libraries change the display name for either of these facets to something such as “Fiction/Nonfiction” or “Fiction/Nonfiction/More” so the facet makes more sense for patrons.
Form (Unscoped)
MARC leader position 6 (type of record), value a or t
MARC leader position 7 (bib level) value a, c, d, or m
MARC 006 Fixed-Length Data Element (only referenced when MARC leader positions 6/7 criteria are met)
Position 16 - Literary Form
MARC 008 Fixed-Length Data Element (only referenced when MARC leader positions 6/7 criteria are met)
Position 33 - Literary Form
MARC 650 Subject Added Entry
Position v - Form Subdivision - Topical Term
MARC 651 Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name
Position v - Form Subdivision
MARC 655 Index Term-Genre/Form
Position a - Genre/form data or focus item contains subject phrases that begin with “instructional film” or educational film”
When MARC leader criteria or 65X Subject data points aren’t met or found, then the value Unknown will be the Form designation.
Form Translation Map
0 = Non Fiction
1 = Fiction
D = Fiction
E = Non Fiction
F = Fiction
H = Fiction
I = Non Fiction
J = Fiction
M = Fiction
P = Fiction
S = Non Fiction
U = Unknown
Unknown = Unknown
*= Not Coded
The Form of the title (fiction, non-fiction, or unknown) references MARC leader positions 6 & 7 and MARC 006 & 008.
The Form of the title is also based on the subject subfields of MARC 650 position v (form subdivision). The subject subfield of MARC 651 position v (form subdivision). The case-insensitive subject subfield of MARC 655 position a (genre/form data or focus item) that contains subject phrases that begin with “instructional film” or educational film” for the form value of Nonfiction.