Reading Level Facets

Reading Level Facets

This documentation details reading level facets in Pika.

Table of Contents


Accelerated Reader Facets

Accelerated Reader Interest Level (Unscoped)

The expected interest level for the title. See Accelerated Reader Bookfinder. Reading level data is loaded directly from Renaissance Learning export based on ISBN. Not every record in the catalog will have an accelerated reader interest level. This interest level is only populated for grouped works that have a matching ISBN.

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Accelerated Reader Reading Level (Unscoped)

The expected reading level for the title is based on the difficulty of the material. See Accelerated Reader Bookfinder. Reading level data is loaded directly from Renaissance Learning export based on ISBN. The values can be fractional for example a 1.2 rather than just 1 or 2. The range is 0.0 to approximately 15.0. Not every record in the catalog will have an accelerated reader reading level. This reading level is only populated for group works that have a matching ISBN.

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Accelerated Reader Point Value  (Unscoped)

The number of points that a student can earn by passing a test on the title. See Accelerated Reader Bookfinder. Reading level data is loaded directly from Renaissance Learning export based on ISBN. In Accelerated Reader, points are computed based on the readability level and the number of words in a book. The reader point value range is 0.0 to approximately 120. Not every record in the catalog will have an accelerated reader point value. This point value is only populated for group works that have a matching ISBN.

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Fountas & Pinnell (Unscoped)

This is a system of reading levels. Fountas & Pinnell’s information must be in the MARC records, usually MARC field 521a, and the rating information must begin with the phrase: "Guided reading level:"

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Lexile Facets

Lexile Code (Unscoped)

The Lexile code of the title is based on ISBN using a quarterly download of all Lexile data from the Lexile website. For more information on the meaning of specific codes see: About Lexile Codes. The Lexile code is only populated for group works that match the ISBN.

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Lexile Score (Unscoped)

The Lexile score of the title is based on ISBN using a download of all Lexile data from the Lexile website. For more information about Lexile scores see Understanding Lexile Measures. The Lexile score will only be for grouped works that match the ISBN.

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