Audience Facets

Audience Facets

The following documentation explains how each record populates the Audience facets.


Table of Contents


The translations for Target Audience and Reading Level can be different for some libraries, especially the unknown values. Some sites use unique mapping for audience based on other data points e.g. shelving location.

The mapping described below is the default for Audience and does not detail unique settings for individual sites that don’t follow the default.

Audience Facet Translation Mapping

A = Juvenile
B = Juvenile
C = Juvenile
D = Young Adult
E = Adult

F = Special
G = General
J = Juvenile
Juvenile = Juvenile
Adult = Adult

Easy = Juvenile
YA = Young Adult
Unknown = Unknown
| = Unknown
* = Adult

The translations can be different for some Pika sites, especially the unknown values. Also, some libraries will use children instead of juvenile, and teen instead of young adult. The display values are translated for those libraries.

For the Audience, we first will look for MARC 006 for position 05 (target audience). This will be for books, music, computer files, and visual materials. Second, we will look for the MARC 008 for position 22 (target audience). Here is more about the audience facet. For the Audience we will look at the MARC Leader 006 will first look at the characters 6 (Rec Type) & 7 (Bib Level) for books, music, computer files, and visual materials.

The MARC 008 will have the Audience field.



The MARC 008 audience field will have choices to narrow down the audience.

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Target Audience OverDrive Subjects

The target audience for OverDrive comes from subjects and it is assumed that everything is an adult title unless there is a subject other than an adult.

  • If the subject is Juvenile the target audience, the reading level is Juvenile

  • If the subject is Young Adult the target audience is Young Adult, the reading level is Adolescent

  • If the subject is Picture Book the target audience is Juvenile, the reading level is Preschool (0 - 5)

  • If the subject is Beginning Reader the target audience is Juvenile, the reading level is Primary (6 -8)

  • If the subject is Kids & Teens the target audience is Juvenile and Young Adult, the reading levels are Primary (6-8) and Adolescent (14-17).

  • If the subjects are Children's Video or Children's Music the target audience is Juvenile, the reading level is Juvenile.

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Reading Level

This is the specific value for the audience facet. The Reading Level facet is a more detailed or granular version of the Target Audience facet.

A = Preschool (0-5)
B = Primary (6-8)
C = Pre-adolescent (9-13)
D = Adolescent (14-17)
E = Adult

F = Special Interest
G = General Interest
J = Juvenile
Juvenile = Juvenile
Adult = Adult

Easy = Easy Reader
YA = Young Adult
Unknown = Unknown
| = No Attempt To Code
* = Unknown

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