PC Reservation Troubleshooting Guide
Below are the most common issues with PC Res.
If you are not able to resolve the issue, please call the Marmot Help Desk or open a Service Request.
Before calling or opening a Service Request, try the steps listed below.
When calling Marmot, please have as much information as possible to help with troubleshooting.
Which machines are affected.
What, if any, messages are there.
What troubleshooting steps have you taken.
How long has this been happening/when did this start
Have there been any changes or other issues (internet outages)
Public Machines Showing Offline
If all public machines are showing offline:
Internet may be down
If internet is not down, check the network connection
Is the Ethernet cable plugged in?
Is the Ethernet cable secure on both ends?
Is there a switch the machines are plugged into?
Is the switch powered on?
Call Marmot to restart PC Res Services
Public Machine Showing “No Equipment Record”
Call Marmot so they can add the machine to PC Res.
Public Machine Showing “Out of Service”
Click on View PC Status
Select the machine that is showing “Out of Service”
Uncheck the Mark as Out of Service box
Click Finished to exit
Not able to log in using Library Card
Contact Marmot
Not able to log in using Guest Passes
The passes are old and new passes need to be made
Dispose of old passes
It is recommended to put the expiration date on the back of the Guest Pass.
Printers Not Showing on Patron Machines
Reboot patron machine
Contact Marmot if that doesn’t fix it
Patron Machines Shutting Down During Session
This could be due to inactivity on the patron’s part.