Transferring an Item Level Hold to a Bib Level Hold (Sierra)

Transferring an Item Level Hold to a Bib Level Hold (Sierra)

Transferring an item level hold to a bibliographic/title level hold can be used when a hold has been fulfilled for an item, but the item cannot be sent through the courier due to damage, or the item is too new to send.

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Hold Transferring Process

Sometimes during the check-in process, a new item or damaged item will display the message “Item has hold to be picked up at [Name of Marmot Library] for [Name of Patron].”  Sometimes the name of the library is not displayed, so you cannot tell if it is a request for another library’s patron.  If you do not know if the item is damaged or new, you may pick the Fulfilled hold button.

When the Fulfill Hold button is used, the message will show the library location for the item.  If this is not your patron, you will not want to send this item through the courier.  Click the No button. Even though this item will not be sent, the hold is still in place for this patron.  No other item will be sent for this patron unless the hold is transferred.   

To move the hold back to the bibliographic/title level, scan the barcode of the item or type in the title of the item using the Search/Holds function.

Highlight the record with the item level hold.  Click on the Transfer Holds button.

This will bring up the Transfer Holds box.  It will transfer the hold from the item to the bibliographic record. Click the OK button.

The holds on the item will change from 1 to 0.  The hold will now be a Bib-Level Hold.

The person waiting for the hold will appear under the Bib-Level Hold section.

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