Grouped Work Merging

Grouped Work Merging

This document outlines how to manually merge grouped works in Pika.

Table of Contents

Grouped work basics and reasons for manual merges

Pika’s Grouped Works is what sets Pika apart from other library catalogs. A simple algorithm for the Pika record grouping logic brings together in a single view all the editions and formats of works. Pika uses grouping to help patrons get what they want faster on the search screen and in the holds queue. 

Sometimes Pika requires manual merges when titles that should group have a title, author and/or format data that does not match, like the example used below in which an ILS record provides a straightforward title, but the OverDrive record includes a subtitle. The author for an OverDrive record is listed by the first name and last name instead of last name, first name.

Grouping Categories

There are four grouping categories: Books, Movies, Comics, and MusicBooks include books, audio cassettes, audio CDs, audiobooks, book club kit, eAudiobooks, eBooks, CD, large print, Playaway, etc., plus all the editions.  Movies include DVDs, Blu-rays, eVideo, filmstrip, phonograph, VHS, video, etc. Comics include graphic novels, comics, and eComics.  Music includes eMusic, MP3, music CD, music cassette, music recording, vinyl records, etc. Please do not group a Movie with a Book!

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Merging Methods

Merging works can be done from the Cataloging sidebar menu using the Grouped Work Merging link.

Merging works can also be done using the Merge this Work to another button located under Staff View of a Grouped Work.

Cataloging Sidebar Method

To group works together, use the following procedure:

Log in as a user that has OPAC Admin role or the Cataloging Role will be able to merge works. If you need permissions, contact Marmot.  On a desktop screen, users with cataloging permissions will see a Cataloging group in the left sidebar. Click on the Grouped Work Merging link.

  1. Open the works that should be merged in your browser.  In multiple browser windows or tabs, open the records for the works that should be merged.  Click on the title to get into the full record display.  On a desktop screen, you should see “Staff View” toward the bottom of the window.

Open Staff View for each work. Toward the top of the Staff View, you will see the Grouped Work ID listed. Where you find the grouped worked ID depends on the record.  Records with only one item attached will show at the grouped work ID at the top.

Records with multiple formats will show the grouped worked ID under the Grouping Information.

Click Add New MergedGroupedWork button located at the top of the Grouped Work Merging page.

Enter the grouped work id of the work with fewer editions into the Source Grouped Work Id box. Copy and paste Grouped Work ID from the record to the Grouped Work Merging screen.

Enter the grouped work id of the work with more editions into the Destination Grouped Work Id box.  Copy and paste Grouped Work ID from the record to the Grouped Work Merging screen.

For Notes, enter the title of the work to merge, your initials, your library name, and the date.

Click Save Changes.

Toggle the Id to bring your Group Worked entry to the top to check your work.  Any eContent records that are not in the ILS (or not Overdrive API records) will take overnight to index and display with new grouping.  

If there are errors (like the Grouped Work ID you supplied did not have the last character), you will be prompted to correct the problem and save the merge again.

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Staff View Method  - Merge this Work to another button 

There is a shortcut for merging records built into Staff View.  

Log in as a user that has OPAC Admin role or the Cataloging Role will be able to merge works. If you need permissions, contact Marmot. 

Open the work that should be merged in your browser.   Click on the title to get into the group work level of the record.  

On a desktop screen, you should see “Staff View” toward the bottom of the window.

Click on the Merge this Work to another button.

If you do not see the Merge this Work to Another button, you are viewing an individual bib record. In this case, you need to go to the grouped work view to access the merging shortcut button.   Click on the Go to Grouped Work button from an individual bib to view the grouped work the individual bib is attributed to.

Go the Staff View and click on the Merge this Work to another button.

Once the button is clicked, the record will display in a new tab.  The Source Grouped Work Id will be prepopulated with the group source work Id from the original record.  The Notes will display the title of the item, the person’s initials, the home library name, and the date.  You will now need to enter the Destination Grouped Work id.  

Open the work that should be the destination for the merge in your browser. Click on the title to get into the grouped work level of the record.

On a desktop screen, you should see “Staff View” toward the bottom of the window.

Toward the top of the Staff View, you will see the Grouped Work ID listed. Where you find the grouped worked ID depends on the record. 

Individual bib records will show at the grouped work ID at the top.

Records with multiple formats (grouped works) will show the grouped worked ID under the Grouping Information.

Add the Destination Grouped Work id into the box.  Save your work. Any eContent records that are not in the ILS (or not Overdrive API records) will take overnight to index.  

Toggle the Id to bring your Group Worked entry to the top to check your work. 

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Special Considerations for Merging More Than Two Works

If you plan to merge more than two works to the same destination, make sure to choose one work as the destination work and then group all other works to that same Destination Grouped Work Id.

If you attempt to merge a grouped work that is already the Destination Work for another manual merge, Pika will generate an error and the merge will not be successful.

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