Clearing Cache in Pika for Digital Archives
This document describes how to clear the Islandora cache via Pika to force improved display for images that have been recently added in Islandora.
Table of Contents
Why should I clear the Islandora Cache via Pika?
Once you have added a new object in Islandora or made changes to existing objects, additions or changes should display in Pika. However, there are instances when changes may not display immediately in Pika. When the will not load in Pika, it is best to clear the cache in Pika.
Reasons to use the Archives Clear Cache:
if an object's title is changed.
if an object is given latitude/longitude data; or lat/long data is updated.
if object images are updated.
if the "type" of the object is changed (eg from video to audio)
if a linking to a catalog record is changed or removed
Clear Cache from Staff View
You will need to be logged into Pika with your library account that has the archives permission. Find the archive image that is not displaying correctly in Pika. Click to expand the Staff View menu located at the bottom of the page. Click on the Clear Cache button.
Clicking on the Clear Cache button will bring up a Cache Cleared Successfully message box.
Top of page
Clear Cache from Cache Page
If there are numerous objects that have been updated that require cache clearing please request that an OPAC admin clear the archive cache (typically Marmot staff). The Archive Cache (login required) will clear all the existing cache that Pika has for all archive objects.
Related Documentation
Detailed Pika Administrator Roles (Marmot Knowledge Base)
NoveList Information (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Masquerade Mode (Marmot Knowledge Base)
HTML Text Editor (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Islandora Sharing - Entities and Collections (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Place Entities (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Person Entities (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Marmot Master Metadata Form (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Organization Entities (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Event Entities (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Reporting Incorrect Cover Art or Descriptions in Pika (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Records Not to Merge/Manual Ungrouping (Marmot Knowledge Base)
New York Times Bestsellers Lists (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Preferred Author Grouping (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Preferred Grouping Titles (Marmot Knowledge Base)