Event Entities

Event Entities

This documentation describes the process for adding, editing, and managing Event Entities in Islandora for the Marmot Digital Archive.

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Event Entity basics

An Event Entity is for any event significant enough to have a Wikipedia entry. For example, birthday parties and school pictures are not important enough events to add an entity. Specific battles from a war or town festivals are good examples of things that need entities. If an event occurs more than once (like an annual festival), you add a new entity for each year the event took place. See Cattlemen’s Days in the archive for an example of this. An Event Entity needs a digital object or another entity attached to it or it needs to be attached to something like a person entity, a photograph, or a magazine article.  In other words, an event entity should not exist in isolation.

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Adding a new Event Entity

Search in Islandora

The first step for adding any entity in Islandora is to search to see if the entity already exists to make sure you do not create a duplicate.  Entities are shared across all libraries within Marmot. 

Islandora is not always the best search engine, so you can use the Facets sidebar to limit your search by Islandora Event Content Model.   This will limit your results to anything that is an event entity. 



If you do not find your event entity, go to the Add An Event.

Add an Event

In adding an Event Entity, you might also need to add a Place Entity, because an event may be happening at a certain place.  The instructions for Adding Places are located under Entity Shortcuts.  

Click on Add an Event.

The Event Name should be listed as how the event is generally referred. You can create a brief title based on the activities of the event. If it is an annual event, include the date in the title so it is easy to distinguish between different years (for example, Cattlemen’s Days 2012).

In the Event Description field, create a brief description of the event.  This will appear below the Event Name in Pika search results. If you pull down on the triangular lines in the bottom right corner this will expand this field.  

Subjects has a drop down menu to pick Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) or Local subject headings for the event.  If you have a book about the event, you can look up the book in the catalog to get those subject headings.  You can copy those subject headings as long as they are relevant to the event. Adding these subjects are very important to help users find the event when searching for related books.  It is best to include LCSH for the event, if they exist. You can also use Local subject headings to add topics that do not exist in LCSH. You can use a local vocabulary maintained by your library or collect terms from another source. Clicking on the Add button will add the subject headings, and create a new tab add another entry. 

Extension with Marmot Metadata allows us to customize the MODS metadata using fields created by Marmot.  Alternate Name(s) is used when an official event is known by colloquial name. It can also be used if there is a subtitle or a theme for the event.  Click the green plus sign button to add additional alternate names for the event.  Start Date & End Date can be added with partial date without the month or day. You can also leave the dates blank, because they are not required. The format for dates is always YYYY-MM-DD.

Event Location is where you add a Place Entity or General Place.  A Place Entity is for any place significant enough to have a Wikipedia entry. If the place is not significant enough an entity, complete the General Place (non-entity) fields.   Clicking on either Place Entity or General Place will show all the fieldes you need to fill out.  The Instructions for Adding Places is located under Entity Shortcuts.  Click the Add button and create a new tab for an additional place.



Related Event has a drop down menu to pick either Parent or Child.  You would choose a child when the event is a smaller part of the whole event, such as a battle (child)for a war (parent) .  You would choose parent when the event is a larger event when you’re adding links to sub-events.  



Enter the PID (persistent identifier) for the event entity associated with the object. 

Event Name can be copied from the event entity.

Event Relationship Note is for any additional information about the relationship between the event and an object. You can enter a sentence with more information on how the events are related.

Clicking the Add button will add another tab to add another Related Event if appropriate.

For the Role of the Related Person or Organization go to the list of terms.  Copy and paste the URL under the Role field into a new browser window or tab for a controlled list of terms to use.

The People Roles (non-creator) for XML forms show a list of Roles with their definitions.

The Person/Organization PID (persistent identifier) can be found under the Entity Shortcuts or by searching.  Search for the person or organization entity to find the PID.  It will be located in the Datastreams information (i.e. organization:108). The Name is the title/name of the creator from the person or organization entity (i.e. American Smelter).  Click the Add button to create a new tab.

Related Entity documents relationships between the event and other people, places or organizations that do not fit into another field.  Entity PID is for any entity.  Entity Title is where you can copy the entity title.  Relationship Note allows you to add why the relationship was added.  Click the Add button to create a new tab.  

Related Object is a way to document digital objects related to the event. For example, if you have a digitized program from a concert, that would be a related object. For Relationship Type, use the XML Form from the URL.  Object PID is used for the PID for the related object.  You can copy the object title into the Object Title field.  Relationship Note is used to provide more information on how the object is related to the event.  Click the Add button to create a new tab.

External Link is to link the event to other sources outside of Islandora, including Pika.  Type is a way to link to specific websites supported in Pika.  The relatedPika link is one of the choices from the XML form in the browser link under the Type field.  You can type in the word relatedPika into the Type field.  You can add the link to the grouped record from Pika into Link

The Grouped Work link is found in the Staff View in Pika. Click on Go to Grouped Work. You would copy and paste this link into the Link field. Link Text is the text that will appear in Pika if the Type field is not completed.

If using a Grouped Work URL for an external link, there should be nothing following the grouped work ID in the URL you're using e.g. 'home' or

'Home?searchId=58227433&recordIndex=1&page=1&s' etc.

Do not link to individual bib records -- you must use a grouped work in Pika, as the grouped work ID is the datapoint Pika expects from Islandora records.

 Leave both of the Pika Options as YES. This will include the event as an entity in Pika.  

Click Ingest to complete the form and add the event.

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Adding a Thumbnail Image

The best practice for adding a thumbnail for an event that is being added to the archives is to find a picture of the event in the archives from a different location.  Anyone can edit the entities.  If someone saved a new thumbnail to the event entity, it would override any previous images.  This is why it is best to get the image from a different location.  

Click on Manage under the event name.

Click on Datastreams.

Then click on the Add a datastream link.

For Datastream ID enter TN, for Datastream Label enter Thumbnail, and then browse to the image file you want to add, upload it, and click Add Datastream.

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Managing and Editing Events

Go to Events under the Entity ShortcutsClick on the Event folder that you want to manage. 


Click on Manage located under the Event Name. Click on Datastreams.

The Datastreams lists all the different representations of the event.  If the event had a thumbnail photo attached, there would be information about the image.  This will also show the name of the event and the PID.

The only Datastream you can edit will be the MODS.  MODS is the equivalent of MARC.  Click edit.


This will bring up the Edit datastream screen where any of the original fields can be edited.

Click Update to save any changes.

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