Available Subject Facets

Available Subject Facets

The Pika facets detailed in this document are specifically related to subjects as typically found in MARC 6XX fields.

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BISAC Subject

BISAC is an acronym for Book Industry Standards and Communications.  BISAC is a standard used by many companies throughout the supply chain to categorize books based on topical content.  Bisac Subjects only (does not include FAST subject headings, LC Subject Headings, etc).

 Grouped works that have only one title with the BISAC subject heading will return the entire group work, but will not return the specific record that has the BISAC subject heading, unless it is a stand alone record with that information.

MARC 650 - Subject Added Entry-Topical Term 

We will look at the subject information from the MARC 650 field. We are going to look at subfields a, x and subfield 2 equals bisacsh, bisacmt, or bisacrt.

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The era time span the title is about. 

Grouped works that have only one title with a certain Era subject heading will return the entire group work, but will not return the specific record that has the Era subject heading, unless it is a stand alone record with that information.

MARC 600 - Subject Added Entry-Personal Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 600 field. We are going to look at subfield d.

MARC 610 - Subject Added Entry-Corporate Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 610 field. We are going to look at subfield y.

MARC 611 - Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 611 field. We are going to look at subfield y.

MARC 630 - Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 630 field. We are going to look at subfield y.

MARC 648 - Subject Added Entry-Chronological Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 648 field. We are going to look at subfield a.

MARC 648 - Subject Added Entry-Chronological Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 648 field. We are going to look at subfield y.

MARC 650 - Subject Added Entry-Topical Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 650 field. We are going to look at subfield y.

MARC 651 - Subject Added Entry-Geographic Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 651 field. We are going to look at subfield y.

MARC 655 - Index Term-Genre/Form 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 655 field. We are going to look at subfield y.

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The genre of the title such as artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.

Grouped works that have only one title with a certain Genre subject heading will return the entire group work, but will not return the specific record that has the Genre subject heading, unless it is a stand alone record with that information.

MARC 600 Subject Added Entry-Personal Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 600 field. We are going to look at subfield v.

MARC 610 - Subject Added Entry-Corporate Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 610 field. We are going to look at subfield v.

MARC 611 - Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 611 field. We are going to look at subfield v.

MARC 630 - Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 630 field. We are going to look at subfield v.

MARC 648 - Subject Added Entry-Chronological Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 648 field. We are going to look at subfield v.

MARC 650 - Subject Added Entry-Topical Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 650 field. We are going to look at subfield v.

MARC 651 - Subject Added Entry-Geographic Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 651 field. We are going to look at subfield v.

MARC 655 - Index Term-Genre/Form 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 655 field. We are going to look at subfield a.

MARC 655 - Index Term-Genre/Form 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 655 field. We are going to look at subfield v.

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LC Subject

LC Subject: Library of Congress topical subject headings, does not include Library of Congress geographic headings, FAST subject headings, BISAC Headings, etc. 

Grouped works that have only one title with a certain LC subject heading will return the entire group work, but will not return the specific record that has the LC subject heading, unless it is a stand alone record with that information. 

MARC 650 - Subject Added Entry-Topical Term 

We will look at the subject information from the MARC 650 field. We are going to look at subfield a, where the indicator 2 = 0 or 1 and subfield 2 does not equal bisacsh, bisacmt, or bisacrt.

MARC 650 - Subject Added Entry-Topical Term 

We will look at the subject information from the MARC 650 field. We are going to look at subfield x, where the indicator 2 = 0 or 1 and subfield 2 does not equal bisacsh, bisacmt, or bisacrt.

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 A region is geographic like a part of a country. Regions are the basic units of geography. The region facet contains region  information that the title is about.

Grouped works that have only one title with a certain Region subject heading will return the entire group work, but will not return the specific record that has the Region subject heading, unless it is a stand alone record with that information.

MARC 600 - Subject Added Entry-Personal Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 600 field. We are going to look at subfield z.

MARC 610 - Subject Added Entry-Corporate Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 610 field. We are going to look at subfield z.

MARC 611 - Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 611 field. We are going to look at subfield z.

MARC 630 - Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 630 field. We are going to look at subfield z.

MARC 648 - Subject Added Entry-Chronological Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 648 field. We are going to look at subfield z.

MARC 650 - Subject Added Entry-Topical Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 650 field. We are going to look at subfield z.

MARC 651 - Subject Added Entry-Geographic Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 651 field. We are going to look at subfield a.

MARC 651 - Subject Added Entry-Geographic Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 651 field. We are going to look at subfield z.

MARC 655 - Index Term-Genre/Form 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 655 field. We are going to look at subfield z.

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The full subject fields.  This facet covers a great deal more of the subfields than the Topic facet.

Grouped works that have only one title with a certain Subjects heading will return the entire group work, but will not return the specific record that has the Subjects heading, unless it is a stand alone record with that information.

MARC 600 - Subject Added Entry-Personal Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 600 field. We are going to look at subfields a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,x,y,z. Here are a few examples of subfields a, c, d, and q.

MARC 610 - Subject Added Entry-Corporate Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 610 field. We are going to look at subfields a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,x,y,z. Here is an example entry with subfields a, d, g, k, t, and v.

MARC 611 - Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 611 field. We are going to look at subfields a,c,d,e,f,g,h,k,l,n,p,q,s,t,u,v,x,y,z. Here is an example entry with subfields a, c, d, v, and x.

MARC 630 - Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 630 field. We are going to look at subfields a,b,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,v,x,z. Here is an example entry with subfields a, g, p, t,  and v.

MARC 650 - Subject Added Entry-Topical Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 650 field. We are going to look at subfields a,b,c,d,e,v,x,y,z.

Here is an example entry with subfields a, b, c, d,v, and x.

MARC 651 - Subject Added Entry-Geographic Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 651 field. We are going to look at subfields a,b,c,d,e,v,x,y,z.

Here is an example entry with subfields a, e, x, and y.

MARC 655 - Index Term-Genre/Form 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 655 field. We are going to look at subfields a,b,c,v,x,y,z.

Here is an example entry with subfields a, b, v, and x.

MARC 690  Local Subject Added Entry--Topical Term

We look at the publication information from the MARC 690 field. We are going to look at subfields a,x,y,z.

Here is an example entry with subfields a, x and y.

Here is an example of the subfield “a” for the MARC subject 600, 651, and 655 subfield “a” that displays in the Subjects drop down of a record.

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The subject of the title. The Topics facet is labeled as Subject. Topic only looks at a few subfields.

Grouped works that have only one title with a certain Topics subject heading will return the entire group work, but will not return the specific record, unless it is a stand alone record with that information.

MARC 600 - Subject Added Entry-Personal Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 600 field. We are going to look at subfield a.

MARC 600 - Subject Added Entry-Personal Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 600 field. We are going to look at subfield x.

MARC 610 - Subject Added Entry-Corporate Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 610 field. We are going to look at subfield x.

MARC 611 - Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 611 field. We are going to look at subfield x.

MARC 630 - Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 630 field. We are going to look at subfield x.

MARC 648 - Subject Added Entry-Chronological Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 648 field. We are going to look at subfield x.

MARC 650 - Subject Added Entry-Topical Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 650 field. We are going to look at subfield a.

MARC 650 - Subject Added Entry-Topical Term 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 650 field. We are going to look at subfield x.

MARC 651 - Subject Added Entry-Geographic Name 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 651 field. We are going to look at subfield x.

MARC 655 - Index Term-Genre/Form 

We look at the publication information from the MARC 655 field. We are going to look at subfield x.

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