Set up Notices (LX Starter)

Set up Notices (LX Starter)

This documentation explains the steps involved with setting up notices in LX Starter.

Table of Contents

When you first use LX Starter, you’ll see that your notices have the status of Setup Required. You can edit the notices and can also confirm that your notices contain the minimum required merge tags.


  • To set up notices

    • Navigate to the dropdown menu next to the account name. 

      Screenshot of the dropdown menu next to the Account Name in LX starter.


    • Select Library Settings from the dropdown menu. 

      Screenshot of the Account Name dropdown menu in LX Starter with the Library Settings option selected.


    • Navigate to the Sequences tab.

      Screenshot of the Sequences tab in LX Starter


    • On the Sequences tab, select a notice that has the status “Setup Required”

      Screenshot of a notice on the Sequences tab with a status of setup required.


    • In the email editor, edit the notice as desired.

    • When you’re ready, send a test email to confirm that the email looks the way you want.

      • Select Send a Test.

        Screenshot of the email editor window with the Send a Test button highlighted.
      • Enter the email addresses of the people you want to send the test notice to.

      • Select Send Test Email.

        Screenshot of the send a test window with email addresses entered and the send test email button highlighted in LX Starter


    • If you’re satisfied with the email design, select Save & Close.

      Screenshot of the Save Changes button highlighted in the email editor in LX Starter

You must input an email subject to save the notice.


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