Unpublish Notices (LX Starter)

Unpublish Notices (LX Starter)

This documentation explains how to unpublish notices in LX Starter.

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When you unpublish a previously published notice, LX Starter stops sending the notice and Sierra will resume sending it. After you unpublish a notice, its status returns to Draft. However, if you unpublish a notice that is already scheduled to be sent, LX Starter sends the notice on schedule.

LX Starter retains the metrics for unpublished notices, but they appear gray until you publish the notices again.

To unpublish notices, you must be assigned the Admin or Super Admin role. The Roles documentation provides more information on roles in LX Starter.


To unpublish a notice

  • Click the dropdown menu next to the account name

    Screenshot of the arrow for the dropdown menu next to the account name in LX Starter


  • Click Library Settings

    Screenshot of the Library Settings in the dropdown menu for account name with Library Settings highlighted


  • Navigate to the Sequences tab

    Screenshot of the Sequences tab in LX Starter
  • Select a published notice by clicking on it

  • In the upper-right section of the page, select Unpublish Notice

    Screenshot of the published Adjustment notice in LX Starter with the Unpublish Notice highlighted.
    • A window will open

      • If the notice has unpublished changes, do one of the following:

      • To keep your unpublished changes, select Keep unpublished changes

      • To discard your changes, select Keep current templates

        Screenshot of the unpublished changes window that appears when you try to unpublish a notice that has new changes to it in LX Starter.
      • If the notice doesn't have unpublished changes, select Agree & Unpublish

        Screenshot of the Unpublish notice window that appears when there are no unpublished changes with the Agree and Unpublish button highlighted.
      • The notice will be moved back to the Draft status

        Screenshot of the notice page in LX Starter showing the Adjustment notice in Draft status.

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