Set up Notice Schedules (LX Starter)

Set up Notice Schedules (LX Starter)

This documentation describes how to set up the schedule for sending notices in the LX Starter queue.

Table of Contents

LX Starter communicates with Sierra to send notices to patrons. The Sierra settings determine when Sierra sends notices to the LX Starter queue. You can select the time and frequency that LX Starter checks the queue and sends each notice type.

Don’t set LX Starter to check the queue at the same time Sierra sends the notices.

For example, let’s say you manually send Overdue Notices in Sierra every day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. You’ll set LX Starter to send Overdue Notices to patrons every hour from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. The buffer time at the beginning and the end ensures that LX Starter includes all queued notices.


To set notice schedules for draft notices

  • On the Sequences tab, select a draft notice.

    Screenshot of the Notices page in LX Starter with the All Bills and Fines draft notice highlighted.


  • On the Overview page, select the Settings tab.

    Screenshot of the All Bills and Fines overview page in LX Starter with the Settings tab outlined.



  • Select a sender from the From (Name & Email) list.

    Screenshot of the Notice Settings page in LX Starter with the From Name and Email dropdown menu highlighted and the entry for Louisville Public Library selected.


  • Select a reply email address from the Reply Email Address list.

    Screenshot of the Notices Settings page in LX Starter with the Reply Email Address dropdown menu selected and an outline around the reply email address.
    • If you don’t select a reply email address, replies go to the send email address.


  • In the Send queued notices section, select a frequency and time range.

    Screenshot of the send queued notices section with the notices sending every hour from 7 am to 10 pm



    • If you select every 24 hours, you can only set one time.

      Screenshot of notice setting with the send queued notices section set to send once every 24 hours at 7 am.



  • Select Save Settings.

    Screenshot of the notices setting with the save settings button highlighted.


  • If you want Sierra to begin sending notices to the LX Starter queue, select Publish. If you publish a notice in error, see the Unpublish Notices documentation.

    Screenshot of the publish button for a notice in the overview page for that notice in LX Starter.

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