Populating a Pika User List from a Sierra Create Lists

This document describes the process to populate a Pika User List with results from a Sierra Create Lists report.

Table of Contents

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Creating a Sierra Create Lists

  1. Create a review file in Sierra with the items or bibs you’d like in the Pika User List.

  2. The review file should have a Store Record Type of either Item or Bibliographic.

3. Once you have created the review file, export the information from the review file

4. Use the exported information from the Sierra review file to populate the Pika User List.

Exporting Options for a review file of bibs or items

  • Export by Title :  Click on Marc Tag for the Field.  Type 245 in the Marc Field box.  Click OK.

  • Export by Item Barcode

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Bulk adding Titles or Barcodes to a Pika User List

  1. Login to your Pika account.

  2. Click on ‘My Lists’ under the My Account menu.

  3. Click on an existing list or the ‘Create a New List’ button.

  4. If you create a new list, you will need to add the List name, Description and decide if your list is going to be Private or Public. Click Create List.  You will get a pop-up that your list was created successfully.

  5. Click on the title of your newly created list or an existing list.  Click on the Add Multiple Titles button.

  6. Paste either the titles or the barcodes into the ‘Add Titles to list’ box – each title or barcode must be on a unique line.



  7. Pika will return a success message for the titles or barcodes that were added to the list.

If titles cannot be found by search in Pika, you will return an error for the titles that could not be added.

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