DESJI Purchasing

DESJI Purchasing

Resources for libraries wishing to purchase collection content published or sold by publishers, presses, or bookstores that are either minority-owned or focused on issues of diversity, equity, social justice, and inclusion.

Table of Contents


Libraries implementing a diversity, equity, social justice, and inclusion plan may have elements of the plan that address the collection. Libraries may seek collection materials that expand the visibility of works by underrepresented minorities or that address the lived experiences of underrepresented populations. Libraries may also seek to support minority-owned businesses by purchasing from publishers or presses that are not part of the “Big 5” publishers or their imprints.

Rather than attempting to maintain a comprehensive list of publishers, presses, bookstores, or booksellers, this resource page is a collection of links to curated directories that may help libraries identify collection materials or vendors that meet the needs of their diversity, equity, social justice, or inclusion plans.

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Publishers & Presses

Bookstores & Booksellers


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