Grouping Author

Grouping Author

This documentation describes the Grouping Author grouping factor as used in Pika’s grouped work grouping logic.

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Grouping Author basics

To find the grouping author in Pika for anything with a MARC record, which includes everything with the exception of OverDrive, we are looking for the following MARC record fields: 100, 110, 111, 700, 711, 710. Next, we will look for the 264b then 260b; 245c as last resort.  Please note that Pika uses the first MARC field that is populated. Included is information on the grouping author for movies that use the 008 or 300.

The normalization process strips certain characters, extraneous spaces, leading articles, certain phrases, etc. to provide an author by which we can group works. Several records might have very similar information but slight differences in characters, words, and spaces -- by removing/ignoring these we ‘normalize’ and have a more standardized data point for records to group.

If the normalized author is longer than 100 characters, only the first 100 characters of the normalized author are used for the grouping author.

For grouping, Pika is looking at the grouping author in the Grouping Information section (in Staff View) regardless of what is listed on the full record display and MARC records for individual bibliographic records. You will need to click on the Go To GroupedWork button to view the information for the Grouping Author.

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MARC 100 – Main Entry Personal Name

We will check the 100 Main Entry Person Name.  We are looking for subfield a.  

If the 100 subfield a has the author this information will display in the “Staff View” section of the Grouped Work view in Pika.  For book-type materials, Pika groups on author information in the 100 MARC fields and the title in the 245 MARC fields. When information is significantly different in the 245 fields, this will affect preferred grouping; similarly, with authors. Pika also normalizes author information in the 100 fields, particularly in instances where authors’ names appear alternately in First Name, Last Name or Last Name, First Name formats.

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MARC 110 – Main Entry Corporate Name

If the MARC field 100 is not listed in the MARC record, we will look for the 110 Main Entry Corporate Name.  We are looking for subfield a.

If the 110 subfield a has the author this information will display in the “Staff View” section of the Grouped Work view in Pika.  

If the 110 subfield b has the author subordinate unit it will be combined with the subfield a as well.  110 subfield b is the name of a city section, or a name of a meeting entered under a corporate or jurisdiction name.  All 110 subield bs that are in the record will be included in the author. In other words, some records have multiple 110b fields, and they will all be combined together to form the author name.

The author information will display in the “Staff View” section of the Grouped Work view in Pika.

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MARC 111 – Main Entry Meeting Name

If the MARC fields 100 or 110 are not listed in the MARC record, we will look for the 111 Main Entry Meeting  Name.  We are looking for subfield a.

If the 111 subfield a has the author this information will display in the “Staff View” section of the Grouped Work view in Pika.  All 111 subfield e’s that are in the record will be included in the author. In other words, some records have multiple 111e fields, and they will all be combined together to form the author name.

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MARC 700 – Added Entry Personal Name

If the MARC fields 100, 110, or 111 are not listed in the MARC record, we will look for the 700 Added Entry Personal Name.  We are looking for subfield a

If the 700 subfield a has the author this information will display in the “Staff View” section of the Grouped Work view in Pika.  

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MARC 711 – Added Entry Meeting Name

If the MARC fields 100, 110, 111, or 700 are not listed in the MARC record, we will look for the 711 Added Entry Meeting Name.  We are looking for subfield a.

If the 711 subfield a has the author this information will display in the “Staff View” section of the Grouped Work view in Pika. All 711 subield e’s that are in the record will be included in the author. In other words, some records have multiple 711e fields, and they will all be combined together to form the author name.

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MARC 710 – Added Entry Corporate Name

If the MARC fields 100, 110, 111, 700, or 711 are not listed in the MARC record, we will look for the 710 Added Entry Corporate Name.  We are looking for subfield a.

If the 710 subfield a has the author this information will display in the “Staff View” section of the Grouped Work view in Pika.  This is an example of normalization that strips the word “corporation” from the grouping author to make sure other versions of “paramount pictures” will group.  All 710 subield b’s that are in the record will be included in the author. In other words, some records have multiple 710b fields, and they will all be combined together to form the author name.

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MARC 264 – Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice

If the MARC fields 100, 110, 111, 700, 710, or 711 are not listed in the MARC record, we will look for 264 Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice.  We are looking for subfield b.

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MARC 260 – Publication, Distribution, etc

If the MARC fields 100, 110, 111, 700, 710, 711, or 264 are not listed in the MARC record, we will look for the 260 Publication, Distribution, etc. We are looking for subfield b.

If the 260-subfield b has the author this information will display in the “Staff View” section of the Grouped Work view in Pika.  

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MARC 245 – Title Statement

If the MARC fields 100, 110, 111, 700, 710, 260, or 264 are not listed in the MARC record, we will look for the 245 Title Statement. We are looking for subfield c.

If the 245-subfield c has the author this information will display in the “Staff View” section of the Grouped Work view in Pika.  

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Grouping Author for Movies

For records that have a grouping category of Movie, the grouping author will be replaced with movie playtime length or duration within the nearest 10 minutes.  The Movie grouping category contains 4K Ultra Blu-Ray, Blu-Ray, DVD, Filmstrip, Motion Picture, Playaway View, Video, Video Cartridge, Video Cassette, Video Disc, and Video Reel. If the record has the playtime information it will display in the “Staff View” section of the Grouped Work view in Pika.  

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MARC 008

The MARC field of 008 uses the Character Positions 18-20 - Running time for motion pictures and videorecordings.  The characters in these positions need to be numeric in order to be a valid runtime. If it is a valid runtime, Pika will round it to the nearest 10 minutes and that will be used as the grouping author for the movie. Note: the runtime should be listed as a three digit number (001-999) that includes a zero for any runtime under 100 minutes.

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MARC 300  - Physical Description

If the 008 is not a valid runtime, or has codes “|||”, “---”, or is blank, Pika will attempt to parse the MARC 300 physical description subfield a for runtime information from phrases of the forms : “XX hrs., XX min”, “XX hr., XX min”, “XX min”  If Pika is able to parse such a phrase, it will round it to the nearest 10 minute interval and that will be the grouping author.

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