Reading History Guide
This document describes how to navigate and manage user Reading History in the catalog
What is Reading History?
Your Reading History is an option in the library catalog that keeps track of titles you have checked out. Your Reading History will track your checkouts of both physical items from the library and some electronic titles, specifically from Overdrive/Libby and Hoopla. Your Reading History from the library catalog is stored independently from your checkout history from the library’s internal system.
Opt In to Reading History
You must Opt In to start recording your Reading History.
To Opt In, first Login to your library account.
From the My Account menu, click on the Reading History option.
On the My Reading History page, click on the Start Recoding Reading History button to initiate the process and opt in.
Once you have Opted In you will see initial messaging in your Reading History page and additional options including Export to Excel and Stop Recording My Reading History.
Your Reading History may initially be incomplete or take a long time to load after you opt in. The loading process generally takes overnight. Your Reading History will display in full the day after you have opted in to have your reading history recorded.
Navigating and Managing your Reading History
Once your Reading History has populated in the catalog, there will be a number next to the Reading History option in the My Account menu. This number reflects the titles in your Reading History. Click on the Reading History menu option to access your My Reading History page.
My Reading History page
The My Reading History page has a number of options you can use to navigate and manage titles in your Reading History.
You can change the Sort By options to better organize your Reading History for your needs. The default sort option is Checkout Date and you can change the sort to Author, Title, or Format if you prefer. You can use the Hide Covers option if you want a more compact view of your reading history. You can change the Records Per Page option if you would like to see more titles on one page of results. Use the page number navigation and the Next button to advance and reverse between pages of results.
You will see a list of your current and past checkouts, including basic information about past titles, the title’s cover art, and the Last Read Around date.
If you check out the same title, regardless of format, you will only see one entry for that title in your reading history. The most recently checked out format and the most recent Last read around date will display. The Last read around date can vary slightly from the date you actually checked out a physical item.
Use the Add to List button to add a title from your Reading History to a User List. You can find more information about User Lists here.
Searching your Reading History
You can search your reading history by either Title or Author. Enter a portion of the title or the author’s name and click Search to return results from your reading history. To clear your search, delete any information in the search box and click Search.
The search function in the Reading History is fairly basic – you must spell search terms correctly to return relevant results.
Export your Reading History to Excel
Use the Export to Excel button to export your Reading History as a .xls file that can be opened in Excel.
The Excel file will organize the exported Reading History with four columns: Title, Author, Format, and From date, which corresponds to the Last read around date.
Deleting Selected Titles from your Reading History
You can delete selected titles from your Reading History to better curate your titles.
Use the checkbox to the left a title on your Reading History to select the title or titles you want to delete from your Reading History.
When you have finished selecting the titles you want to remove, click on the Delete Marked button at the top of the My Reading History page.
You will return a confirmation message in a pop-up window. Click Okay to confirm the deletion of the chosen titles.
The My Reading History page will refresh automatically after you confirm the deletion.
If you choose to Delete Marked titles from your reading history, the action is permanent and cannot be reversed. Please use this option with caution.
Delete All Titles from Reading History
To delete all titles stored in the Reading History without having to Opt Out, you can use the Delete All button. Click on the Delete All button at the top of the My Reading History page.
You will return a confirmation message in a pop-up window. Click Okay to confirm the deletion of all titles in your Reading History.
The My Reading History page will refresh and there will be no titles listed in the Reading History.
If you choose to Delete All titles from your reading history, the action is permanent and cannot be reversed. Please use this option with caution.
Opt Out of Reading History
You can opt out of using the Reading History function if you’d like to anonymize your reading history. Click the Stop Recording My Reading History button at the top of the My Reading History page to opt out.
You will return a confirmation message in a pop-up window. Click Okay to confirm the decision to Opt Out and delete all titles in your Reading History.
The My Reading History page will refresh after opting out and revert back to the initial page, where you have the option to opt in.
If you choose to Stop Recording My Reading History and Opt Out, ALL titles from your reading history will be purged and your old reading history will not be retrievable again. This action is permanent and cannot be reversed. Please use this option with caution.
Related Documentation
User Lists Guide (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Using Materials Request in the Catalog (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Linked Accounts in the Catalog (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Freezing Holds - Patron Instructions (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Newspaper Authentication (Marmot Knowledge Base)
NPR Books We Love Lists (Marmot Knowledge Base)