Using Materials Request in the Catalog

Using Materials Request in the Catalog

This documentation details how to use the Materials Request feature in the library catalog.

Table of Contents

What is a Materials Request ?

The Material Request form is used to let a local library know that there is an item or title you would like them to either purchase or borrow for you.

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How to submit a Materials Request from search results

The first step is to search for the item at your local library.

Screenshot of a search term entered in the search bar in the catalog

If the title isn’t owned by your local library, the following screen will appear. Click on the Suggest a purchase link. 

Screenshot of the suggest a purchase link in search results

The Login screen will appear if you’re not currently logged into the catalog.  Enter your login credentials.  Click Continue to login and access the Materials request form.


Filling out the Materials Request form

There are four sections of the Materials Request form:

  • Basic Information

  • Place a hold

  • Supplemental Details

  • Contact Info

Basic Information

The Format and Title will automatically be populated based on your search.  You can use the Format drop-down menu to change the format.  The Author field will need to be filled in.

Screenshot of the basic information section of the materials request form highlighting the format drop down menu and the author field

Place a hold

This section allows for a hold to be placed when the item is available.  The Pickup Location is a dropdown menu for any library that has multiple branches.  The Pickup Location associated with your login will show on the screen.  There is an option to decide if the item will be borrowed from another library, if your home library decides to not purchase the item.

Screenshot of the place a hold section of the materials request form highlighting the pickup location option

If the No option is chosen to not place a hold when the item is available, the Pickup Location will no longer show on the screen.

Screenshot of the place a hold section of the materials request form highlighting the results when the no option is chosen

Supplemental Details (optional)

This supplemental details section is optional, however, any information that can help a local library find the desired title is appreciated.  The Age Level and Type have dropdown menus.  The Publisher and Publication Year always helps a library find the correct publisher and the current edition of the item. 

Screenshot of the supplemental details section of the materials request form

Contact Info

The Email field will be populated by the email address from your account login, if there is an email associated with your library account.  The Phone number may need to be added or may populate automatically.  Please make sure to enter your current contact information to ensure a response. 

Screenshot of the contact info section of the materials request form

Make sure to review the information, before clicking on the Submit Materials Request button.

Screenshot of the submit materials request button from the materials request form

Once the form has been submitted the following message will appear. In the green box, you’ll see the title and author information for the title you requested. In the blue box, you’ll see information regarding how many materials requests you have submitted and the balance of active requests you have available. Click on the See my Materials Requests button to view and manage your materials requests.

Screenshot of the success message when submitting a materials request.

Different libraries will have different limits for the amount of materials requests allowed. Consult your local library for more information.

Your local library will contact you by email with any updates regarding your materials requests.

Your local library will contact you by email or phone when a requested title is available for pickup.

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Managing Materials Requests in your account

Access the My Materials Requests page from the Materials Request option in your library account menu.

Screenshot of the my account menu highlighting the materials request option

The My Materials Requests page displays all your Open Requests on default. You can click on the All Requests option and click the Update Filters button to see all your active and completed Materials Requests. Use the Search bar to search for specific Materials Requests you have made.

Screenshot of the my materials request page highlighting the filters, details, and submit a new request buttons

The Details button will open a pop-up window detailing the information you supplied in the form for the individual request.

When the Cancel Request button is clicked, the following pop-up boxes will appear. To confirm the cancellation of your request, click Okay.

Screenshot of the confirmation message returned when a user cancels a materials request

You will receive a success message when the materials request is successfully cancelled. Click Close to close complete the cancellation.

Screenshot of the success message returned after successfully cancelling a materials request

You can submit a new Materials Request using the Submit New Materials Request button at the bottom of the My Materials Request page. The button will open up a blank Materials Request form that you can fill out to the best of your ability.

Screenshot of the my materials request page highlighting the submit a new materials request button


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