OverDrive Statistics
Documentation about how to get monthly and yearly stats for an annual report.
- 1 Electronic books (e-books): Audio - OverDrive Purchased Titles Report
- 2 Electronic Books (e-books): Audio - OverDrive Title Status & Usage (Advantage Plus Share)
- 3 Audio Books - downloadable units - OverDrive Purchased Title Report
- 4 Audio Books - downloadable units - OverDrive Title Status & Usage (Advantage Plus Share)
- 5 Audio Books - downloadable units - OverDrive Subscription (Simultaneous Use) Order Report
- 6 Video - downloadable units - OverDrive
- 7 Successful Retrieval of Electronic Information - OverDrive eMagazine Checkouts
- 8 Use of Electronic Material - OverDrive Checkouts
- 9 Related Documentation
Electronic books (e-books): Audio - OverDrive Purchased Titles Report
Go to the OverDrive Marketplace site - https://marketplace.overdrive.com/Account/Login
Usernames begin with marmot.lib. Marmot can look up your username, but we will not know your password. The password will be sent to the person whose email is listed on the account. Contact Marmot to find out more about your OverDrive admin account.
Once logged in, go to INSIGHTS.
Click on the Purchased titles summary located under Purchase & order reports on the left sidebar.
Click on the Run new report located under the Report summary on the right.
The Reports options box will appear. The Period Type is Specific. The Start Date will be left blank. The End Date is the last date of the fiscal year. The Formats will be limited to eBook. Do not make any changes to the Language, Audience, Subject, Rating and Lending model. Do not check the Include preorder titles. The Status is In collection. Click Update.
Under the Consortium purchased titles is the Standard copies purchased. This will give you the total number of shared OverDrive copies for the consortium. This does not include Advantage titles.
Electronic Books (e-books): Audio - OverDrive Title Status & Usage (Advantage Plus Share)
Go to the OverDrive Marketplace site - https://marketplace.overdrive.com/Account/Login
Usernames begin with marmot.lib. Marmot can look up your username, but we will not know your password. The password will be sent to the person whose email is listed on the account. Contact Marmot to find out more about your OverDrive admin account.
Once logged in, go to INSIGHTS.
Click on the Title status & usage report located under Title activity reports on the left sidebar.
Click on the Run new report located at the bottom on the right of the screen.
The Reports options box will appear. The Period Type is Specific. The Start Date will be left blank. The End Date is the last date of the fiscal year. The Formats will be limited to Ebook. Do not make any changes to the Language, Subject, Audience, Lending model, or ISBN. Click on the Exclude radio button for the Preorder titles. The Status is In collection. Click Update.
Under the Report summary, look at the Adv Plus shared total. Make sure to double check the Date and Formats information.
Audio Books - downloadable units - OverDrive Purchased Title Report
Go to the OverDrive Marketplace site - https://marketplace.overdrive.com/Account/Login
Usernames begin with marmot.lib. Marmot can look up your username, but we will not know your password. The password will be sent to the person whose email is listed on the account. Contact Marmot to find out more about your OverDrive admin account.
Once logged in, go to INSIGHTS.
Click on the Purchased titles summary report located under Purchases & order reports on the left sidebar.
Click on the Run new report located under the Report summary on the right.
The Reports options box will appear. The Period Type is Specific. The Start Date will be left blank. The End Date is the last date of the fiscal year. The Formats will be limited to Audiobook. Do not make any changes to the Language, Audience, Subject, Rating and Lending model. Do not check the Include preorder titles. The Status is In collection. Click Update.
Under the Consortium purchased titles is the Standard copies purchased. This will give you the total number of shared OverDrive copies for the consortium. This does not include Advantage titles.
Audio Books - downloadable units - OverDrive Title Status & Usage (Advantage Plus Share)
Go to the OverDrive Marketplace site - https://marketplace.overdrive.com/Account/Login
Usernames begin with marmot.lib. Marmot can look up your username, but we will not know your password. The password will be sent to the person whose email is listed on the account. Contact Marmot to find out more about your OverDrive admin account.
Once logged in, go to INSIGHTS.
Click on the Title status & usage report located under Title activity reports on the left sidebar.
Click on the Run new report located at the bottom on the right of the screen.
The Reports options box will appear. The Period Type is Specific. The Start Date will be left blank. The End Date is the last date of the fiscal year. The Formats will be limited to Audiobook. Do not make any changes to the Language, Subject, Audience, Lending model, or ISBN. Click on the Exclude radio button for the Preorder titles. The Status is In collection. Click Update.
Under the Report summary, look at the Adv Plus shared total. Make sure to double check the Date and Formats information.
Audio Books - downloadable units - OverDrive Subscription (Simultaneous Use) Order Report
Go to the OverDrive Marketplace site - https://marketplace.overdrive.com/Account/Login
Usernames begin with marmot.lib. Marmot can look up your username, but we will not know your password. The password will be sent to the person whose email is listed on the account. Contact Marmot to find out more about your OverDrive admin account. The Advantage login will not work to view information from this report.
Once logged in, go to INSIGHTS.
Click on the Subscription orders located under the Purchase & order reports on the left sidebar.
Click on the Run new report located under the Report summary on the right.
The Reports options box will appear. The simultaneous use title are purchased every year. The Period Type is Specific. The Start Date is January 1st and the year. The End Date is the last date is December 31 and the year. None of the other fields need to be filled out. Click Update.
The titles ordered by Marmot are the Blackstone Titles. Look for the total amount under Units.
Video - downloadable units - OverDrive
Go to the OverDrive Marketplace site - https://marketplace.overdrive.com/Account/Login
Usernames begin with marmot.lib. Marmot can look up your username, but we will not know your password. The password will be sent to the person whose email is listed on the account. Contact Marmot to find out more about your OverDrive admin account.
Once logged in, go to INSIGHTS.
Click on the Purchased titles summary report located under Purchases & order reports on the left sidebar.
Click on the Run new report located under the Report summary on the right.
The Reports options box will appear. The Period Type is Specific. The Start Date will be left blank. The End Date is the last date of the fiscal year. The Formats will be limited to Video. Do not make any changes to the Language, Audience, Subject, Rating and Lending model. Do not check the Include preorder titles. The Status is In collection. Click Update.
Under the Consortium purchased titles is the Standard copies purchased. This will give you the total number of shared OverDrive copies for the consortium. This does not include Advantage titles.
Successful Retrieval of Electronic Information - OverDrive eMagazine Checkouts
Go to the OverDrive Marketplace site - https://marketplace.overdrive.com/Account/Login . Note: the magazine checkouts will also be counted when using the Use of Electronic Material - OverDrive Checkouts report.
Usernames begin with marmot.lib. Marmot can look up your username, but we will not know your password. The password will be sent to the person whose email is listed on the account. Contact Marmot to find out more about your OverDrive admin account.
Once logged in, go to INSIGHTS.
Click on Checkouts located under Title activity reports on the left sidebar.
Click on Run new report located towards the bottom right of the screen.
In the Report options box choose Branch for Checkouts by. Limit to your library (branch libraries are not listed separately) for Branch. Choose the OverDrive Magazine format. Choose a Specific for Period Type. Put in the start Date and End Date. The rest of the fields remain as All. Creator and Purchase Order ID are not necessary. Click Update.
Note: if you limit to just your branch, you can use Checkouts by Title to get a list of how many times a title was checked out.
The report will show the library name (Branch) and Checkouts. This will be your library's total checkout for the specific dates. Clicking on Create worksheet from this page will get the statistics for checkouts.
To see more information from an expanded list, click on the Branch name or Checkouts number.
The expanded list will show all the information about the items, and click on Create worksheet on this page to export the file.
Note: To filter the columns, highlight the top row. Click on the Sort & Filter drop-down arrow.
Click Filter.
Use of Electronic Material - OverDrive Checkouts
Go to the OverDrive Marketplace site - https://marketplace.overdrive.com/Account/Login
Usernames begin with marmot.lib. Marmot can look up your username, but we will not know your password. The password will be sent to the person whose email is listed on the account. Contact Marmot to find out more about your OverDrive admin account.
Once logged in, go to INSIGHTS.
Click on Checkouts located under Title activity reports on the left sidebar.
Click on Run new report located towards the bottom right of the screen.
In the Report options box choose Format for Checkouts by. Limit to your library (branch libraries are not listed separately) for Branch. Choose a Specific for Period Type. Put in the start Date and End Date. The rest of the fields remain as All. Creator and Purchase Order ID are not necessary. Click Update.
Note: if you did not want to use the Checkouts by Format, you could use Branch and limit your Formats to All Ebooks, All Audiobooks, Pending Video, and Streaming Video.
This will show you how many items checkouts for each format for your branch or branches.
To see more information from an expanded list, click on the Format or the Checkouts number.
The expanded list will show all the information about the items, and click on Create worksheet on this page to export the file.
Sort the Excel file for Bought by to see the Advantage Collection checkouts, compared to the Consortium Collection checkouts. Sort by Format to see the eBook checkouts compared to Audiobook checkouts.
Advantage Libraries can run this report using your Advantage login and limit to just their branch, as well as limiting their Advantage Checkouts options.
Note: choosing “Show all checkouts on Advantage-owned titles” will get you the total checkouts on items owned by your library but checked out by other library patrons. You would not limit by your branch to get these numbers.
Related Documentation
Service/Topic and Roles Label Key (Marmot Knowledge Base)
OverDrive Statistics (Marmot Knowledge Base)
OverDrive Links & Documentation (Marmot Knowledge Base)
The New York Times On-site and Off-site Access Details for Marmot Library Network (Marmot Knowledge Base)