Configuration options for the ‘Basic Display’ section of the Library System.
Table of Contents
Basic Display Configuration Options
Go to Pika Configuration and Library Systems from the left sidebar.
Click the Library Id number, or the Edit link to gain access to the Basic Display.
Click on the link for Basic Display to open up the configuration form.
Theme Name
The Theme Name is only set up & applied by Marmot. Please don’t make edits to the theme name.
The background for the header of the Theme Name can be changed by Marmot. Here is an example of a change that was made for Pitkin County.
Here is another example of a change made to the Theme Name by Marmot. The background reds were changed to match the color of Western State’s branding scheme.
Home Link and Home Link display options
The Home Link is used to control where your library home link is on the site. It can be displayed in a couple of different areas. Where you want to display the Home Link really depends on your workflow. It also depends on what you consider your main website, and how you want your patrons to access the catalog.
Here is an example of one place the Home Link can be displayed for your library. It is displayed under the LIBRARY HOME PAGE. This is a permanent link to your library’s home page. It can link to a library website, or to a school, college or university website.
The Home Link can also be linked to the breadcrumbs. Click on the Use Home Link in Breadcrumbs to activate the Home link in the breadcrumbs. The Home link will show up after initiating a search.
The Home Link can also be linked to a logo. Click on the Use Home Link for Logo to activate the Home link for your library’s logo.
You can do things differently, you can have the Home Link go to the logo, but not to the breadcrumbs. You can also change the name of the Home Link Text in the breadcrumbs from Home to something else.
You can have the logo linked to your library homepage, but have the breadcrumbs linked to the catalog. In that case, you can change the name from Home Linked Text from Home to New Search or Browse the Catalog.
Display Name
The Display Name should be filled out for your library. If this field is fulfilled, there are options to either display or hide the Display Name in your library’s interface.
Header Text
The Header Text goes the next step beyond the Display Name to allow you to insert customized text that will show up in the header as well. The text can be styled to make some basic changes. This will show up in desktop and tablet views only. If you want to do more elaborate things, you will need to put this in the Additional CSS.
Here is an example of how the basic Header Text will be displayed in a Pika interface.
Additional CSS
Here is an example of a library that has done a lot of CSS changes to match their Pika site to their website. They removed the boxes, and changed the colors on the search box.
These changes can be accomplished through the Additional CSS. This CSS would only apply to your library. You can customize colors, font size, borders, etc. If you use custom CSS for your library’s list widgets, you can also enter that CSS here. If you want to make basic changes to your general theme such as color, Marmot is happy to do those for you, and put them into your base theme.
You can get the names for CSS elements by using the keyboard F12 key on any web browser.
If you’re employing a large amount of unique CSS for display purposes for your Pika interface, please contact the Pika team to build a unique theme for your library. Theming needs are often better handled as a unique theme created by the Pika team rather than using lots of custom/unique CSS overrides in the configuration forms.
Display Sidebar Menu and Sidebar Menu options
Check the box for the Display Sidebar Menu to show the sidebar menu. Otherwise the default menu will be used. Having this menu allows you to completely collapse the sidebar, and just displays the information from the Search, the Account or Help.
The Sidebar Help Button Text can be renamed. You can name it Help or Menu. The only suggestion is to keep it short. Any text that is too long may start wrapping, and not display vertically.
Check the Display Sidebar on the Right Side, if you want to change the sidebar to be on the right side.
Library Hours and Locations
The Show Library Hours and Locations Link allows you to show or hide the Library Hours & Locations button. The Library Hours & Locations button can have altered capitalization by using additional CSS. Contact Marmot for the code.
Here is an example for a library that includes their hours, as well as one that does not include their hours. If you do not have any hours listed, they will not be displayed.
Setting Library Location Hours
The Locations table is where hours that are displayed with the Show Library Location and Hours toggle can be added or changed. This is where we define the individual locations. Go to Pika Configurations, and Locations. Here is more information about Pika Configurations for Locations.
Click Edit to access the Locations page for your library.
If the Show in Locations And Hour List is checked, the information will show up in both the Union Catalog and your interface. Address is where you would enter your library’s physical address.
You can also enter the phone number of your library.
Lower on the page are the Hours. You can add hours by clicking Add New.
You need to define each day. You can pick the days from the Day of Week dropdown menu. As well as the Opening Hour and Closing Hour from the dropdown menus. The hours are listed in military time. You can click the Closed check box on the days your library will be closed during the week.
Enable Genealogy Functionality
The Enable Genealogy Functionality allows people to search obituaries. Checking this box allows you to do a search in genealogy records.
There are three libraries who contribute to the genealogy database. In addition, we do leave it open in the Union Catalog. You would click on the dropdown search source menu perform a search for genealogy records.
Typically only the Genealogy contributors use the Enable Genealogy Functionality. However, even if you are not a contributor, you are still welcome to use it. If anyone is interested in contributing to the genealogy database, please let Marmot know. We can provide permissions to start contributing, and give you more information about the system. If you are maintaining a separate database of obituaries, Marmot can typically import them for you. The obituary can be a full obituary, or just information about where to find it in the newspaper.
Enable Repeat Search in Course Reserves
The Enable Repeat Search in Course Reserves is currently only used by the academic libraries. However, public libraries and schools could use it as well. Currently this functionality is only available to Millennium and Sierra systems that have course reserves enabled.
This allows the academic libraries’ patrons to search for course reserves by Name, Number or Instructor.
This exit out to a search in the classic catalog.
Display Pika Logo
Display Pika Logo can be turned on for the Library System. This will automatically turn it on for any Locations.
This will display the logo at the bottom of your Pika site.