2022-11-02 Cataloging meeting notes

 Date Nov 2, 2022


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Meeting ID: 894 8094 5052

Passcode: 986581

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+17193594580,,89480945052# US
+12532158782,,89480945052# US (Tacoma)


  • @Lloyd Chittenden


  • Continue to analyze cataloging policy and procedure between MLN1 and MLN2.

 Discussion topics





SkyRiver and Toolkit subscriptions


049, bib level location, and link maintenance

049 is not doing anything. Load profiles could be edited to not load this at all so people don’t have to worry about removing it.

Bib level call numbers

Bib level call numbers are optional.


130 is moved to 730 because the display is confusing. Patrons complain, staff is confused.


222 is not included in the periodical index. If people want a title in the periodical index they have to put it in the 229. This is an opportunity for reindexing.


GMD is used by staff in Sierra.


599 is used by Boulder’s Carnegie branch.


Limited to specific subject thesauri, but must be managed manually, not with load profiles.


Currently a central list of allowed headings is maintained. Maintaining this central list may not be worth the time and effort. Pika buries these headings in the display, so they mostly just function to improve searching. Controlling the vocabulary is not as important as it used to be.


When the 856 is in a bib record, it could appear in anyone’s catalog. The reason for identifying who added the 856 is so it won’t be deleted.

Nobody is using the link checker.


Used for authority control. Sierra includes the 907 on export, and it would be reimported. If there was a 907 in the record that will prevent export to Marcive a second time.

Lloyd is planning to replace this procedure with the same method currently used on MLN1.


This is the match point for acquisitions process.

 Action items
