Meeting notes

Incomplete tasks from meetings

Decisions from meetings

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  1. Thursday afternoons at 1pm for regular meetings
  2. email is best communication method
  3. meetings will be longer and consist of both group business and a training topic

  1. Decide which staff accounts will have masquerade mode at 10.27 meeting

  1. Rescheduled meeting for Thanksgiving week for 11.22.22 at 1:30 PM

  1. We recommend FLC maintain funds with CLiC sufficient to pay Beth for up to 12 hours of consulting work

  1. Email is the best form of communication for this group
  2. Provide working group agendas and emails with decisions 1 week before decision is required
  3. No meeting on October 12th, next meeting on the 26th
  4. Brandon will get agenda for October 26th meeting out by October 18th

  1. All libraries prefer annual billing for membership fees and courier costs

  1. Only Boulder will continue to maintain their own load profiles.
  2. Lloyd will maintain load profiles for all the other libraries.
  3. Lloyd will remove load profile permissions for everyone except Mark and Aimee at Boulder.
  4. Lloyd will comment out the template lines from the marcload.local table.

  1. Next meeting will be on November 16th at 1pm

All meeting notes