2022-11-30 Cataloging meeting notes

 Date Nov 30, 2022


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Meeting ID: 894 8094 5052

Passcode: 986581

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  • @Lloyd Chittenden

  • Lynn Parks

  • Donne

  • Katie

  • Esther

  • Michelle

  • Jamie

  • Michele K

  • Mark

  • Martineza

  • Kris

  • Tony


  • Continue discussions of new cataloging guidelines

 Discussion topics





What about local subject heading control? How would that be managed?

Each library will maintain local controlled subject heading lists. We don’t need to keep a central list of local subjects. Each library will identify their local subject heading in a subfield $2. Don’t delete other library’s local headings.

Currently existing local subject headings will continue to use “$2local.” New local headings should have a code for the specific library, such as “$2Boulder local”

960 and 961 fields

Some people find it convenient to have these in the record because it is easier to consult them rather than open the order record.

We could set up a process to delete old fields.

People are finding records in SkyRiver with 245 information in brackets and they wan to know if the rules have changed on where to get information.

No changes. Title page is still the primary source. We don’t know why people would be putting information from the title page in brackets.

Is Marmot doing anything with BIBFRAME?

No. We are depended on Innovative to implement any such change in Sierra. Innovative has not made any indication that they are pursuing anything with BIBFRAME.

Marmot is exploring FOLIO, which is an open source library systems platform. FOLIO is much more friendly to BIBFRAME. It is being built so that a library could choose to store information in BIBFRAME or MARC. However Marmot does not have any active plans to move any libraries onto FOLIO.



 Action items
