2022-10-19 Cataloging meeting minutes


Oct 19, 2022


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Meeting ID: 894 8094 5052

Passcode: 986581

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  • @Lloyd Chittenden

  • Michele Kolman

  • Jason Merrill

  • Jamie Smith

  • Esther Knox-Stutsman

  • Michelle Pendergnana

  • Tony Burfield

  • Marc Anderson

  • Adriana Martinez

  • Katie Fauvelle


  • Continue to analyze cataloging policy and procedure between MLN1 and MLN2.

 Discussion topics





One-on-One meetings


Managing load profiles

Only Boulder wants to continue maintaining their own load profiles. Only Mark Anderson and Aimee Schumm will maintain load profiles for Boulder. Lloyd will manage load profiles for any other MLN2 users who want assistance. Lloyd will remove permission to access load profiles for all users except Mark and Aimee.

The current structure of load profiles will work file while there are only 6 libraries on this server. If we add more members on this server we could get to a point where people have to share load profiles, but we will worry about that if we get to that point.

Mark points out that they want to be able to load their own authority records individually. Lloyd explains that Marmot mostly leaves that up to Marcive. We send them new bib records monthly, so you don’t have to wait that long to get the authority record. If someone did load an authority record separately it would not cause any harm.

Lloyd asks about the marcload.local table. There are template lines in the local table and Lloyd would like to comment them out. Nobody sees any reason not to comment them out.

Lloyd asks if any of them are loading patrons with the patron loaders listed on the marcload.local table.

Create Lists and Saved Searches

Each library has a designated section of files in Create Lists, except for the first file which is available to all libraries.

Lloyd asks how they deal with it when the add a new library. Where do they get the files to give that new library? They say they haven’t had a problem with that, or at least they don’t remember.

Lloyd asks about saved searches. They identify each saved search with the code for the library, but they don’t have any more controls over that.


None of them are editing scheduler for cataloging. They think it was probably managed by Beth.


We will sort this out later.

Mountain West Authority Funnel

Nobody is interested in participating in the authority funnel.

Classic Catalog?

Boulder’s local history library uses classic catalog. There used to be a link from the web page, but that is gone. Mark thinks the staff at Carnegie local history library are sending people to nell.flatironslibrary.org.

Several libraries are making use of the classic catalog for library staff.

Audience fixed field

Selected by the first library to enter the record. Used by classic catalog.


Frequently delete 035. Data is messy. Not used as a match point.

MLN1 indexes the 019 rather than the 035.

MLN2 is requiring the 001, MLN1 does not. Why is it required? Could search on this to find records created by a particular library.

002 LTI #

Not used any longer.


Does MLN2 do record loading matching on ISBN? Yes, they do.

MLN1 has an index for 020a that makes for more accurate ISBN matching.


The guidelines currently say to add this to records with the general code for Flatirons. Some libraries are using their local MARC organization codes.

049, bib level location, and link maintenance

Guidelines suggest that 049 should be deleted. This does nothing. Load profiles could be edited to prevent it from being created in the first place.

 Action items


  1. Only Boulder will continue to maintain their own load profiles.
  2. Lloyd will maintain load profiles for all the other libraries.
  3. Lloyd will remove load profile permissions for everyone except Mark and Aimee at Boulder.
  4. Lloyd will comment out the template lines from the marcload.local table.