Circulation Desk Staff


This role page contains essential, basic, intermediate knowledge-based materials. If available, it may contain expert knowledge as well. Here is more about the levels. The beginning level for someone who has just been hired or someone who is moving into a different role within their current workplace. Next is the early/intermediate level. Next would be a truly intermediate stage and ultimately being an advanced user within a library.

The roles are meant to be general since library staff have more responsibilities than their job title states in the description and many library staff wear many hats. In order to get all the information needed for your library position, you may need to look at multiple roles. Please feel free to create your own more specific onboarding for your position from the documentation listed from each role. 

Circulation Desk Employee is responsible for performing circulation, reader’s advisory, and other public service functions for a Library Department.

Essential Knowledge

Training or Self-Paced Course

Topics Covered

Time Required

Related Documentation

Training or Self-Paced Course

Topics Covered

Time Required

Related Documentation

Contacting Marmot 101



Participants will learn:

  • When to Contact Marmot

  • Emergency Topics/Issues

  • Information to have ready

  • Contact methods




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Beginner/Basic Knowledge

Training or Self-Paced Course

Topics Covered

Time Required

Related Documentation

Training or Self-Paced Course

Topics Covered

Time Required

Related Documentation

Marmot ILS 101: Introduction to Circulation I

Participants will learn how to:

  • Search for a patron record

  • Check out

  • Renew

  • Check in

1 hour

Marmot ILS 102: Introduction to Circulation II

  • Create patron Record

  • Edit a patron Record


Marmot ILS 103: Introduction to Circulation III

  • Claim Returned

  • Offline Circulation


Marmot ILS 105: Introduction to Circulation V

  • Loan Rules


Marmot ILS 106: Search & Holds

  • Place item-level holds

  • Differentiate between bib- and item-level holds

  • Place holds using Search/Holds and the patron account


Marmot ILS 108: Introduction to INN-Reach


  • Check-Out to Remote Site



Marmot ILS 111: Introduction to Holds


  • Placing item level holds

  • The difference between bib and item level holds



Marmot OPAC/Pika 120: Patron UX

  • Search and view search results

  • View/Pay fines

  • Place holds

    • Modify holds

    • Cancel holds

  • Review patron account

  • Review full record display

  • Patron Account Management


1 hour


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Early/Intermediate Knowledge

Training or Self-Paced Course

Learning Outcomes

Time Required

Related Documentation

Training or Self-Paced Course

Learning Outcomes

Time Required

Related Documentation

Marmot ILS 202: Intermediate Circulation I

Participants will learn how to:

  • Delete a Patron Record

  • Copy a Patron Record

  • Create Item on Fly Item Records

  • Merge a Patron Record

1 hour


Marmot ILS 203: Intermediate Circulation II

  • Loan Rule Determiner


Marmot ILS 212: Intermediate INN-Reach


  • Prospector



Marmot ILS 215: Intermediate Holds

  • Clear Expired Holds and Holdshelf

  • Holds Progression


Marmot OPAC/Pika 220: Patron UX

  • Create user lists

  • Link patron accounts


30 minutes

Reports & Statistics 230

  • Prepare Overdues Report

  • Manage Outstanding Holds

  • Clear Expired Holds


Shared eCollections 240

  • New York Times - Patron Set Up

  • Wall Street Journal - Patron Set Up

  • OverDrive - Patron Set Up


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