Sierra Known Issues

Sierra Known Issues

The Sierra Known Issues is a list of outstanding defects as reported by customers to the Innovative Interfaces Help Desk since Sierra version 2.0, including those fixed that include resolutions in a future release.

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Sierra Known Issues Information

Known Issues meet the following requirements:

  • The issue was reported by a customer to the Innovative Help Desk and sent to their Software Engineering team as a product defect.

  • Innovative staff can replicate on an Innovative test machine, or a significant number of libraries have reported the issue.

In all cases, Innovative aims to provide consistently updated information that includes a description of the issue, the software version in which the problem was found, and when applicable, the version including the coded resolution.

How to read Known Issues information:

  • Description: The symptoms of a particular issue, related features and configuration, and the cause if known.

  • Key: The unique ID for the Known Issue.  Can be used to reference a particular issue with Innovative Help Desk staff.

  • First Known Version: The earliest version where the issue has been reported or reproduced.  Many issues are not found in the first release where they exist, so this may not be the version where the issue was first introduced.

  • Date Added: The date when the issue was first posted to Innovative Supportal.

  • Resolution: Whether the issue has been resolved, and in which future release.

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Sierra Know Issues Access

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