Patron Record Loading
Patron record load format
On the MLN1 Sierra server, patron records loaded through data exchange can use CSV format. The order of the populated and empty fields is important for the data to be loaded into the correct patron record field.
Position of Field | Definition | Example |
1 | expiration date | mm-dd-yyyy format |
2 | pcode1 |
3 | pcode2 |
4 | pcode3 |
5 | ptype (patron type) |
6 | home library |
7 | mblock (message block) | - |
8 | pmessage (patron message) |
9 | notice preference | - |
10 | unique ID number |
11 | patron barcode |
12 | patron name | Last, First Middle |
13 | address line 1 | Primary Address |
14 | address line 2 | City, State, Zip |
15 | telephone1 |
16 | address line 1 | Secondary Address |
17 | address line 2 | City, State, Zip |
18 | telephone2 |
19 | univ ID exp |
20 | department |
21 | note |
22 | email address |
23 | password (PIN field) |
24 | grade level |
25 | home room |
26 | birth date | mm-dd-yyyy format |
27 | graduation year |
28 | patron alias code |
29 | patron agency |
30 | mobile number |
31 | pcode4 |
32 | second patron barcode |
33 | guardian |
34 | legal name | Last, First Middle |
Position of Field | Definition | Example |
1 | Barcode |
2 | Patron First Name |
3 | Patron Last Name |
4 | School |
5 | Street Address | 123 North 7th Street |
6 | City State and Zip | Boulder, CO 80301 |
7 | Second Street Address | Same as first street address |
8 | Second City State and Zip | Same as first City State and Zip |
9 | P-type |
10 | Mblock |
11 | Agency |
12 | Home Library |
13 | Expiration Date | 06/1/2023 |
14 | Password (PIN field) |
EACH FIELD IS ENCLOSED IN QUOTES AND A COMMA SEPARATES THE FILEDS. Fields with no data MUST be included by putting in a pair of quotes between the commas. Example:
“07-17-2017”,”l”,”d”,””,”7”,”fl”,””,””,”z”,”77777”,”117000000123”,”Marmot, Mister”,”511 Eastgate Ct.”,”Grand Junction CO 81501”,”970-255-1317”,””,””,””,””,””,””,,””,””,””,””,”2016”,””,”170”,”9702604120”,”21”,”11700000345435”
Data Exchange
Select the “Load PATRON record (pta)” process option
Select the “Get PC” or “Get FTS” option to either select the patron load file from your computer or the Sierra FTS.
Use the “Upload” window to select the patron load file
In the “Rename File” window choose the “.pfts” option from the drop-down and click “OK”
Choose your file from the main window and clip “Prep T” to prepare the CSV file for loading
Click “Start” in the prepare window. Sierra will report back the number of records in the file. Close out of the prepare window using the “Close” button
In the main window choose the new “.pat” file. Then click the load button
Select the patron load profile you wish to use
If you are unsure which patron load profile to use please contact Marmot for assistance as you can corrupt your patron records if you use the wrong load profile.
In the load window, run a test load first using the test button
If the test load runs without any errors you can click the load button to perform a full load