Cataloging Setup Training

Participants attending this training will learn how to set up Sierra and Connexion or SkyRiver for cataloging.  How to search for records to use in Sierra and how to attach items to them.  How to find records in your bib utility and how to export them to Sierra.  How to insert or overlay records.  How to use a 949 control field to create an item record.  Also, how to search with Z39.50 if there is interest.

Trainer: Lloyd Chittenden

Duration: 1 hours

Table of Contents

Training Outline

  • Sierra setup

    • Record view properties

    • Settings

      • Display, compact browse

      • Windows, multi window mode

    • Preferences

      • MARC editor fonts and colors

  • Connexion/SkyRiver setup

    • Options

      • Access, persistent connection

      • Authorizations

      • Export settings

    • 949 control fields to create items in Sierra

    • Insert vs overlay control from Connexion

    • Connexion macros

      • Create a new macro

      • Keymap Alt-F1

      • Assign to Usertool

      • Toolbar editor

  • Z39.50 cataloging (if requested)

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Connexion Macros


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