Marmot Master Metadata Form

Marmot Master Metadata Form

This documentation describes the process for fulfilling, editing, and managing archive objects with the Master Metadata Form in Islandora for the Marmot Digital Archive.

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Table of Contents

Master Metadata Form general information

The Master Marmot Master form contains all of the potential fields for describing digital objects in the archive. This document does not contain instructions for adding entities (people, places, events, and organizations). The instructions here also apply to all other customized forms for describing digital objects unless otherwise noted in the customized form. If you have any questions about this form or if you find errors or needed updates, please contact pika@marmot.org

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Form Fields and Descriptions


The Title is used in brief record displays search results to assist end users in deciding whether to investigate a resource further. In supplying a title, consider expectations of end users for the naming of resources and how other resources in the collection might be named. Try to avoid giving many resources the exact same title to avoid confusion.

Subtitle/Alternate Title

The Subtitle or Alternate Title is optional and contains the remainder of the title information after the title proper.


The Identifier (local) contains a unique standard number or code that distinctively identifies a resource. The Identifier (local) is typically used for a number the library has already assigned to an object, physical or digital, such as a call number or a unique identifier from another database. The object can then easily be found by searching this number. It is an optional field and it is not necessary to create a local identifier if one does not already exist as Islandora automatically creates a unique identifier for every digital object. Additional information on the location of a physical object can be added later under the Location of Original Object. Use the green plus sign button to add additional unique identifiers.

Item Type

The Item Type is mandatory and determines how an object will appear in Pika. A term from the list at Item Types must be chosen or the item will likely not display correctly in Pika. Additional information on the item types is available at the above link. 

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Origin Information

The Origin Info is information about the original object being digitized, including publication information and dates. It has a Date Created for the date the original object was created (not the digital copy). This can be for a single date or the first date in a range (when you know an approximate range of time in which the item was created).

The Confidence is for the accuracy of the date the resource was created. It is a drop down menu with the options Exact, Approximate (Circa), Inferred and Questionable. Copy and paste the URL for more information on the Confidence choices or see below. 

  • approximate – This value is used to identify a date that may not be exact, but is approximated, such as "ca. 1972".

  • inferred – This value is used to identify a date that has not been transcribed directly from a resource, such as "[not before 1852]".

  • questionable – This value is used to identify a questionable date for a resource, such as "1972?".

The End Date for Date Created Range is used for the second date in a range. Leave blank if you have already entered the exact creation date under Date Created (Start Date), or if you are using a single date rather than a date range. The Confidence is for the accuracy of the date the resource was created. It is a drop down menu with the options Exact, Approximate (Circa), Inferred and Questionable. See Confidence under previous Date Created field for definitions of Confidence options . 

The Publication Date is used to show the date the original object was published. The Confidence is for the accuracy of the date the resource was created. It is a drop down menu with the options Exact, Approximate (Circa), Inferred and Questionable. See Confidence under previous Date Created field for definitions of Confidence options . 

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Subjects has a drop down menu to pick Local or Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) subject headings for the organization.  If you’re not sure what LCSH subjects to add, looking up a book in the catalog on the same or a similar topic can help to identify relevant subject headings.  Adding LCSH subjects is very important to help users find the digital object in Pika when searching for related books. You can also use Local subject headings to add topics that do not exist in LCSH. You can use a local vocabulary maintained by your library or collect terms from another source.  Term is where you enter the subject term. Clicking on the Add button will create a new tab and allow you to add another subject term. Add only one term per tab.

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The Description is to add a brief description of the object.  This will appear with the thumbnail and title in Pika search results and on the item page for the object. The Language should be selected by using information in the English name of Language column. Copy and paste the URL to see the ISO639-2b information. 



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Physical Description

Physical Description is a container element for the sub-elements relating to the physical object that was digitized. There are no Marmot-wide standards for completing these fields, they are simply for reference by the user, and are all entirely optional. For more general information on fields in the Physical Description section, please visit the Library of Congress' MODS user guide.

Extent is a statement of the number and specific materials of the units of the resource such as the size of a photograph, the length of a recording or the number of pages in a book.

Note is related to the physical description, and can be used for things like the physical item’s condition or any other notes about the physical item.

Form is the designation of a particular physical presentation of a resource, for example, print, photocopy, CD.

Type is used to provide contextual information to further categorize the note information. It may be used to specify whether the form concerns material or techniques. There is a drop down menu to pick technique or material.

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Location of Original Object

Location of Original Object Identifies the location of the physical resource (not the digital object). These fields are all optional. Physical Location is used to describe where the material is kept. It can be a building, a section of a library, or anything that would direct a user to find the physical material. Typically this includes specific information used to locate a resource within a collection, such as the name or code of an institution, and perhaps subcollection. Shelf Location is a shelving designation that indicates the location identifier for a copy. It is the shelf number, box number, or similar that is given as a shelf locator. Click on the green plus sign to add the physical and shelf locations to the Location of the Original Object.

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The Note is to add any additional information about the physical resource that was digitized. This field can also be used for additional information about the resource that does not fit into any other field in the form.

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Copyright Info

Click on the Copyright Info link to open the fields associated with the link. Although they are all currently optional, it is very highly recommended to at minimum add information on how to contact the library in the Rights Statement field.

The Type of Statement is to be used for specific types of licenses. If none apply, choose “local.” The drop down will be added to in the future.

The Rights Holder contains information about the object’s copyright status. The Rights Holder PID (PID stands for persistent identifier) is for the person or organization entity that owns the copyright to the object. The Rights Holder Name is for the name of the rights holder from the entity.

The Rights Statement is for any rights on the collection. Fill in the text of the rights. Fill in the Rights Effective Date and Rights Expiration Date for the first and day after the last day of the rights statement is in effect. If your rights statement is in a language other than English, choose the English name of Language from the list at ISO 639-2 Language Code List for the Language of Rights Statement. The Limitations and Notes field describes access, download and metadata limitations. These limitations allow the repository administrator to ensure the information is correctly implemented in Pika. 

The Rights Creator is the person or organization responsible for writing the Rights Statement. The Rights Creator PID is from the person entity that created the rights statement. The Rights Creator Name is the name of the rights creator from the entity.

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Migrations Only - Record Information

The MIGRATIONS ONLY-Record Info is not for manually adding information, this information is added during a migration if the fields are relevant. Islandora automatically populates this information in the event of a migration, so there is no need to add it manually in these fields.

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Extension with Marmot Metadata allows us to customize the MODS metadata using fields created by Marmot. 

Academic Research

For All Academic Research has information that only applies to academic research. Click on the For All Academic Research to open up the associated fields.

Academic Research type should be a term from the Academic Research Types list. To add an additional type, click the green plus sign. If you know the Research Level of the Academic Research, choose the appropriate option from the drop down menu.

Supporting Departments is where you can enter information corresponding to the organization entity for the academic department that supported the creation of the academic research.

Choose the Peer Reviewed option that’s appropriate for the Academic Research. If this piece of research was evaluated and found to be acceptable by other academics working in the field, select yes. Otherwise leave this at No.

Enter corresponding Publication and/or Presentation Information if the Academic Research has appeared in publication and/or was presented at a conference. Use the Add button to include additional publications or presentations.

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Postcards and Letters

For Postcards and Letters has information that only applies to correspondence. Click on the For Postcards and Letters to open up the associated fields.

The Significance field has been automatically completed for you with a drop down menu indicating postmarkLocation. Enter the Date Postmarked using the YYYY-MM-DD format, partial dates are acceptable. Enter the Entity PID and the Entity Title related to the place where the item was postmarked. Click the Add button to add additional postmarks.

The Includes Stamp field defaults to NO, change to YES if a stamp is included on the correspondence. 

The Correspondence Recipient field is where you can add information on the person that the correspondence was addressed to. A person entity must be created in order to complete this field.

The Postcard Publisher Number can be completed if the postcard lists a publisher number.

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For All Types of Art

For All Types of Art is where information specific to works of art is added. In some cases it would be a good idea to contact someone knowledgeable in art for assistance completing this section. Click on the For all types of art to open up the associated fields. 

In the Material Description field, and a short description of the materials used in creating the work. For example: oil paint on canvas, photographic print, bronze on a marble base. 

Materials, Style and Period, and Techniques all rely on the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT). Including information from the AAT gives us standardized names and numbers that allow us to easily compare artwork in our archive and share it with other art archives.  For all three of these fields, search the thesaurus at Art & Architecture Thesaurus. Type in the term you want to search, and click Search.  It will give you every term that has the word you are searching.  You can also click on Browse the ATT hierarchies, when you do not know the term.

You will need the ID number and the term from the ATT information for the Materials, Style and Period, and Techniques fields. Below is an example for Albany slip clay.


The Material fields are used to add AAT information about what materials were used in the creation of the art piece. This might duplicate some information from the Material Description field and that is acceptable.  Use the AAT Term and ATT ID from the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus to find the unique identifying numbers. Using the ATT IDs will help to combine things in the Marmot archives that use similar material and techniques.  We can also export the metadata, so other archives using the AAT can use them.

To find the Materials Facet, click on Browse the ATT hierarchies, and locate the Materials Facet link. Click on the hierarchy link next to Materials Facet to see a list of terms and subterms.


Click the Add button will create another tab.

Style and Period

The Style and Period fields are used to add AAT information describing the styles, chronological periods, nationalities, and cultures related to the art piece. You can also ask the artists what terms they use, or consult an artist in your area.

To find the Style and Period, click on Browse the ATT hierarchies, and locate the Activities Facet link. Click on the hierarchy link next to Activities Facet to see a list of terms and subterms.

Click the Add button will create another tab.


The Techniques fields are used to add AAT information from the AAT Activities facet and can be used to describe “areas of endeavor, physical and mental actions, discrete occurrences, systematic sequences of actions, methods employed toward a certain end, and processes occurring in materials or objects. Activities covered here range from branches of learning and professional fields to specific life events, from mentally executed tasks to processes performed on or with materials and objects, from single physical actions to complex games.”

Click the Add button will create another tab.



The Measurements fields are meant to give an idea of the size of the art piece. Choose a Type of Measurement from the list at Art Measurement Types for XML Forms. The Unit of Measurement can be entered as a full unit name (minutes or feet) or as an abbreviation (min. Or ft.). The Numeric Value is where the number of units is entered, for example, 600 would be entered for 600 ppi. Estimations of size are acceptable and can be noted in the Numeric Value field as “approximately 5” or “estimated 100” for example. An art piece can be anything, so it can be the file size, the length, height, area, base, etc.


The Installation fields provide a place to note where art pieces have been shown. Installation Date and Removal Date can be entered in the YYYY-MM-DD format or as a partial date. 

Enter EITHER Place Entity or General Place to identify where the piece was installed. Use the Add button for additional installations of the same piece.

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Music Types

For All Types of Music has options that only apply to all types of musical recordings. Click on the For All Types of Music to open up the associated fields.

Music Genres is where you enter the Music Term and Related LCCN relevant to the recording. Enter terms from the most recent list provided by the Library of Congress. When entering the Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) include the "sh" with no space between the “sh” and the number. Use the Add button for additional genres.

Album information is where you enter corresponding information about the musical recording where applicable. Use the Add button for additional album information e.g. the musical recording is featured on several albums.

Related person or organization is where you enter information for the creator of the musical recording. There might be several entries, particularly for musical recordings created by bands, where you’d need a PID for the band (Organization) and a separate entry for each band member (Person). Use the Credit field to enter the appropriate Creator Role from the Creator Roles for XML Forms. Use the Add button for additional persons or organizations.

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Citation Notes

The Citation Notes is used to cite sources used in the creation of the object, such as including the citation for an image that was used in the creation of a video.

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The Creator is a person responsible for the creation of the original object (not the digitized object). The options for Role of the creator can be found by copying and pasting the URL in a new browser or tab (or go to Creator Roles for XML Forms ). Type in the Role of the creator, it should autocomplete. Find or create the PID for the Person/Organization PID. Copy the Creator Name located next to the PID. Click Add to create a second tab for additional creators.

If there is not an available role that you think is appropriate, contact pika@marmot.org to request a new role option.

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Related Person or Organization

Related Person or Organization is used for people related to the object (such as transcribers or donors). Important: it is not used for people described in the object or pictured in the object. Use Pictured Entity and Described Entity respectively for those situations (see instructions below). The Role options for the non-creator can be found by copying and pasting the URL in a new browser or tab (or go to Roles (non-creator) for XML Forms ). Type in the Role of the non-creator, it should autocomplete. Find or create the PID for the Person/Organization PID. Copy the Name of the creator from the person or organization entity. Click Add to add the information, and create a second tab.

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Pictured Entity

Pictured Entity is used to document any people, places, organizations or families pictured in the object, such as in a photograph or video. Enter the PID for the pictured entity under Entity PID. Copy the Entity Title located next to the PID. Click Add to add the information, and a second tab.

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Described Entity

Described Entity is used to document any people, places, organizations or families described in the text or in a recording of an object. Enter the PID for the described entity under Entity PID. Copy the Entity Title located next to the PID. Click Add to add the information, and a second tab.

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Related Place

Related Place is used to link a significant place to the digital object. It SHOULD NOT be used for pictured or described places. For those uses, use the Pictured Entity and Described Entity fields respectively. Significance terms can be found by copying and pasting the URL in a new browser or tab (or go to Place Significance Terms for XML Forms ). The Instructions for Adding Places is located under Entity Shortcuts. This will help you to know if you need to add a Place Entity or a General Place (non-entity). Click the Add button and create a new tab for an additional place.

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Related Event

Related Event contains information about the event PID, name and relationship note. Enter the Event PID for the event entity associated with a related event. Event Name can be copied from the event entity. Event Relationship Note is for any additional information about the relationship between the event and an object. Click the Add button to create a new tab.

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Generic Related Entity

Generic Related Entity is used to document relationships between the event and other people, places, organizations or families, when those relationships do not fit into other fields on the form. This field is very rarely used. Enter the Entity PID for the entities associated with a generic related event. Entity Title can be copied from the entity. Relationship Note is to explain why the relationship was added. Click the Add button to create a new tab.

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Related Object

Related Object is a way to document digital objects related to the object being described. For example, if you are describing a photo of a military medal and you have a letter that you’ve already digitized and added that talks about the medal, you would add that digitized letter as a related object. For Relationship Type, use the XML Form from the URL (or go to Related Object Types for XML Forms ). Object PID is used for the PID for the related object. You can copy the object title into the Object Title field. Relationship Note is used to provide more information on how the object is related to the event. Click the Add button to create a new tab.

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The Transcription is the text of a recording or a handwritten/scanned document. Transcription Location is where you can record the place on the object that has been transcribed. Leave this field blank for any audio transcriptions. The Transcription Language defaults to English. If your transcription is in another language, use the English name of Language from ISO 639-2 Language Code List. The Transcription Text is for the actual transcription of the text. Click the Add button to create a new tab. When transcribing audio recordings, add timestamps in parentheses, for example: (03:00) for 3 minutes into the recording.

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External Link

External Link is to link the digital object to other sources outside of Islandora. These links will display additional information in Pika.

Type is a way to link to specific websites supported in Pika. You can find a list of the Types at External Link Options for XML Forms. Link is where you paste the URL.


A relatedPika link is one of the choices from the XML form in the browser link under the Type field. Use this link type to add the URL to the grouped record from Pika into Link


A samePika link is one of the choices from the XML form in the browser link under the Type field. Use this link type to add the URL for the grouped work for the physical version of the archive object. When added, the grouped work for the physical object will have a button to direct users to the digital object in the archive.

When using a Grouped Work URL for an external link, there should be nothing following the grouped work ID in the URL you're using e.g. 'home' or

'Home?searchId=58227433&recordIndex=1&page=1&s' etc.

Do not link to individual bib records -- you must use a grouped work in Pika, as the grouped work ID is the datapoint Pika expects from Islandora records.

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Migrations Only - Context Notes

This information for the MIGRATIONS ONLY-Context Notes is different from the MIGRATIONS ONLY-Record Info. You do not need to do anything with these fields, because the information is added during a migration if the fields are relevant.

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Pika Options

In most cases you would want to leave both of the Pika Options as YES. The Include in Pika adds the object to Pika. If you want to restrict Pika from seeing an object, select NO. Show in Search Results means that the object will show up in Pika search results. You would uncheck this, for example, when adding a page to an existing article. You would want the article to appear in search results, but not each individual page. In most cases, this will be YES. Note: You will only see these two options when creating an entity. 

Restrict Access

Restrict Access is used for collections and objects. It restricts people from viewing the object, but not the metadata. You can find a list of the Restrict Access terms at Pika Restrict Access Options  

You would enter the term (except for default & all) and add the information after the colon. You can apply multiple restrictions.  The terms are case insensitive. Note: If nothing is specified for the object, the value of this setting for the parent collection is used. If the restriction type is not specified, the restriction type will be assumed as homelibraryorIP.

Claim Authorship

Show Claim Authorship Button is used with objects, specifically theses. The setting would be set to No when you do not want to show the button. 

If you like the creator to claim authorship, set it to Yes. This will give the creator the option to contact the library to claim authorship. 

For the Claim Authorship, you can set the form heading message the person will receive in your Pika settings under the local content archives.  You should also provide an email address for the library staff person who should receive the request. You can also view requests under the Archives tab and Archive Authorship Claims. Once a person/creator fills out the claim authorship form, you will need to create a person entity for that creator.

Include in DPLA

The Include in DPLA setting has a drop-down menu with three choices: Use Collection Setting, No, and Yes.  Some of your settings may be used to Use Collection Setting. The Use Collection Setting will include everything in the collection. The Yes setting will include that one piece of content. The No setting will not include the content.

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Ingest or Save Changes

Click on the Update button when you are finished to save updates or newly created MODS record.

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