Circulation Activity Reports / Web Management Reports (Sierra)

The Circulation Activity Reports analyze transaction-based information from Sierra. The Web Management Reports spreadsheet interface enables you to configure reports using a web browser, and then view the results in a spreadsheet on your PC. The system retains the source circulation statistics for these reports for up to 36 months. Note: All Circulation Activities in Web Management Reports are historical circulation statistics. Those statistics are not linked to the item record (or patron record) and will not be affected when a record is deleted.

Table of Contents

General Information

  1. Go to Reports and Circulation Activity Reports


  2. MLN1 libraries will go to  

  3. MLN2 libraries will go to


  1. Click on one of the four different reports tabs to start running the reports. 

  • All Circulation Activity displays all the circulation activities by statistics group, location, and time.

  • Circulation Cross Tabs display circulation activities by statistical types, location, rows, and columns with patron codes and item codes.

  • Patrons display circulation activity by patron type, item type, or item location. 

  • Checkouts display checkout activity by patron and item codes.

4. Login with your Sierra login and password

Marmot Members can also have a comprehensive set of custom reports created for you. Contact the User Services Manager to find out more about these reports.  

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All Circulation Activity

The Circulation – All Activity report shows the number of:

  • Checkouts

  • Check-ins

  • Renewals

  • Holds placed—The Holds column in this report represents holds that did not generate a recall.

  • Recalls (H1/Recall) column in this report represents holds that did generate a recall.

  • The All Activity report also calculates the percentage of total transactions performed.

Choose one of the following date ranges from the Dates section of the reports menu:

  • Yesterday

  • 2 days ago

  • 3 days ago

  • Month To Date

  • Year To Date

  • User Specified - Presents lists in which you can specify the year and month for the report Start Date and End DateNote: use the same month and year for the start date and end date to get one month’s worth of statistics.

  • Last Month 

Choose one of the following filters from the Sort By section of the reports menu:

  • Stat Group – Displays the number of transactions associated with each statistical group

    • Stat group 0 (virtual) 

      • The Holds column shows requests placed online.

      • The Renewals column shows renewals made online.

      • Note: only the stat group associated with the login that was used will display in the list of available stat group choices. Contact Marmot for more information.

  • Item Location – Displays the number of item transactions for each location or branch. 

    • Note that items belonging to location X, but checked in at location Y are reported under location X. In the report by the stat group, they are reported under the stat group number of location Y.

  • Hour – Displays the number of transactions that occurred each hour during a specified time span. 

    • Please note that this report cannot be limited by location, so this would show hourly checkouts for every Marmot Member library.

  • Limit – Enables you to restrict the report data by selecting parameters from the following drop-down lists:

    • Limit By:

      • All Locations: Creates one report for all locations in the system.

      • Location: Creates a separate report for each location selected from the Locations list. Use CTRL + mouse click to select multiple locations.

      • Stat Group: Creates one report that includes all of the stat groups selected from the list of stat groups. Select (check) the box next to each stat group you want to include in the report. Choose Select All to check all of the boxes, or Clear All to uncheck all of the boxes.

      • Hour: Creates a report of transactions occurring during the specified time(s). Use CTRL + mouse click to select multiple hours.

    • Type:

      • PTYPE: Displays use statistics by patron type (PTYPE is defined by your library).

      • PCODE1: Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE1 is chosen by your library).

      • PCODE2: Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE2 is chosen by your library).

      • PCODE3: Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE3 is chosen by your library).

      • PCODE4: Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE 4 is chosen by your library).

      • HOME LIBR: Displays use statistics by the patron's home library.

      • ICODE1: Displays use statistics by item code (ICODE1 is added by your library).

      • ICODE2: Displays use statistics by item code (ICODE2 is chosen by your library).

      • ITYPE Displays use statistics by item type (ITYPE is defined by the library).

      • LOCATION - Displays use statistics by item location.

      • CALL NUMBER - Displays use statistics by material call numbers.

Once you have picked the parameters for your report, click the Submit button.

The file will download at the bottom of the page for the computer you are using.  If you download more than one report, the name will change to report (#).xls.  Click on the file to open it. 

  • Your operating system might ask you to specify the application with which to open the downloaded file.

    • Choose "Microsoft Excel".

  • Excel might ask you if you want to enable or disable macros. Choose to Enable Macros. The templates use macros to create the graphical charts.

Note: If the report is more complex, the page displays the following message: “Your request has been processed. However, it may take some time to complete. Please go to the Review tab to see the status of the report.” If you see this message and choose the Review tab, your report appears at, or near, the top of the list with the status "working".  When the report is no longer "working," click the report title to download it to your PC.

The reports will reflect the parameters chosen.

The Limit filters do not show all parameters chosen on the column headers or within the title. 

Each spreadsheet will have tabs at the bottom with different ways to view the information.

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Circulation Cross Tabs

The Circulation Cross Tab reports enable you to construct custom queries about circulation activity over a specified time period.

Choose one of the following date ranges from the Dates section of the reports menu:

  • Yesterday

  • 2 days ago

  • 3 days ago

  • Month To Date

  • Year To Date

  • User Specified - Presents lists in which you can specify the year and month for the report Start Date and End Date. Note: use the same month and year for the start date and end date to get one month’s worth of statistics.

  • Last Month 

Specify the Statistic Type to report:

  • Checkout - Reports on all checkouts and renewals.

  • Holds - Reports on holds that did not generate a recall.

  • Hlds/Recall - Reports on holds that did generate a recall.

Choose an option from the Limited By drop-down list:

  • All Locations - Creates a report that includes all locations with transactions during the time period specified using the Dates drop-down menu.

  • Stat Group - Provides a list of statistics groups that had transactions during the specified period. When the stat groups appear, select (check) the box next to each stat group you want to include in the report. Choose Select All to check all of the boxes, or Clear All to uncheck all of the boxes. Note: only the stat group associated with the login that was used will display in the list of available stat group choices. Contact Marmot for more information.

Specify the data to appear in the report Rows and Columns:

  • PTYPE: Displays use statistics by patron type (PTYPE is defined by the library).

  • PCODE1: Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE1 is chosen by your library).

  • PCODE2: Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE2 is chosen by your library).

  • PCODE3: Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE3 is chosen by your library).

  • PCODE4: Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE 4 is chosen by your library).

  • HOME LIBR: Displays use statistics from the patron's home library.

  • ICODE1: Displays use statistics by item code (ICODE1 is added by your library).

  • ICODE2: Displays use statistics by item code (ICODE2 is chosen by your library).

  • ITYPE Displays use statistics by item type (ITYPE is defined by the library).

  • LOCATION - Displays use statistics by item location.

  • CALL NUMBER - Displays use statistics by material call numbers. 

    • The column option does not include the CALL NUMBER selection.

Once you have picked the parameters for your report, click the Submit button.

The file will download at the bottom of the page for the computer you are using.  If you download more than one report, the name will change to report (#).xls.  Click on the file to open it. 

  • Your operating system might ask you to specify the application with which to open the downloaded file. Choose "Microsoft Excel".

  • Excel might ask you if you want to enable or disable macros. Choose to Enable Macros. The templates use macros to create the graphical charts.

Note: If the report is more complex, the page displays the following message: “Your request has been processed. However, it may take some time to complete. Please go to the Review tab to see the status of the report.” 

When you click on the Review tab it may have the word “Working” to let you know the report has not finished processing. When the report is no longer "working," click the report title to download it to your PC.

The reports will reflect the parameters chosen.

Each spreadsheet will have tabs at the bottom with different ways to view the information.

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The Circulation Activity - Patrons report displays statistics on all items checked out as of midnight the previous night.

Choose one of the following from the Display By drop-down list:

  • Patron Type - Displays the number of patrons, the number of patrons with items, the number, and percentage of items, average items per user, the number of patrons with items overdue, the number of patrons with fines, and the total amount of fines, by patron type.

  • Item Type - Displays the number of items checked out, the number of items overdue, the number of fines and the total amount of fines, by item type.

  • Item Location -Displays the number of items checked out, the number of items overdue, the number of fines and the total amount of fines, by item location.

Reports by Item Type or Item Location

  • Reports by item type or item location include the following special lines of information:

    • Manual Charges - Manual charges are the current manual charges on the system. These charges cannot be included in any line for item type or item location because they are not linked to an item.

    • Item Deleted - Item deleted charges are charges for items that have been deleted from the system. These charges cannot be included in any line for item type or item location because the items have been deleted.

Once you have picked the parameter for your report, click the Submit button.

The file will download at the bottom of the page for the computer you are using.  If you download more than one report, the name will change to report (#).xls.  Click on the file to open it. 

  • Your operating system might ask you to specify the application with which to open the downloaded file. Choose "Microsoft Excel".

  • Excel might ask you if you want to enable or disable macros. Choose to Enable Macros. The templates use macros to create the graphical charts.

Note: If the report is more complex, the page displays the following message: “Your request has been processed. However, it may take some time to complete. Please go to the Review tab to see the status of the report.” If you see this message and choose the Review tab, your report appears at, or near, the top of the list with the status "working".  When the report is no longer "working," click the report title to download it to your PC.

Each spreadsheet will have tabs at the bottom with different ways to view the information.

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The Checkouts report provides an analysis of checkout activity.

Choose one of the following date ranges from the Dates drop-down list:

  • Yesterday

  • 2 days ago

  • 3 days ago

  • Month To Date

  • Year To Date

  • User Specified - Presents lists in which you can specify the year and month for the report Start Date and End DateNote: use the same month and year for the start date and end date to get one month’s worth of statistics.

  • Last Month

  • Other Reports - Enables you to select two or more non-consecutive months.

Specify the Locations for the report:

  • All Locations - Creates one report for all locations in the system.

  • Separate - Creates a separate report for each location in the system.

  • One Only - Creates one report for the locations served by the current statistics group. Note: only the stat group associated with the login that was used will display in the list of available stat group choices. Contact Marmot for more information.

  • Special - Provides a form for you to specify up to ten locations for the report.

Once you have picked the parameters for your report, click the Submit button.

The file will download at the bottom of the page for the computer you are using.  If you download more than one report, the name will change to report (#).xls.  Click on the file to open it. 

  • Your operating system might ask you to specify the application with which to open the downloaded file. Choose "Microsoft Excel".

  • Excel might ask you if you want to enable or disable macros. Choose to Enable Macros. The templates use macros to create the graphical charts.

The reports will reflect the parameters chosen.

Each spreadsheet will have tabs at the bottom with different ways to view the information.

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Deleting Older Reports

The Reports Review file can only hold a limited number of files.  Once this section becomes full, no one will be able to create a new file.  It is best to delete any of your old fills once you have downloaded the spreadsheet, or as soon as you no longer need the file.

Click on the Review tab.  Check the box next to the file(s) you want to delete.  Click the Delete button.

 A message-warning box will appear.  Click OK to delete the file. Click Cancel if you do not want to delete the file.

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Circulation Activity Report FAQs

Is it possible to track circulation statistics in Circulation Activity/Web Management Reports by login names?

  • No, it is not possible to track circulation statistics in Circulation Activity/Web Management Reports by login. The report tracks circulation statistics by statistics group numbers rather than by login names. Note: only the stat group associated with the login that was used will display in the list of available stat group choices. Contact Marmot for more information.

What statistics are returned by the 'One Only' location option in Checkout Circulation reports? For example, how does it differ from circulation activity reports for stat groups?

  • When you select the 'ONE ONLY' option, checkout statistics for item records with locations in the selected Location Served will be returned regardless of at what location the checkout occurred.

For example, your site has the following Location Served entry for 'm’ Main Library:

01 > m
02 > mjzzz
03 > mjptf
04 > mjpfi
05 > mjpmy
06 > mjpnf
07 > mjzpe
08 > mypnf
09 > mypfi
10 > mjpez
11 > mjpho

  • Therefore, selecting the 'm’ Main Library from the ONE ONLY list will return checkout statistics for item records with any of these locations since they all start with the letter “m”, regardless of what location the item was checked out.

  • Your site also has an entry for the Main Library in the Statistical Group Maintenance table. Statistics returned for this statistics group will include all circulation transactions performed by any login assigned to this statistics group regardless of the item record location.

Why do the Circulation Activity/Web Management Reports show check-ins occurring during early-morning hours (4:00 a.m., for example) when the library is closed?

  • Your library staff backdates check-ins (for example, when clearing a bookdrop). Backdated check-ins are counted as if they were checked in at 4:00 a.m. on the backdated date.

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Related Documentation


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