Using YouTrack

This documentation describes how to create an account and navigate YouTrack, the system Marmot’s Pika team uses for development management and ticketing.


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Create a YouTrack account

Sign up for an account at:

Sign up link is in the bottom left corner under the ‘Log in’ button.

Enter the required information in the form on the next page. 

After you sign up you will be directed to the home page for YouTrack.  This can be customized if desired, but most people will want to access the issues list.  If you are not directed to the home page, try navigating directly to

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Basic navigation and searching

To view all issues, click on Issues at the top left of the screen.  This will show you a list of issues for Pika.

Typically you will want to search for issues.  You can do simple keyword searches in the search box or you can search for specific things within the repository.  I.e. try searching for covers for a basic keyword search.  Or search for #Covers to find anything related to cover generation.  

There are filters on the left-hand panel below the Saved Searches.  This can be used to filter by a wide variety of criteria.  For example, to only show things that are not resolved you could use the following filters.  Make sure to click the Show link to apply the filter. 

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Submitting issues and commenting on existing issues

New issues can be reported by clicking the New Issue button at the top of the screen.

When creating issues, please include as much detail as you can so that we can reproduce the problem.  If you aren’t sure of how to word an issue or if you have questions about whether or not the issue should be added to YouTrack, please contact Marmot.

You can also add comments to issues so if you are encountering an issue that already exists in the system, please add a comment to the existing ticket rather than creating a new duplicate issue.  If you aren’t sure whether or not the original issue is similar enough, please let Marmot know.

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Pika Roadmap

If you want to see what we are working on in any given sprint you can visit the Pika Roadmap board by clicking on Agile Boards and limiting to the Pika Roadmap board.

The Roadmap board is a wider view of our current and upcoming development cycles. The stories on the Roadmap are usually stories or projects with more specific issues that contribute to the whole of the project linked within.

As work is completed the stories will flow from left to right over the course of the development cycle.  

If you want more information about any story from the Agile board you can double click the story to open it and read more detailed information and find links to related issues or tickets.

If you have questions about development in progress, please contact

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