MLN1 Processing Details

MLN1 Processing Details

These are the changes Marcive will make to MLN1 records

RDA Conversion on new records

Control number in 907$a

Update obsolete MARC content:
Leader and fixed field coding
Variable fields and subfields
Geographic codes
Language codes

Update numeric fields
Normalize 010
Normalize 020
Normalize 022

Fix filing indicators in standard title fields

Remove initial articles and fix filing indicator in 240 and 830

Remove "The" from the beginning of Subfield $t in:
600, 610, 611, 630, 700, 710, 711, 730, 800, 810, 811, 830

Remove "The" from the beginning of $t subfields in 505.

Standardize relator terms using RDA Relationship Designators

Convert relator codes to relator terms

Enhancement and RDA Conversion
Title statement
Physical description
Authorized access points
Generate CMC fields
Force Sears headings to LCSH
Delete obsolete $w

Provide URI in subfield $0

Process all standard authorized fields
100, 110, 111, 130, 240, 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 700, 710, 711, 730, 800, 810, 811, 830

Examine untraced series 490_0

Search only LoC NAF for name access points

Special processing of fiction by Marcive criteria

Subject terms to examine
LC subject terms
LC Children's terms
MeSH terms
Unspecified terms (6xx_4)
Other - Dedup LC & ACP

Create 655 based on 6xx$v, retain 6xx$v

Move recognized genre terms from 650 to 655

Process only these 655 fields
LC coded terms (655_0, $lcsh, $2lcgft)
GSAFD terms ($2gsafd)
MeSH coded terms (655_2, $2mesh)

Match first to LCGFT, then GSAFD

Sources of authority records
Library of Congress adult files
LoC Children's file
MeSH file
GSAFD file