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title | MARC tags not loaded |
| Notes |
011 | Not used in MARC | 012 | Only used by CONSER | 026 | Only used in rare book cataloging | 029 | OCLC uses this for non-OCLC control numbers | 085 | Synthesized Classification Number Components | 087 | Not used in MARC | 089 | Not used in MARC | 112 - 129 | Not used in MARC | 131 - 209 | Not used in MARC | 223 - 239 | Not used in MARC | 244 | Not used in MARC | 248 - 249 | Not used in MARC | 251 | Only used in rare book cataloging | 252 - 253 | Not used in MARC | 258 - 259 | | 266 - 269 | | 271 - 299 | | 491 - 499 | | 590 - 599 | Reserved for local notes | 712 - 719 | | 721 - 729 | | 741 - 751 | | 756 - 759 | | 778 - 779 | | 781 - 784 | | 788 - 789 | | 812 - 829 | | 831 - 839 | | 857 - 866 | | 869 - 879 | | 881 - 897 | | 899 | | 907 - 908 | Used to store local record numbers when records are exported Can be confusing if these are loaded into the system and stored, they may be exported again and will not be accurate. | 938 | Often filled with junk from other local systems | 948 | Used to record our authority vendor loading information | 960 - 961 | Used for creating order records, not needed to live in bib records | 988 - 989 | | 998 | |
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