This documentation will provide information about the holds process to help library staff understand how all three processes work.
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Types of Holds
There are two types of holds, the item-level hold, and the bib or title-level hold.
Item level holds can be placed through Sierra, Pika (OPAC) or Prospector
Bib level or title level holds can be placed through Sierra and Pika (OPAC), but not for Prospector
Item Level Holds - Sierra
An item-level hold is used to request one specific item at one specific library.
This hold is placed in the Sierra system.
Only a library staff member can place this hold in Sierra.
Item Level Holds – Pika (OPAC)
Marmot Library Network has developed a catalog or discovery layer named Pika.
Generally, a hold in Pika will be a bib or title level hold to allow for the first available item to be chosen to fill a patron’s hold.
Pika almost always places bib-level holds. The only time when pika prompts a user for an item level hold is when there is volume information. Also, if a patron can choose a specific edition from a specific library in Pika (OPAC). Some libraries break up DVDs. Sometimes Series on the same bib record become item-level requests in Pika.
Item Level Holds – Prospector/INN-Reach
Prospector is a group of academic, public, and special libraries in Colorado and Wyoming.
A Prospector hold is used to request items from libraries that are not Marmot Members.
Sierra uses the INN-Reach – Check-Out to Remote Site Function to process Prospector holds.
Patrons can place Prospector holds through the Prospector website or Pika.
Bib or Title Level Holds – Sierra
Marmot Members share a Union Catalog of over 2 million records.
One of the defining features of this shared catalog is sharing bibliographic (bib) records.
Members can attach their items on the same bib record.
This allows for a hold request for any of the items attached to the bib or title.
Only a library staff member can place a hold in Sierra.
Marmot highly recommends placing a bib or title level hold instead of an item level hold whenever possible.
Bib or Title Level Holds – Pika (OPAC)
Marmot Library Network has developed a catalog or discovery layer named Pika.
Pika has record grouping to allow all formats and editions of a work to be grouped together to help users easily identify which formats are available.
Any formats that are holdable and checked out will have a Place Hold button next to the title.
Patrons can place holds on physical items as well as OverDrive eContent items. However, not all sites allow their patrons to place a hold on OverDrive eContent items.
Placing Holds
A patron can place a hold in Pika and Prospector. A library staff member can place a hold in Sierra, Pika, and Prospector for a patron.
Placing Item Level Holds – Sierra
Item level holds should only be placed on items with volumes.
Marmot highly recommends placing a bib or title level hold instead of an item level hold whenever possible.
In Sierra, the Hold Selected Item button is located on the item record.
Search/Holds – Staff Placed Holds has more information about placing an item-level hold in Sierra.
The hold information will be displayed in the Item-Level Holds section of the Summary. It will display the following columns, Date Placed, Patron Name, Patron Type, Pickup At, Limit To, Not Before, Not After, Holdnote, and PickUp Date.
Issues with an item level hold in Sierra
Item level holds do not show up in the Item Paging Notices unless you click on the Place hold; print paging slip button. This will page for the item the next time you run your Item Paging Notices. However, this will only work if the item is checked out, or the item level hold is placed by another library.
If you do not page for the item, one way you may be able to find your item level holds would be to run youView Outstanding your Manage Holds report for your library or branch. Toggle the Hold Status to show all the item level holds.
Placing Item Level Holds – Pika (OPAC)
If a patron would like a specific item from a specific library, an item level hold can be placed in Pika.
The patron would have to pick the specific edition to place on hold.
By clicking on the Place Hold link for that specific edition, that patron is initiating the Patron Placed Hold (PPH) process.
The patron will see their home library pick-up location, and the Submit Hold Request.
The patron will be prompted to pick a specific edition. Once the specific item is chosen, the patron would click the Submit Hold Request.
The patron will receive a pop-up message letting them know their hold was placed successfully, and how they will be contacted.
The hold will not be processed until the loaning library runs its Item Paging Notice. The loaning library still has to get the book from the shelf and check it in.
The check-in process is what triggers the hold.
Staff members would check in the item using the Check In (No Patron) Function in Sierra.
On occasion, a patron may use the Place Hold button and the hold may fail because the specific library pickup location does not have any of those items that are holdable by that specific patron.
The patron would click on the Place Hold button for the item.
The patron will be prompted to log in to their account. The place hold box will appear. It will not be until they click on the Submit Hold Request button that they will know if they can place a hold.
If the specific item is not holdable for that specific patron they will get the Hold Failed pop-up box.
Placing Item Level Holds – Prospector/INN-Reach
Patrons can place item-level holds through Prospector.
Patrons can find Prospector items going directly to the Prospector website, or through Pika for your library.
Prospector Holds Process
The patron can search Prospector by subject or title.
The patron would need to click on Request it button.
The patron will have to select their home library and login in with their Sierra account information.
The hold will not be processed until the loaning library runs some type of Paging to prompt them to get the item from the shelf.
With most ILS systems (like Sierra) the check-in process is what triggers the hold.
Here is more information about INN-Reach and Prospector.
It is a good idea to have someone at your library run the INN-Reach Reports for Sierra to check on the status of your patron’s Prospector hold requests.
Prospector Items Found in Pika
Patrons can also get to Prospector through Pika. This feature must be enabled for your library.
The patron would do a search in Pika from your library homepage.
If the item is not owned by any library in Marmot, your patron will see No Results! page with the button See more results in Prospector. This button links directly to Prospector.
Patrons can also change the search drop-down menu to Prospector Catalog to search for Prospector items. This feature must be enabled for your library.
Prospector holds do show up in Sierra. It will display in the patron’s account under the INN-Reach tab.
The Prospector items also show up in Sierra. The Prospector information will show as the Due Date.
INN-Reach/Prospector Item Statuses
Prospector Cancel – This indicates that the first owing library canceled the hold, and the system sent the request to another library.
Prospector Messages
In Transit Message – The “in transit” message is located in the item record. It is added to the lending library’s item record. This message appears when the item has been checked out to the borrower at the borrowing library and is then checked in at the borrowing library.
Prospector Missing – The item is marked lost by the borrowing library.
Prospector Off Campus – This means an item is checked out to INN-Reach from the lending library. The status does not change until the item returns to the lending library and is checked in.
Prospector Paged – This means the item is waiting to be paged by a library to fulfill the hold for your patron.
Prospector Received – The item is received from the owning library. The item must be checked in, before it can be checked out to the patron.
Prospector Requested – When the item is first requested it gets the status of Prospector Requested.
Prospector Re-Requested – This indicates that the first owning library canceled the hold, and the system sent the request to another library. No new request is needed.
Prospector Returned – This means the patron has returned the Prospector item to their local library. The library has checked in the item to prompt for the slip with the loaning library’s courier code. The item should have been sent out by courier.
Prospector Status Changes
In Transit – When the lending library checks the item out in their system, the item message changes to “In Transit.”
Ready for Pick Up – Once the item is checked in at the borrowing library, the message changes to “ready for pick up.”
INN-Reach checks whether there are holds on the item at the owning site before the INN-Reach item can be renewed from the patron site. During the renewal process, this feature displays additional messages to patron site staff and the renewing patron, communicating the results of the check for owning-site holds.
Renew Pending - This means the INN-Reach query was unsuccessful so the item status is changed to Renewal Pending and sends a query message to the owning site and waits for a response.
Renew Denied - This means the owning site has a hold on the item, and the system updates the virtual item status to Renewal Denied. The item will retain the original due date.
Renewed - This means the owning site has no holds on the item and the virtual record will be updated. A circulation message will be sent to the owning site and the new due date added to the item record.
Issues with item level hold in Prospector/INN-Reach
The Prospector slip does not print correctly when checked in.
You may have to write down the information manually
Barcode will not scan
Add the letter b to the front of the barcode
Add the letter p or x to the end of the barcode
Add 9jcpp to the end of a Jeffco item
Add 9 to the end of the barcode
Do not include the letters at the end of the Prospector or Mobius barcodes
If none of this works you may have to send the item back
INN-Reach checkout that affects checked in items
After correctly checking out the item using the INN-Reach function, make sure not to check it in again using the Check-In (No Patron) function. This will cancel the Prospector Hold.
Prospector returned items cannot be checked out or deleted.
You have checked in one of your items that were returned from a Prospector hold, but it states the item is still checked out. This usually occurs when the borrowing library does not check the item into their system.
Change the item status to @ PRSPCTR OFFCMP. Save your work.
Check in the item using the Check-In (No Patron) function.
Here is a link to a page about INN-Reach/Prospector Check-In Issues.
Placing a Bib or Title Level Holds – Sierra
Marmot Members share a Union Catalog of over 2 million records.
One of the defining features of this shared catalog is sharing bibliographic (bib) records.
Members can attach their items on the same bib record.
This allows for a hold request for any of the items attached to the bib or title.
Only a library staff member can place a hold in Sierra.
Marmot highly recommends placing a bib or title level hold instead of an item level hold whenever possible.
In Sierra, you would go to the Search/Hold Function to begin your search.
In Sierra, the Hold Copy Returned Soonest will put a bib or title-level hold. This puts the hold on the bib or title and not the item.
Since Marmot libraries can see everyone’s patrons, it is best to scan the barcode of the patron. Otherwise, when typing a name, you could confuse patrons with the same name. This is probably one of the main reasons why a patron may state they never requested an item. You can also be in the patron’s record to request a hold as well.
The Place a Title-level Hold box will appear. It will show the patron’s name and p number. When available, the drop-down menu for Pickup Location and Limit to Location can be changed. Also, dates can be added to the Not Wanted Before and Not Wanted After fields. Click OK.
The Title Paging Options box will appear. You will have two choices. Page for title will have the item show up in your Bib or Title Paging Notice. Do Not page will not have the item show up in the paging notice.
The Information will be displayed in the patron’s record under the Holds tab. You can see the Barcode listed as COPY RTD SOONEST.
The hold information will be displayed in the Bib-Level Holds section of the Summary. It will display the following columns, Date Placed, Patron Name, Patron Type, Pickup At, Limit To, Not Before, Not After, Holdnote, and PickUp Date.
Placing a Bib or Title Level Holds – Pika (OPAC)
Marmot Library Network has developed a catalog or discovery layer named Pika.
Pika has record grouping to allow all formats and editions of a work to be grouped together to help users easily identify which formats are available.
Patrons can place holds on physical items as well as OverDrive eContent items. For fiction, the editions are sorted so that the "most available" editions to the patron come first. For non-fiction, the editions are sorted so that the latest editions come first (highest-numbered edition for primary sort, publication date as a secondary sort).
In Pika (OPAC) a patron will normally be searching your library’s catalog. However, we will be using the Marmot Union Catalog for this section.
Patrons can search by title, author, subject, or keyword search. In fact, patrons can search the entire catalog by starting with a blank search (searching for nothing returns everything), and clicking the Go button.
Any formats that are holdable and checked out will have a Place Hold button next to the item. Here is an example of one title that has many formats grouped to the record. This allows your patron to place a hold on any format with the Place Hold button.
Place a Hold video has more information about placing a hold in Pika.
Here is more information about Pika/OPAC/Catalog.
Fulfilling Holds
All the holds that were placed in Sierra (Item and Bib Holds), in Pika, and in Prospector can only be fulfilled when libraries run their paging notices. Running the notices is the first step in the process. Libraries should run their notices daily.
Fulfilling Holds Process – Running Notices
We are going to look at the notices, so you can get a general idea of how this process works.
Someone who has permission to run notices would go to the Notices Function in Sierra.
The notices that need to be run daily are the Bib or Title Paging, the Item Paging, and the INN-Reach Paging. Some libraries run their notices manually, while other libraries automate the process.
Running these notices will either print out a list of items or email a list of items. This list is needed to find the items in your stacks.
The title/bib paging slips are for items requested through Sierra and Pika.
The item paging slips are for items requested through Sierra.
The INN-reach paging slips are for Prospector requests.
Fulfilling Holds Process – Finding items in your stacks
The items from the paging slips (title/bib, item, and INN-Reach) all need to be pulled from your shelves.
Fulfilling Holds Process – Checking in items (Sierra)
The items need to be checked in using the Check-In (No Patron) Function in Sierra.
Anytime an item with a hold is checked in, there will be a pop-up box asking you to click on one of three choices: Fulfill hold, Check in, do not fulfill hold, or Cancel hold.
Fulfill hold – This will change the item status to “on hold shelf”
Check in, do not fulfill hold – This will move the hold to another library
Cancel hold – This will cancel the patron’s hold. This should not be clicked unless you know the patron wants their hold canceled.
Fulfilling Holds Process – INN-Reach – Check-Out to Remote Site (Sierra)
Once the paged item has been retrieved from the shelf, you would need to use the INN-Reach –Check-Out to Remote Site Function.
Scan or type the barcode of the item.
A Message box will appear with information about the requesting patron and library. The status of PRSPCTR PAGED will be cleared. Click OK.
The information on the screen is the borrowing library patron’s name. This will show the barcode, the item title, the delivery stop, and the due date. The Delivery Stop information (C122) is written on the courier slip.
Below is an example of the INN-Reach courier slip that is printed out when running the INN-Reach paging notice. It will have the item and the borrowing patron information. You will need to fill out the information on the right side.
The TO is for the courier code of the borrowing library (example C122).
The FROM is the courier code for the lending library.
Here is an example of a hold on a Marmot item done through Prospector. This can happen when a Marmot patron uses Prospector to place a hold on their library’s item instead of using Pika/OPAC. Once you click OK, the message will go away. The slip for this item should be in with your other INN-Reach Paging Slips.
The item will have the status of @PRSPCTR OFFCMP (Prospector Off Campus)
The removes the hold from the hold queue
The INN-Reach message is retained in the item record:
IR00:00-00-00 requested by .p000000000@site1 for pickup at location
This will create a virtual record for the borrowing library. Marmot libraries will check in the item. This will prompt the system to create a hold slip with the patron’s information.
Fulfilling Holds Process – INN-Reach – Check-In (No Patron) Sierra
Prospector items received through the courier must be checked in to process the hold.
Scan the item into the Check-In (No Patron) function.
Select Yes from the Message box.
Select Fulfill hold.
If you select the Print pickup slip now for remote site patron, incomplete paperwork without a transit slip will print to the selected printer. However, the item still needs to be processed using the INN-Reach-Check-Out to Remote Site function.
Selecting the Queue pickup slip for later printing will send the information to the INN-Reach notice. When the INN-Reach paging list is run again, the hold on the item will reappear and the complete paperwork can be (re)printed. The item can be processed as usual using the INN-Reach - Check-Out to Remote Site function.
Fulfilling Holds Process – Checking in Items with Holds (Videos)
Sierra Check-In (No Patron) local hold for a local patron (Video)
Sierra Check-In (No Patron) remote hold for a local patron (Video)
Sierra Check-In (No Patron) local item for a remote hold - In Transit (Video)
Sierra Check-In (No Patron) INN-Reach/Prospector Items (Video)
Fulfilling Holds Process – Notifying the Patron of a Hold Pickup
Once an item is checked in, the patron will not know the hold is ready unless your library runs the Hold Pickup notice. Your patrons will be notified by either email, phone, or mail. This depends on your patron’s or the library’s preference.
Fulfilling Holds Process – Sending Items thru the Courier
Each checked-in item should prompt for a courier slip that should print out to a receipt or local printer.
This printout is should be placed with the item that is going out to the courier
The Patron Placed Holds Best Practice has more information about sending items through the courier. Look for the section about Bundling and crating for the statewide courier.
Here is more information about Patron Place Holds.
Fulfilling Holds Process – Issues
At times, there will be a printout of a hold slip for a book, but it will have another library’s patron information. This could occur because ON HOLDSHELF was selected instead of IN TRANSIT.
You would need to check in the item again, and select IN TRANSIT.
You might scan in an item that will show up as In Transit. The item was probably delivered to the wrong library location or the hold changed while in transit.
You would need to check in the item again, and select IN TRANSIT.
When printing a transit slip you may get the word NULL instead of the code.Some items, like Prospector, may not automatically print the library CLiC number at the top of the transit slip.
You will need to check in the item and write the number from the screen.
“No Record Found” pops up when Prospector Item scanned
Insert a barcode into an incoming Prospector Record. Pull up the patron’s record using the information on the transit slip. Click on the “Inn Reach Tab” and find the title in question. If there is a barcode attached to that record, use that number.
If the barcode field is blank, right-click on that record and insert the barcode from the slip.
Canceling Holds
Items may need to be canceled for many different reasons. Library staff can cancel holds for patrons using Sierra or Pika (OPAC). Patrons may also cancel their holds by using Pika (OPAC).
It is best to run the Hold Cancellation Notices every day. Hold cancellation notices/letters will be generated and sent to the patron by email. Any patron who does not have an email listed in their Sierra account will need to have the notice mailed to them. Libraries may choose to address each notice before alerting the patron.
The system generates a hold cancellation notice when a hold has been canceled, or when a library runs the Clear Expired Holds and Holdshelf report.
Canceling Item Level Holds – Sierra
Library staff members can cancel an item level hold in Sierra.
The hold can be canceled from the patron’s account.
Go to Check Out (Circulation Desk) Function.
Either scan or type the patron’s barcode or search for the patron.
Once you are in the patron’s account, click on the Holds tab to display the hold information. Click on the box under the word All, this makes the buttons active. Click on the Cancel Holds button.
The Cancel Hold box will appear. Pick the box that works best for the reason you are canceling the hold.
The hold can be canceled from the item record
Go to Search/Holds to find the record
You can search for the title
You can scan or type in the barcode of the item
Once the item record is open, click on the Item-Level Hold tab to display the hold information. Click on the box under the word All, this makes the buttons active. Click on the Cancel Holds button.
The Cancel Hold box will appear. Pick the box that works best for the reason you are canceling the hold. Note: Items that have the status of “In Transit” cannot be canceled until they are received by the loaning or borrowing library, and checked in.
Canceling Item Level Holds – Pika (OPAC)
Patrons can cancel an item level hold or bibliographic level hold in Pika (OPAC).
Library staff can log into Pika with the patron’s name and library card number to cancel the patron’s hold.
How a patron would cancel his or her own hold.
The patron would need to log in to their Pika account through their home library. However, for this example, we will be using the Marmot Union Catalog.
Once logged in, the patron can click on the Titles on Hold link to view all their holds.
Once the patron clicks on the Titles on Hold link, the holds on their account will show. If they want to cancel a hold, they just need to click on the Cancel Hold button.
The Cancel Hold box will appear asking if the person is sure they want to cancel the hold. The patron will need to click the Confirm Cancel Hold button.
Canceling Item Level Holds – Prospector/INN-Reach
Items with the status of PRSPCTR PAGED (Prospector Paged) can be canceled in Sierra. Use the Search/Holds Function to look up or scan the item barcode.
You could click on the Item-Level Holds tab to display the hold information. Click on the box under the word All, this makes the buttons active. Click on the Cancel Holds button.
The Cancel Hold box will appear. Pick the box that works best for the reason you are canceling the hold.
Note: if one of your items is paged by accident, you can click the Cancel Hold button. Once the button has been clicked the Choose an INN-Reach cancellation message box will appear. Click on the Local data error (item does not circulate) message. This may happen when there is an error with a missing code, incorrect p-type, or icode. These are good reasons this message would be the one to use. Click OK.
Canceling Items - Issues with Prospector Canceled Titles
Once a Prospector hold has been canceled, it will show up in the INN-Reach tab on the patron’s account with the status of PRSPCTR CANCLD (Prospector Canceled).
This information does not go away, so you cannot delete the patron’s account.
In fact, only Innovative can remove this information from the patron’s account.
In order to have this removed, you would need to contact Marmot to open a ticket with Innovative. This process normally takes a day to resolve.
Canceling Bib or Title Level Holds – Sierra
Library staff members can cancel a bib or title level hold in Sierra.
The hold can be canceled from the patron’s account.
Go to Check Out (Circulation Desk) Function.
Either scan or type the patron’s barcode or search for the patron.
Once you are in the patron’s account, click on the Holds tab to display the hold information. Click on the box under the word All, this makes the buttons active. Click on the Cancel Holds button. A bib or title level hold will have the Copy RTD Soonest information for the barcode. The hold does not get a barcode associated with it until a library checks in the item.
It is best to click “Yes” to the question, “Print hold cancel notice.” Otherwise, the patron will not know if their hold has been canceled. Click the “No” button for a patron who may not want to receive a cancel notice, especially if they have asked for the hold to be canceled. The Choose a hold cancel message box will appear. Pick a message that works for your library.
The hold can be canceled from the item record
Go to Search/Holds to find the record
You can search for the title
You can scan or type in the barcode of the item
Once the item record is open, click on the Bib-Level Hold tab to display the hold information. Click on the box under the word All, this makes the buttons active. Click on the Cancel Holds button.
It is best to click “Yes” to the question, “Print hold cancel notice.” Otherwise, the patron will not know if their hold has been canceled. The Choose a hold cancel message box will appear. Pick a message that works for your library. Click Yes.
Canceling Bib or Title Level Holds – Pika (OPAC)
Patrons can cancel any bib or title level hold in Pika (OPAC).
Library staff can log into Pika with the patron’s name and library card number to cancel the patron’s hold.
How a patron would cancel his or her own hold.
The patron would need to log in to their Pika account through their home library. However, for this example, we will be using the Marmot Union Catalog.
Once logged in, the patron can click on the Titles on Hold link to view all their holds.
Once the patron clicks on the Titles on Hold link, the holds on their account will show. If they want to cancel a hold, they just need to click on the Cancel Hold button.
The Cancel Hold box will appear asking if the person is sure they want to cancel the hold. The patron will need to click the Confirm Cancel Hold button.
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