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When a user creates a review file, the system associates the author's login with that file. The author's login name appears in black text. When someone has claimed ownership of a review file, the file ownership feature turns the login to red italic text that indicates ownership. The Login column is blank for empty or unowned review files.


The login of an already created review file will now appear inred Italics.


Using an empty review file, the system adds the current login to the Login column. The login appears in red italics.


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Releasing a Revie File

To release any of your owned review files, select the owned review file (one with the red italic login). Click on the Release button from the toolbar.  If you are not the owner, the system will not allow you to release the review file from ownership.  In addition, not everyone will have permission to release a review file.  In that case, Marmot staff will release any owned empty review files.



The system clears the Login column for an empty review file. If the review file had your login, it will now appear in black text.


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