Info |
This is a load profile for loading MARC non-OCLC bibliographic records. Label The label in Data Exchange : is (B) Load a non-OCLC MARC file [msc] Label on On the Sierra server : it is called m2btab.msc |
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title | Type of records loaded |
Bib and item records will be loaded |
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title | Interactive 949 // commands |
These commands will override defaults. This is rarely used. recs = Load profile bn = bib location ct = Cat Date b1 = Bib Lvl b2 = Mat Type b3 = Spec’l Use la = Language cy = Country Format Code Block |
949 // \\$a*recs=msc;bn=cu;ct=01-18-2021;b1=m;b2=a;b3=w;la=spa;cy=cou; |
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title | 001 field processing |
Processed by m2bmap.sky translation map. This translation map removes OCLC prefixes from 001 field. Other prefixes are left in place. SkyRiver prefix is left in place. |
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title | MARC tags not loaded |
| Notes |
011 | | 012 | Only used by CONSER | 026 | Only used in rare book cataloging | 029 | OCLC uses this for non-OCLC control numbers | 085 | Synthesized Classification Number Components | 087 | | 089 | | 112 - 129 | | 131 - 209 | | 223 - 239 | | 244 | | 248 - 249 | | 251 | Only used in rare book cataloging | 252 - 253 | | 258 - 259 | | 266 - 269 | | 271 - 299 | | 491 - 499 | | 590 - 599 | Reserved for local notes | 712 - 719 | | 721 - 729 | | 741 - 751 | | 756 - 759 | | 778 - 779 | | 781 - 784 | | 788 - 789 | | 812 - 829 | | 831 - 839 | | 857 - 866 | | 869 - 879 | | 881 - 897 | | 899 | | 907 - 908 | Used to store local record numbers when records are exported Can be confusing if these are loaded into the system and stored, they may be exported again and will not be accurate. | 938 | Often filled with junk from other local systems | 948 | Used to record our authority vendor loading information | 960 - 961 | Used for creating order records, not needed to live in bib records | 988 - 989 | | 998 | |
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Will The load will create one item record for each 949 1 field included in each MARC record. Element | Incoming | Target |
Call number MARC tag | subfield z | MARC tag | Call number prefix | subfield d | subfield d | Classification number | subfield a | subfield d | Cutter number | subfield b | subfield b | Call number suffix | subfield e or k | subfield e or k | Volume | subfield c | volume field | Local note | subfield f | variable local note | Copy number | subfield g | fixed copy number | Agency | subfield h | fixed agency number | Barcode | subfield i | variable barcode field | Price2 | subfield j | variable price2 field (not currently used) | Location | subfield l | fixed item location field | Pop up circ message | subfield m | variable message field | Internal note | subfield n | variable internal note field | OPAC message | subfield o | fixed OPAC message field (only works in classic catalog) | Price | subfield p | fixed price field | Icode1 | subfield q | fixed Icode1 field | Icode2 | subfield r | fixed Icode2 field | Status | subfield s | fixed status field | Itype | subfield t | fixed Itype field | Owning location | subfield l | variable owning location field (no idea what this is for) | eContent | subfield w | variable eContent field (used by Pika for electronic resources from Sierra, rarely used) |
Code Block |
| 949 /1 $z090$dPRE$cE842$b\1$z090$dPRE$cE842$b.D28 2003$eSUF$h13$i1050003456789$lculmb$mMESSAGE$t18 |
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