Patron Record Variable-length Fields (Sierra)
The following information describes the variable-length fields in patron records.
Variable-length Fields in Patron Records for MLN1 Libraries
When choosing the Field for Create Lists, numbers are associated with the patron variable-length fields.
Field Group Tag | Field | Description | Data in Field Entered by | Examples |
a | ADDRESS | The patron's primary address. Separate lines with a '$' and no space. Physical notices will be sent to this email address. | libraries | a5850 Shellmound Way$Grand Junction, CO 81501 |
h | ADDRESS2 | An alternate address for the patron. Separate lines with a '$' and no space. General, this is a secondary address if the patron is a part-time resident in the area of the library, a visitor, or a student with another permanent address. | libraries | h67 rue Saint Jaques$75005 Paris, France |
c | BIRTH DATE | Variable-length fields used to search for a patron. | libraries/ Marmot | c01-01-1980 |
5 | BOOKING | Inserted in the patron record of the patron making the booking and the item record of the item being booked. | system |
s | CITY STATE | These fields can be used for statistical reporting or gathering. | libraries | sGrand Junction, CO |
| The patron's email address. In this field, you can enter multiple email addresses separated by a comma. Depending on your permissions, you can right-click the patron's email address field and email the patron. Note that this facility calls your workstation's web browser to interpret the "mailto" URL embedded in the display of this address and send the email. Your site's system administrator may have to configure your workstation's browser to allow the sending of emails. For information about sending notices by email, see Sending Circulation Notices via Email. | libraries | |
1 | FAMILY ID | Optional system-generated field indicating that the patron belongs to a linked patrons group. Note that this field will appear only if your library uses Linked Patrons feature. This feature allows two or more related patron records to be linked into a linked patron group. | system | 148 |
y | GRADE LVL | Used by schools. | libraries/ Marmot | y10 |
g | Graduation Year | Used by schools and academic libraries. | libraries/ Marmot | g2020 |
f | Guardian | For the juvenile card only: Click on Insert Field and select the field which says PARNT/GUAR and enter the parent’s full name. | libraries | f00-000-0000 CO DL Jane Doe |
8 | HOLD | Holds. Maintained by the system as items are requested by patrons and pages. | system | 8P#=116718, I#=1000357, P=12-21-12, NNB=12-25-13 (4 days), RLA =41, NNA=01-31-98, ST=0, TP=b, PU=main |
r | Homeroom | Used in conjunction with the Prepared Overdues Report. | libraries/ Marmot | Chosen by individual libraries |
j | IIITest | Used by iii for testing. |
i | INPUTTER | Used to add the name or initials of the person creating a patron record. | libraries | iZXY or iJane Doe |
l | Legal Name | This field is indexed in the name index so you can find the patron by Legal Name or Patron Name. | libraries/ Marmot | iDoe, Abigail |
m | MESSAGE | A free text message field. A patron record can contain multiple MESSAGE fields, but only the first one displays when you check out items to the patron. The message pops up every time you open the patron record. | libraries | mThis patron may check out materials from the local history collection. |
o | Mobile Phone No. | The patron's mobile phone number is entered when the patron opts in to SMS Alerts. Note that the system does not opt the patron out of SMS Alerts if you delete this field from the patron's record. | system | o9706556200 |
x | NOTE | Free text note. A patron record can contain multiple NOTE fields. The NOTE fields do not display to patrons who view their records. | libraries | xApproved for special collections. |
b | P BARCODE | The patron's barcode. | libraries | b11541190038 |
v | Password Reset | The Password Reset field will contain the date the patron password was last reset. | libraries | vpassword set by patron load |
q | Patron Alias | Alias is a custom code decided by individual libraries in the patron records. Libraries can use them for patron privacy on hold shelf slips rather than patron names. This field creates a custom hold slip for patrons to pick up their holds from a hold self. Contact Marmot to set up this slip for your library. | libraries | q000MAPI |
n | PATRN NAME | The name of the patron. Entered as last name, first name. The comma and space are used to reverse the name for notices. | libraries | nDoe, Abby |
= | PIN | PINs are case-sensitive Unicode characters with a maximum length of 64 characters. The requirements in place for Sierra is at least 6 characters. However, we do suggest that library staff adopt a suggestion structure that follows standard password complexity suggestions. The PIN cannot contain common trivial patterns. For example:
| library patrons | =5Brla@A |
w | Shoutbomb Notice Preference | Marmot uses Shoutbomb notice. Library staff must add the "shoutbomb notice preference" field to patron records for those who want to use Shoutbomb SMS. | libraries | wv,ws,wvs
u | UNIQ ID or Unique ID No. | An ID that the library does not issue but wants to associate with the patron; for example, a social security number or student ID. | libraries | u980-45-5555 |
4 | VIRTUAL REC | This field is associated with the virtual item records from INN-Reach/Prospector listed in the INN-Reach tab of a patron’s record. To view a patron's virtual item:
| system |
e | WEB NOTE | This custom field is set at the global level for all Marmot members. This field has been disabled to not display in the Classic Catalog or the Pika catalog. | libraries |
d | ZIP | The field can be used for statistical reporting or gathering. | libraries | d81501 |
Sierra DNA for Record Properties (MLN1 & MLN2)
The following variable-length fields are found using Sierra DNA. Each row of patron_record_property contains primary descriptive data from a specific patron record.
Column | Data Type | Not Null? | Comment |
P101 First Name | varchar
| false
| First name. For non-MARC records, first, and middle names are parsed by searching for the first comma and second space; the string following the first comma and up to the second space is assumed to be the first name. |
P102 Last Name | varchar
| false
| Last name. For non-MARC records, first, and middle names are parsed by searching for the first comma and second space; the string preceding the first comma is assumed to be the last name. |
P103 Middle Name | varchar
| false | Middle name. For non-MARC records, first, and middle names are parsed by searching for the first comma and second space; the string following the second space is assumed to be the middle name. |
P104 Name Suffix | varchar
| false | Name suffix. This field is populated only on systems that use MARC patron records. |
P105 Name Prefix | varchar
| false | Prefix, or title. This field is populated only on systems that use MARC patron records. |
P109 Full Name | varchar
| false | Each row of the patron record full name contains a full patron name from a patron record. |
P004 Address Addr1 | varchar
| false | The first line of the patron address. |
P005 Address Addr2 | varchar
| false | The second line of the patron address. |
P006 Address Addr3 | varchar | false | The third line of the patron address. |
P007 Address Village | varchar | false | The village of the patron address. (Used only at UK sites.) |
P008 Address City | varchar | false | The city of the patron address. |
P009 Address Region | varchar | false | The region of the patron address. (US State or Canadian Province) |
P010 Address Postal Code | varchar | false | The postal code of the patron address. |
P011 Address Country | varchar | false | The country of the patron address. |
P012 Address1 | varchar | false | Contact address line 1. This is the physical address to which notices will be mailed. |
P013 Address2 | varchar | false | Contact address line 1. |
P201 Telephone | varchar | false | The patron's primary telephone number. It can be used to search for the patron record. |
P202 Telephone2 | varchar | false | An alternate telephone number for the patron. It can be used to search for the patron record.
Variable-length Fields in Patron Records for MLN2 Libraries
When choosing the Field for Create Lists, numbers are associated with the patron variable-length fields.
Field Group Tag | Field | Description | Data in Field Entered by | Examples |
a | ADDRESS | The patron's primary address. Separate lines with a '$' and no space. | libraries | a5850 Shellmound Way$Longmont, CO 80501 |
h | ADDRESS2 | An alternate address for the patron. Separate lines with a '$' and no space. | libraries | h67 rue Saint Jaques$75005 Paris, France |
s | ALIAS | Alias is a custom code decided by individual libraries in the patron records. Libraries can use them for patron privacy on hold shelf slips rather than patron names. This field creates a custom hold slip for patrons to pick up their holds from a hold self. Contact Marmot to set up this slip for your library. | libraries | q000MAPI |
u | CDL/SSN | An ID that the library does not issue but wants to associate with the patron; for example, a Colorado driver’s license or a social security number. | libraries | u980-45-5555 |
d | DOB | Variable-length fields used to search for a patron. | libraries/Marmot | c01-01-1980 |
z | EMAIL ADDR | The patron’s email address. In this field, you can enter multiple email addresses separated by a comma. Depending on your permissions, you can right-click the patron's email address field and send an email to the patron. Your site's system administrator may have to configure your workstation's browser to allow sending of email. For information about sending notices by email, see Sending Circulation Notices via Email. | libraries |, |
8 | HOLD | Holds. Maintained by the system as items are requested by patrons and pages. | system | 8P#=116718, I#=1000357, P=12-21-12, NNB=12-25-13 (4 days), RLA =41, NNA=01-31-98, ST=0, TP=b, PU=main |
i | LANGUAGE | Used to include the primary language of the patron | libraries | ieng |
l | LEGAL NAME | This field is indexed in the name index so you can find the patron by Legal Name or Patron Name. | libraries/Marmot | lDoe, Abigail |
! | MARC tag | MARC tag can be used to narrow down a search in Create Lists | libraries |
m | MESSAGE | A free text message field. A patron record can contain multiple MESSAGE fields, but only the first one displays when you check out items to the patron. The message pops up every time you open the patron record. | libraries | mThis patron may check out materials from the local history collection. |
n | NOTE | Free text note. A patron record can contain multiple NOTE fields. The NOTE fields do not display to patrons who view their records. | libraries | xApproved for special collections. |
b | P BARCODE | The patron's barcode. | libraries | b11541190038 |
g | PARNT/GUAR | For the juvenile card only: Click on Insert Field and select the field which says PARNT/GUAR and enter the parent’s full name. | libraries | f00-000-0000 CO DL Jane Doe |
n | PATRN NAME | The name of the patron. Entered as last name, first name. The comma and space are used to reverse the name for notices. | libraries | nSmith, John |
= | PIN | The 4- digit numerical code. Typically, the PIN is the last four digits of the phone number, but the patron can set it as any alpha-numeric password. | library patrons | =12ab |
c | SCHOOL | Used to list the school associated with the patron. | libraries | cBOULDER HIGH SCHOOL |
r | SRP | This field is no longer used. |
4 | VIRTUALREC | This field is associated with the virtual item records from INN-Reach/Prospector listed in the INN-Reach tab of a patron’s record. To view a patron's virtual item:
| system |
o | WEST/ADCO | This field is no longer used. |
Related Documentation
Delete a Patron Record (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Editing a Patron Record (Check Out (Circulation Desk)) (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Save and Load Change Commands (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Remove Records from a Review File (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Patron Record Fixed Length Field Definitions (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Clearing Count Use Numbers from Item Records (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Merging Duplicate Patron Records (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Delete Records Function (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Change Patron Expiration Date (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Adding a Message to Item Records (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
View Review File Information (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Command Type Fields (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Change Item Status (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Service/Topic and Roles Label Key (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Changes to Variable Fields in Patron Records for MLN1 (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)