Might be used by libraries for different pickup areas, maybe within a larger library e.g. 1st floor,
When can holds be canceled?
When a hold is on-shelf for pickup, it cannot be canceled
Holds can be canceled up until which point it’s filled
ILS and ILL holds will expire after 5 days on hold shelf
Should canceled holds display?
Could create a third section for cancelled holds if library wants to display
Cancelled holds display in the current system for 30 days from cancel date
ILL holds will be valuable to display cancelled holds for, but not ILS holds
No action buttons for canceled holds in cancelled holds section
What workstation ID should be assigned to a request?
Clearview staff will make a unique workstation ID for holds generated from Pika
“One Click” Holds
Normal “request” process (ILS holds/ILL holds) takes the user through several steps, where the catalog prompts the user to answer a number of questions
“One-Click” seems to answer all the questions
Pika shouldn’t replicate the same question and response process for normal holds are placed
Are there any conditional statuses/questions that should be followed?
Volume /Item Holds
Normal place hold functionality in Pika
All occurs within the same screen/pop-up
Staff patrons can place holds on behalf of patrons
Linked accounts can place holds for managed accounts in the same screen
ILL/Prospector hold requests
When are marc records created in local ILS? Hold placed? Checkout?
MARC record is created when the item is received
Record comes from Prospector record
Can ILL holds be suspended/frozen?
Yes, before they’ve been shipped
Can ILL holds be canceled?
5 day on hold shelf until expire
Double check which ILL status code for “Ready for Pickup”, “In Transit” ?
Status code of an inter-library loan (ILL) request. 1 - Inactive 3 - Active 5 - Shipped (In transit) 10 - Received-Held (Ready for Pickup) 11 - Received-Transferred (In transit) 12 - Received-Satisfied (pickup) 13 - Received-Used (pickup) 14 - Received-Unused (pickup) 15 - Returned 16 - Cancelled (show in Cancelled section)
See if the vendor can add an 856 for images
Please review other sideloads
State Gov Docs
CHNC collection
Hoopla Craftsy subcollection?
Additional notes
Pascal is going to start with bibliographic extraction work this coming week (08.05)
We don’t have a finalized timeline for go-live, training, etc. as of yet
✅ Action items
Clearview staff will make a unique workstation ID for holds generated from Pika
Clearview staff will test if ILL/Prospector holds can be frozen
Clearview staff will test other statuses for ILL holds
Clearview staff to provide a few bibs with items with volume information
Clearview will investigate with III about nightly full exports
Possibly a different IP
Marmot will investigate possible search facet for Hoopla Craftsy and (maybe) Great Courses?