Patrons with Billed Items (Statement of Checked-out Items or Statement of Charges) (Create Lists)

We are going to use this Create List review file in conjunction with the statement of checked-out items from the Notices Function.  This can be run towards the end of a semester, or whenever you want to remind your patrons that they have billed items on their patron record.  In order to create a review file for billed items for the statement of checked-out items, you can only use the Patron review files.

Table of Contents

Create List File Creation

Go to Create Lists from the Sierra Function dropdown.

You can pick an empty review file, or change All to Empty.  You can change Max Records to display the available review files in order by size.  This will let you see all the available review files.  Pick a review file that will work for your search.  Highlight the file, by clicking on it.  Click Search Records.

Once you locate a review file, change the Store Record Type to PATRON p. Label the Review File Name to include the two or three identifying letters of your library.  The rest of the file name should match your search term.  

The review file will be patrons with billed items.  Double click in the box under Type.  This will bring up the Select Me box.  Either click on PATRON or type p. Click OK.               

Double-click in the box under Field.  This will bring up the Select Me box again.  Click 47 P TYPE. Click OK.

Double-click in the box under Condition.  This will bring up the Select Me box again.  Depending on what P-Type you would like to include in the review file for billed items, you would choose = equal to, or w between.  

Equal To

The equal to search allows you to choose only one P TYPE for your search.  You would enter the P-Type number in Value A.


The between search allows you to pick all of your ptypes or just a few.  You would enter the P-Types in Value A & Value B.

Click Append Line to add a new line at the bottom.  Insert Line will put a line above the cursor.

In this example, we are looking for patrons using one ptype and an Item with the Status equal to n which is Billed. Click the Search button when finished.

Once you have created the list of patrons, go to the Notices Specific to Certain Library to see how to run the statement of charges or the statement of checkout-out items.


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