The report has the Institutional Overdues, Paged Too Long, Paged Too Long, Requested Too Long, In Transit Too Long, Received Too Long instructions.

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INN-Reach Reports used in Sierra

To access all of these reports you must be in the INN-Reach - Reports function in Sierra.

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Institutional Overdues

  1. Minimum days: 14

  2. Sort by: Item Location

  3. Click the “Prepare” button to run the report

  4. The Report box will appear.  This report may take up to 14 minutes to process. 

  5. Copy and Paste the information about your items into a spreadsheet. Make sure to copy the patron #, Item Location, Call #, Title, Home Library, and Due Date fields.

    1. Patron # is the virtual patron record number of the patron to whom the item is checked out and overdue. 

    2. Item Location is the code and name of the item's owning site.

    3. Call # is the call number of the overdue item. 

    4. Title is the title of the overdue item.

    5. Home Library is the patron's home library.

    6. Due Date is the date the item was due.

  6. Compare items in this report to the titles that appeared last time you ran the report. If this is the first time running this report, make sure to keep the report to compare next time.

  7. Perform a shelf check:

    1. If found: check in and clear “off campus” status

    2. b. If not found: check the record, contact the library if it has been “In Transit” too long. 

      1. Email Subject: Prospector institutional overdue - Memo: would you do a shelf check for these items?“

      2. Prospector contact list - Go to Document Delivery Committee - Click on the Committee Member List.

  8. Items will stay on this list until Prospector Reconciliation Time. Here is information about the Prospector Reconciliation Process.  Here are the Reconciliation guidelines.  Here is the Prospector Reconciliation Policy. Any item from the previous year will remain on record until reconciliation time at the end of the current year. Ex: Items from 2020 will remain on the reports until reconciliation at the end of 2021.  When running the report, keep old data to compare.

  9. See the Holds Process for Sierra, Pika, and Prospector to learn more about canceling a Prospector hold.

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Paged Too Long

  1. Minimum days: 2

  2. Sort by: Item Location

  3. Click the “Prepare” button to run the report.

  4. The Report box will appear.  This report may take up to 14 minutes to process. 

  5. Copy and Paste the information about your items into a spreadsheet. Make sure to copy the Item #, Item Location, Call #, Title, Home Library, and Paged Date fields.

    1. Item # is the real item record number of the paged item.

    2. Item Location is the code and name of the item's owning site.

    3. Call # is the call number of the paged item. 

    4. Title is the title of the paged item.

    5. Home Library is the patron's home library.

    6. Paged Date is the date the item status was changed to '(' (PAGED).

  6. Retrieve items from the shelf:

    1. If the item is not on the shelf, wait a week to see if the item ends up checked out to the Prospector patron.

    2. If it is on the list longer than a week, mark missing and cancel the hold.

  7. When you have the item(s), use the Sierra Check-in (No Patron) function to check in the item.

    1. You will see a pop-up stating that the item is requested by (Name) Prospector Library. Select YES to check in the item.

    2. A second pop-up will ask you if you want to fulfill the hold, select YES.

    3. A third pop-up will appear asking you to either print transit slip or queue for later printing. Select “queue for later printing, “if you run the Prospector/INN-Reach Paging Slips.  

    4. Click on the print transit slip option, if you want to print the paging slip now.

  8. Run Prospector/INN-Reach Paging Slips and process items normally, if you went with the 7c option.  

  9. See the Holds Process for Sierra, Pika, and Prospector to learn more about canceling a Prospector hold.

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Returned Too Long

  1. Minimum days:14

  2. Sort by: Patron Home Library

  3. Click the “Prepare” button to run the report.

  4. The Report box will appear.  This report may take up to 14 minutes to process. 

  5. Copy and Paste the information about your patrons into a spreadsheet. Make sure to copy the Item Location, Call #, Title, Home Library, Patron #, and Returned Dates.

    1. Item Location is the code and name of the item's owning site.

    2. Call # is the call number of the returned item. 

    3. Title is the title of the returned item.

    4. Home Library is the patron's home library.

    5. Patron # is the system-generated patron record number of the patron for whom the item was returned.

    6. Returned Date is the date the item status was changed to '%' (RETURNED).

  6. Compare items in this report to the titles that appeared last time you ran the report.  If this is your first time running the report, keep the information from this report to compare next time.

  7. Perform a shelf check for any item or new items from the list comparison, or all items if running the report for the first time.

  8. If not on your shelves, contact the lending library and ask them to do a shelf check.

  9. If the item was physically returned to the lending library but not checked incorrectly, the item will appear on this list. Sometimes, it really did never make it to the home library. The home library will need to decide what to do about their missing item. 

  10. Prospector contact list - Go to Document Delivery Committee - Click on the Committee Member List.

  11. See the Holds Process for Sierra, Pika, and Prospector to learn more about canceling a Prospector hold.

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Requested Too Long

  1. Minimum days: 14

  2. Sort by: Patron Home Library

  3. Click the “Prepare” button to run the report.

  4. The Report box will appear.  This report may take up to 14 minutes to process. 

  5. Copy and Paste the information about your patrons into a spreadsheet. Make sure to copy the Item Location, Call #, Title, Home Library, Patron #, and Requested Date.

    1. Item Location is the code and name of the item's owning site.

    2. Call # is the call number of the requested item. 

    3. Title is the title of the requested item.

    4. Home Library is the patron's home library.

    5. Patron # is the system-generated patron record number of the requesting patron.

    6. Requested Date is the date the item status was changed to '&' (REQUESTED).

  6. Compare items in this report to the titles that appeared last time you ran the report.  If this is your first time running the report, keep the information from this report to compare next time.

  7. Check the status of the item in the Prospector catalog.

    1. If the item is “on shelf,” cancel the hold through Sierra, and replace the request (depending on the amount of time that has elapsed since the patron made the request, you may want to contact the patron first).

    2. If unavailable by other sources, do not cancel the hold

    3. Look for alternative sources for the material if all copies are checked out in the Prospector catalog.  You may want to check your library’s catalog or the Marmot Union Catalog for the item.

  8. Canceling the hold through Sierra:

    1. Look up the patron # or .p number in Sierra.  Here are instructions on how to look up the Patron # or .p number.

    2. The hold will be listed under Holds and INN-Reach.  

    3. Click on the Holds tab to display the patron’s hold.  Look for the item that was requested too long in the report.  Click on the All box to highlight the item information.  The Cancel Hold button will become active.  

    4. See the Holds Process for Sierra, Pika, and Prospector to learn more about canceling a Prospector hold.

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In Transit Too Long

  1. Minimum  days:14

  2. Sort by: Patron Home Library

  3. Click the “Prepare” button to run the report.

  4. The Report box will appear.  This report may take up to 14 minutes to process. 

  5. Copy and Paste the information about your patrons into a spreadsheet. Make sure to copy the Item Location, Call #, Title, Home Library, Patron #, and In-Transit Date.

    1. Item Location is the code and name of the item's owning site.

    2. Call # is the call number of the in-transit item. 

    3. Title is the title of the in-transit item.

    4. Home Library is the patron's home library.

    5. Patron # is the system-generated patron record number of the patron for whom the item is in transit.

    6. In Transit Date is the date the item status was changed to 't' (IN TRANSIT).

  6. Compare items in this report to the titles that appeared last time you ran the report.  If this is your first time running the report, keep the information from this report to compare next time.

  7. Perform a shelf check for any item or new items from the list comparison, or all items if running the report for the first time.

    1. If not on your shelf, contact the lending library and ask them to do a shelf check.

    2. Prospector contact list - Go to Document Delivery Committee - Click on the Committee Member List.

    3. If the loaning library cannot find the item, you may want to check the Prospector catalog again or contact your patron to find out if they still want the item.

  8. Canceling the hold through Sierra:

    1. Look up the patron # or .p number in Sierra.  Here are instructions on how to look up the Patron # or .p number.

    2. The hold will be listed under Holds and INN-Reach.  

    3. Click on the Holds tab to display the patron’s hold.  Look for the item that was requested too long in the report.  Click on the All box to highlight the item information.  The Cancel Hold button will become active.  

    4. See the Holds Process for Sierra, Pika, and Prospector to learn more about canceling a Prospector hold.

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Received Too Long

  1. Minimum day: 10

  2. Sort by: Patron Home Library

  3. Click the “Prepare” button to run the report.

  4. The Report box will appear.  This report may take up to 14 minutes to process. 

  5. Copy and Paste the information about your patrons into a spreadsheet. Make sure to copy the Item Location, Call #, Title, Home Library, Patron #, and In Received Date.

    1. Item Location is the code and name of the item's owning site.

    2. Call # is the call number of the item. 

    3. Title is the title of the item.

    4. Home Library is the patron's home library.

    5. Patron # is the system-generated patron record number of the requesting patron.

    6. Received Date is the date the item status was changed to '#' (RECEIVED).

  6. Perform a hold-shelf check to see if the item is in fact still on your hold shelf.

    1. If the item is NOT on the hold shelf, check the building, check your shelves, and check re-shelving carts. 

    2. If the item is not in the building, contact the patron who has the item on hold to find out if they still have the item (this could mean the item was not checked out correctly, or this means the item is really missing).

    3. If not located, email the lending library and ask them to do a shelf check. Prospector contact list - Go to Document Delivery Committee  - Click on the Committee Member List.

    4. If the item IS on the hold shelf, return the item to the lending library as per the date on the hold slip.

    5. To return a Prospector item go to the Functions drop-down menu in Sierra → INN Reach → Return Unwanted Items and scan the barcode

    6. See the Holds Process for Sierra, Pika, and Prospector to learn more about canceling a Prospector hold.

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