The following information describes the fixed-length fields in an order record.
Table of Contents
The following table describes the fixed-length fields in order records. Fixed-length fields may be limited by the code's length, the code's definition, the length of the code name, and the maximum number of codes.
Each fixed-length field contains one of the following:
A code is chosen from a set of valid codes
A date (note limits below)
A monetary amount.
Each code has a definition. For example, the fixed-length field ACQ TYPE can contain the code p, which for ACQ TYPE is defined as "purchase." The set of valid codes and their definitions differs for each fixed-length field in a record type.
For some fixed-length fields, Marmot members can determine the codes and definitions. Other fixed-length fields contain MARC codes or codes set by the system.
Field Label | Description | Code is | Limits | |
ACQ TYPE or Acq Type | The library-defined acquisition type or the method of paying for the material. | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum code length: 1 character a Maximum number of codes: 32 Maximum length of code definitions: 25 characters | |
BLOC or Billing Location | Billing location (bill to address). Codes are the same as the RLOC codes and are stored with an associated address in the Receiving and Billing Locations table. | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum code length: 3 characters Maximum number of codes: 2000 Maximum length of code name: 27 characters | |
CDATE or Cat Date | Cataloging date. CDATE can affect the display of order records in the WebPAC. CDATE can be filled in by the template associated with a load table, by including the See MLN1 96x control field to create order records for more information.
| Month-Day-Year (mm-dd-yy or mm-dd-yyyy) or Day-Month-Year (dd-mm-yy or dd-mm-yyyy) | Single entry in a valid date format | |
CLAIM or Claim | Controls or reports claiming activity. Codes and definitions are system-generated. Do not change or delete CLAIM field definitions. | Lowercase Alphabetic | Maximum code length: 1 character | |
CODE1 (Order Code 1) CODE2 (Order Code 2) CODE3 (Order Code 3) CODE4 (Order Code 4) | Libraries determine the name and purpose of the CODE1 - CODE3 fields, their codes, and the codes' definitions. CODE4 is used for suppression | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum code length: 1 character Maximum number of codes: 32 for each field Maximum length of code definitions: 25 characters | |
COPIES or Copies | The number of copies ordered. Affects the dollar amount that will be encumbered. | Numeric | Maximum number of copies: 1,000 for bibliographic records; 255 for check-in records; 1,000 for order records; 255 for EDIFACT orders | |
COUNTRY or Country | The country of publication. COUNTRY is based on the MARC 21 Code List of Countries, or ISO 3166/MA standard for UNIMARC systems. | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum of 500 country codes. Maximum code length: 3 characters | |
E_PRICE or Est. Price | Estimated price for one copy of the ordered item. This amount is used for encumbering purposes. If the estimated price is in a foreign currency, as you enter the new order, you can have the system convert it so that the E PRICE will be in your currency (see the variable-length field FOR CURR). | Numeric, with separators and currency symbols, allowed | Maximum dollar amount: $1,000,000.00 | |
FORM or Form | The physical form of the material. Your library can define the codes. | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum code length: 1 character Maximum number of codes: 32 Maximum length of code definitions: 25 characters | |
FUND or Fund | Fund against which the material will be encumbered and paid. MLN1 Libraries (tip) The Sierra manual refers to a MULTI code for the fixed-length field FUND, however there is no pre-set option called "Multi.” To use more than one fund for multiple copies of a book, you can manually add a second fund by selecting "add row." It lets you add a second fund along with the number of copies of the book to be charged to that fund. | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric characters. | Maximum code length: 15 characters Maximum length of code definitions: 19 characters The maximum number of fund codes allowed in a single order record is 100. Maximum number of codes: Up to 5000. | |
LANG or Language | Language of the material. LANG is based on the MARC 21 Code List for Languages (also used by UNIMARC format). | Alphabetic | The system can contain a maximum of 800 language codes. Maximum code length: 3 characters | |
LOCATION or Location | Shelving location or branch. The same set of codes is used for the LOCATION field recorded in the bibliographic, item, order, and checkin records. These various location codes are independent of each other. Marmot defines the codes, which are stored in one file for use in bibliographic, order, item, checkin, patron, and course records. | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum number of codes: 10,000 Maximum code length: 5 characters Maximum length of code definitions: 25 characters Maximum 100 LOCATION fields in one order record. | |
ODATE or Order Date | The date the material was ordered. | System | N/A | |
ORD NOTE or Order Note | Note: the following codes ("-", "r", "c", and "f") are user-input codes. Note: the following codes (numeric codes 1-9 and "-") are system-input codes, and are used in conjunction with the codes ("-", "r", "c", and "f"). Note: The MLN1 following codes (a, b, n, d, h, o, x) are for use with the optional EDIFACT Invoicing product. | |||
ORD NOTE or Order Note | Codes ("-", "r", "c", and "f") Note that prints on the purchase order form. Do not remove the "NO MESSAGE" value from the table of valid codes and definitions; you will not be able to remove messages if you do. Do not remove the "RUSH" code or change its definition. Changing the definition will not change what the system does when the "RUSH" code is used. Do not remove the "NO ORD NOTE" value ("NO ORD NOTE" is represented by a hyphen). | Lowercase Alphabetic | Maximum code length: 1 character Maximum number of codes: 32 Maximum length of definitions/notes: 25 characters | |
Codes (numeric codes 1-9 and "-") Specifies a delay for claims on the order. The length of time specified by this code is added to the days-before-claim set by the VENDOR code to delay the claiming (if, for instance, the material is not yet published). Note that these values are hard-coded and cannot be changed. | Numeric | Maximum code length: 1 character Maximum length of definitions/notes: 25 characters | ||
MLN1 Libraries - EDIFACT purchase order priority codes. To use these codes, configure the Vendor Priority Mappings table. | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum code length: 1 character Maximum number of codes: 32 Maximum length of definitions/notes: 25 characters | ||
ORD TYPE or Order Type | The way the material is acquired. | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum code length: 1 character Maximum number of codes: 32 Maximum length of code definitions: 25 characters | |
RACTION or Recv Action | Receiving action, usually indicating special handling. Use in conjunction with the variable-length field INT NOTE, which would contain the special action to be taken. During Rapid Updating, this field can be selected to trigger the full order record to display.
| lowercase alphabetic or numeric | Maximum code length: 1 character Maximum number of codes: 32 Maximum length of code definitions: 25 characters | |
RDATE or Recv Date | The date of receipt. The date in this field indicates when, and if, an order has been completely received. If there is neither an RDATE nor an ODATE, the item will be selected for claiming. RDATE can affect the display of order records in the Classic Catalog/WebPAC. | Month-Day-Year (mm-dd-yy or mm-dd-yyyy) or Day-Month-Year (dd-mm-yy or dd-mm-yyyy) | N/A | |
RLOC or Recv Location | The receiving location (ship to address). The code is linked to a 27-character name and an address of 4 lines of up to 30 characters each. The code in this field on a checkin record determines what return address prints on serial issue claim forms. The three-character code and the associated address. | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum code length: 3 characters Maximum number of codes: 2000 Maximum length of code name: 27 characters | |
STATUS(o) or Status | Financial encumbering/disencumbering status of record. Encumbering and disencumbering can take place only if the order has a status other than '1', '2', 'a', 'f', or 'z', a valid fund, and an amount in the E PRICE field. STATUS(o): BASIC RULES Code: o or c Rule: The system encumbers an amount equal to the E PRICE multiplied by the number of copies ordered and disencumbers the amount of the E PRICE for each copy as payment is made. STATUS will change to 'a' or 'd' when full payment is made for all copies. If an order record's STATUS is changed from '1' or '2' to 'o' or 'c', the system will ask if you want to print a purchase order. Code: a, d or z Rule: All disencumbering has been done. Code: q or e Rule: Some disencumbering has taken place, due to partial payment, which will be taken into consideration when disencumbering further payments. Code: 1 Rule: No encumbering takes place since no firm decision to order has been made. An order with STATUS'1' is not considered a real order by the system, so no further ordering activity is allowed, i.e., no payments can be made, no Purchase Order can be printed, no statistics in vendor recalculation. You cannot change the status on a saved record to '1' from any other status but '2'. Code: 2 Rule: No encumbering, since approval plan item was rejected. No further ordering activity is allowed (i.e., no payments and no statistics in vendor recalculation) because an order with STATUS'2' is not considered a payable order by the system, which sets the status during the accept item(s) or reject item(s) phase of invoice processing. Although you can set the STATUS to '2' manually, Innovative strongly advises against this because the system will not recognize the item as rejected and will continue with the payment despite the change to the STATUS field. Code: f Rule: No encumbering and no disencumbering, but payments can be made. Often used for active serials. Records with status 'f' are not claimable and are not retrieved through Claim/Cancel. To cancel, use the Cancel by Vendor menu option. Code: g Rule: Does not encumber when the order is created, but disencumbers amount equal to the paid amount (including the order's share of the shipping charges), regardless of E PRICE and how many payments have already been made. (For serial renewals.) | All of the STATUS codes cause specific software action, and you cannot alter, delete, or add to them. | ||
TLOC or Transit Location | Marmot defines codes for temporary shelving locations. If code is 'P', indicates that a purchase order has been requested. (This code is an option that must be turned on. | Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum code length: 1 character Maximum number of codes: 32 Maximum length of code definitions: 25 characters | |
VENDOR or Vendor | Library defined field for the vendor who handles the order. Determines the vendor that prints on the purchase order (unless the order record's VEN ADDR variable-length field has a value). In a checkin record, this field identifies the vendor who supplies the serial and determines the mailing address that prints on serial issue claim forms. If a vendor record does not exist, you can enter:
| Lowercase Alphabetic or Numeric | Maximum code length: 5 characters Maximum number of codes: 30,000 Names and address lines/length: 4 or 5 lines of 28 characters each | |
VOLUMES or Volumes | The number of volumes for this title. The system uses the value in this field when creating Statistical Reports. Default value is '1'. | Numeric | Numeric (0-32767) |
Handle order records with a status of ‘o’ or ‘1’ as on-order
When library staff make their order records and expect them to be displayed in the catalog
RDATE gets set when an invoice is loaded
MLN2 uses the setting (suppressOrderRecordsThatAreCatalogged).
These status codes filter the order records extracted for MLN2 Pika: o, a, 1, q, f, d.
The order record settings are in the Pika configuration and are set by Marmot staff for libraries.
One setting is when the received date gets set in the order record
If (suppressOrderRecordsThatAreReceived), this ignores entries with a set received date more than a day old (a day to allow for the transition from order item to regular item)
If an order record only has a received date entered, then records with a received date but not a cataloging date are not fetched as an order record.
Another setting is when the catalog date gets set in the order record
If (suppressOrderRecordsThatAreCataloged), this ignores entries with a set catalog date more than one day old (a day to allow for the transition from order item to regular item)
If an order record only has a cataloged date entered, then records with a cataloged date but not a received date are not fetched as an order record.
Still, another setting is when the catalog date and the receive date are both set in the order record.
If (supressOrderRecordsThatAreReceivedAndCataloged), this only ignores entries that have both a received and catalog date and a catalog date more than a day old.
If an order records both the received date and cataloged date entered, then records are not fetched as order records.
The acquisition model's advantage is that it shows how many copies are on order. Multiple orders might be on a single bib, and every order has a sum number of copies.
Or None of these options: this is the fourth unofficial setting or condition, which means that none of the suppression dates are being used as order record dates. So, the only filtering factor would be the order record status. This is the condition that Marmot is using. As long as the order record is ‘o’ (On Order) or ‘1’ (On Hold), Pika fetches and displays it.
Note: If a library’s workflow has changed or the wrong setting is chosen, this could mean that the order record stops displaying until the item record is cataloged. This could mean that the order item does not display in the catalog for several days. |
As far as the catalog is concerned, dummy items are straightforward. It treats it like a regular record, except it has a unique status that Pika determines as On Order.
For more information on how order records are displayed in the Pika catalog, please refer to the Order Record Information for Pika.
Why are not all order Fixed-length Fields updated in a set or records using Global or Rapid Update?
Four fixed-length fields in order records impact encumbrances and cannot be edited using Global or Rapid Update. The four fields are copies, price, fund, and status. Changing any of these four fields must be done one record at a time.
Why am I unable to change Code 4 in Order records?
Be sure Permission 191 is not enabled. It limits the order record's status to 1 and prevents you from editing other parts of it.
Can fixed-length field labels be exported using the Export Records function in Create Lists?
Fixed-length field labels cannot be exported using the Export Records function; only the fixed-length field code can be exported. To export fixed-length field labels, use the List Records function in Create Lists and select the option to "Display meanings of fixed-length fields instead of codes.”