These instructions will walk you through a process techs will refer to as “power-cycling” a device. This procedure can generally be done with various electronic devices, such as computers, modems, printers, monitors, and switches. Some devices will require some modification of certain steps.

This process is also sometimes referred to as “draining the flea power”. Regardless of what it might be called, the process removes remaining small amounts of power from the circuitry of the device, often taking with it problematic commands, as the memory they reside in has its power fully depleted.

(blue star) Instructions

You might be asked to power-cycle a device as part of the remedy for several issues including, but not limited to: a TPM error, unresponsive printer, misfunctioning monitor, an unresponsive computer, or any issue with a device that a regular reboot does not resolve. It is also recommended to try this when confronted with ”BSOD” (Blue Screen Of Death or Black Screen Of Death).

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