This is the password used to log into your computer itself, not Sierra, and not your email.

To prepare for this, you need two things:

1) The old password – if you don’t have this, please call the Marmot Help Desk to help you through the process.  We will have to give you a new temporary password.

2) Your new password

For security purposes, this should never be a simple password, such as your zip-code, birth date or even the same as your login user name.  If your library district has a password convention, be sure to follow that.  Otherwise, Marmot recommends a password at least 8 characters long, containing both letters and numbers, as well as at least one capital letter.  Best practice would be to also include a “special character” such as !, #, $, %, ^, or ?.  Do not put your password on a sticky note on the computer, monitor, or under the keyboard, or anywhere visible!  These are the keys to all of your private information, as well as every patron or member of a Marmot Library!

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